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5:45 PM

We had been waiting in the parking lot for the guys, and they weren't going to arrive until about fifteen more minutes. Our conversation ended about Kimberly and Celeste. We hadn't encountered much hate, so it was sort of new to us. We decided to throw away the cake, just in case anything happened, and we even locked up everything. It was a safe neighborhood, but we didn't understand how they found our address or what they could possibly do.

"So are you still talking to Kian?" I asked Daisy.

She glanced up from her phone, "Yeah, we've been texting non-stop." She smiled. "What about you and Joe?"

"Oh, it's just casual talk. But usually we don't text a lot, mostly because of the time difference."

"Did he say if he and Caspar would come after all?" Daisy wondered, replying to another text from Kian.

I shook my head. "I have yet to ask. He's been filming with Alex Wassabi, well at least I think so because that's all I see on their Snapchat story."

"Is it just Joe and Caspar, or the rest of the gang as well?" she asked.

"Not sure. Pretty sure Josh is with them. I know Oli left because of his book tour, and Marcus left with Jim. So it's probably just the three of them." I responded.

"Well, whenever you find out if they're coming, let me know." She replied, and began texting Kian again.

"Are they here yet?" I asked.

"They're going to land in a bit."


"Welcome to our house." Daisy stated, opening the front door.

The guys entered and were in awe. They complimented our house, and thought it would be something more girly. They hadn't seen our house tour video, so that's why they were in awe. We took the guys to the basement and showed them the beds that they'd be sharing.

"So there isn't an extra bedroom in this house?" JC wondered.

I shook my head. "Just two bedrooms and one closet. I suppose if there were a third person, they would make either the office or basement a bedroom."

They nodded their heads and then placed their luggage near the sofas. With all of us sitting down, we began talking. First it was about if they were jetlagged and if they waited a day so they could get new clothes. It was a yes for both of our questions. We then informed them about the girls Kimberly and Celeste.

"Damn, they sound bat shit crazy." Kian sighed.

"I think it was this girl named Lois who used to live here." JC stated. "Because you said that they said there used to be a YouTuber who lived here, I think it was Lois. I used to be friends with her but she went on into the music industry."

We nodded our heads, and then Daisy asked, "Have you two ever encountered anything similar to this?"

"Once, I think. I mean, they weren't asking to collaborate with us... but they clearly didn't like us." Kian answered.

"Who was it?" I questioned.

"Our neighbors." JC began laughing.

I shook my head but laughed with them. We decided to let the guys sleep off the jet lag for tonight, but tomorrow we were going to get started with the videos. Before we left them alone, they were quick to ask for the Wi-Fi password. I let Daisy give them the password, and made my way upstairs and into my bedroom.

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