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"Hey, what is up you guys? It's your girl, Savannah, coming to you from my bedroom." I began. "Next to me is none other than Mr. Joseph Graham Sugg." I introduced.

"Oh don't say my full name."

"Just say hi, Joe." I shook my head.

"Hello." He waved, smiling.

"Today we are doing The Boyfriend Tag."

"Can I ask the questions?" Joe asked.

I shook my head. "I want to ask."

"Please." He made a pouty face.

"Yea- no. Let's get started." I chuckled. "First question, where did we meet?"

"Am I the only one that's supposed to answer?" Joe laughed.

"Well, no. We both answer, but I figured you'd like to answer." I shrugged smiling.

"We met at Vidcon during the summer of 2016." He informed.

I laughed. "The first time we actually spoke, well I didn't really say much, but the first time he ever said anything to me was when he accidentally knocked on mine and Daisy's hotel room, thinking it was his and Caspar's."

"Oh my God, I remember that. It wasn't on purpose, by the way." Joe pointed out. "Not intentional, I legit thought that was our room."

We laughed and then I continued. "Second question. Where was our first date?"

"Tough." He thought.

"Tough? Is it tough because you cannot remember?" I gasped.

"Well what do you consider the first date? I consider when we were filming at the hotel room there at Vidcon." Joe stated.

"But you see, that's not an actual date. We were barely getting to know one another and it wasn't a date. It was us filming." I replied.

"Then what do you consider the first date?" he asked.

"The first date was when I went to visit you at London."

"Oh yeah!" he recalled and I laughed. "Our first date was in London. We were at my apartment and were watching movies. Needless to say, we fell asleep cuddling. And it is considered a first date because we just hung out, and we both knew we liked each other."

"I think I have a picture of it!" I searched through my phone and it was in my favorited album. Joe was resting on me and looked so adorable. He held my phone and went back to the notes.

"I'll be asking the questions, now." he smirked. "Third question, what was your first impression of me? Oh this is a good one." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I laugh, feeling a bit shy. "It's hard to say. I mean, I would always watch your videos. So do I say the first time I saw your video, or the first time I saw you in person?" I wondered.

"Say both, and I'll say both." He grinned, grabbed my hand.

"Ahhh. The first time I saw a video of yours, it was... My Sister Does My Make up." and I just thought you were very funny; I couldn't stop laughing."

"That was the first video you ever saw of me?" he freaked. "Of all videos."

"It popped up in my recommended!" I exclaimed, laughing. "But that's it. I just thought you were really funny and then I began checking out your channel videos."

"So now what did you think when you saw me in person for the first time, I was completely shocked. I didn't expect you at my front door of the hotel room. I was just freaking out."

"So you didn't think: oh bloody hell, he's absolutely gorgeous!" Joe mimicked.

"No." I shook my head laughing. "I didn't think that."

Joe then said that the first video he saw of mine was a vlog of me spending time with my family and then spending a day out and about with Daisy. He had been looking at random vlogs and mine popped up. Joe enjoyed the way I had edited it, and checked out my other videos. He was speechless when he first saw me in person, and said I looked very beautiful which made me blush and he kissed my cheek.

The next question was when we met each other's parents to which we answered that Joe met mine when we were about four months in. I met his father when we barely started seeing each other, and met his mother on New Year's (2 months ago). The next question was when was our first kiss; it was when we filmed our first video together because "we bumped". The first to say I love you was Joe.

We also answered which foods and drinks the other didn't like, shoe size, and favorite T.V. shows. We stated what weird customs the other has, what they're very good at and bad, what we often do when we're together, and how long we've been together which is 6 months.

The rest of the day consisted of us cooking, chilling, and having coitus. We had even bathed together which was relaxing in the hot water, until Joe farted. At night we cuddled and fell asleep together early.


I woke up to Joe's alarm ringing. He had woken up as well and turned it off, then rested his eyes. I shook him softly, cooing his name for him to get up. He didn't listen, so I just got up and got ready in the rest room. I wore little to no makeup, brushed my teeth, put my hair in a fish tail braid and I wore jean shorts with an oversized gray t-shirt and my gray sandals.

When I was finished, which took about 45 minutes, Joe was still asleep. I screamed in his face to which he jumped his head up, causing his head to hit my forehead and knock me on my ass. We both winced in pain as I called him a fucking idiot, but he only laughed and apologized. I told him to hurry and get ready so we could go eat breakfast before his flight. An hour and a half later, we were at Denny's eating and talking.

"Would you ever move to the UK with me?" Joe wondered.

"How many times are you going to ask me that, babe?" I whined.

"As many times as it takes for you to say yes." He chuckled.

I shook my head. "You know I love it there, and I love you and your family and friends, but I've got plans right now. I can't just up and leave. Plus, I've got the collab channel with Daisy and the tour coming up next week. Too many things going on right now."

"Well for one, Daisy can move as well." He suggested.

"You really think she wants to be farther away from Kian?" I retorted.

He stayed silent for a while. "I just... I don't know if I can do this any longer." He whispered.

I immediately glanced up. "Are you, are you breaking up with me?"

"No!" he exclaimed. "No, of course not. I'm just tired of having to travel back and forth. I mean, what if you lived both here with me?"

I gathered my thoughts as I ate the pancakes. "Joe, I don't think I can afford to pay for two houses."

"You won't have to!" he replied.

I continued to think about it. "What time is it?" I asked. "You can't miss your flight."

We finished eating and I changed the subject. When he brought it up again, I said I'd think about it and talk to Daisy. Leaving Denny's, I then dropped him off at the airport, as we hugged and kissed goodbye. I arrived home about half an hour later, entered the house and exhaled deeply.

"This is too much to think about." I whispered to myself.

Turning the television on in the living room, I connected to YouTube, chose my saved playlist and had the volume up high as I began to clean. I put away the blankets, washed the dishes, took out the trash, began to wash my clothes, swept and mopped, and fed Mocha and Lana as I took out their pads.

As I was about to edit yesterday's video, I received a text message from Daisy that she would be landing in about ten minutes so I replied that I'd be on my way. I put my sandals back on, grabbed my wallet, phone, and keys and headed out the door. Before arriving, I decided to pump gas and buy a water.

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