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I stood at the front door of Kian and JC's house and heard yelling of asking who was at the door. When it opened, there stood Dom.

"Hey, Daisy!" he grinned.

"Hey Dom." I nodded then he made way for me to enter.

"They're just filming at the moment." Dom informed.

Dom pulled up a chair for me and I sat next to him, the sunglasses and hat still on, hiding last night's trouble. I dropped my luggage next to me and Hazel walked up to me with a tennis ball in her mouth. I tried to take it away but it fell and rolled across the floor and into the living room. Kian and JC then finished off the video, and continued laughing. Once Kian gained consciousness, he walked over to me, giving me a quick hug. I'm sure he wasn't sure if he could hug me like he normally would when we weren't mad at one another.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses inside, silly?" JC asked, smiling as he hugged me.

"Oh, I forgot I had them on." I smiled awkwardly.

"I didn't know you were coming." JC replied then turned to Kian. "Why didn't you tell me she was going to visit?"

I answered for Kian, "He didn't know."

"You still haven't taken off the sunglasses." Dom pointed.

I paused before saying anything and they all stared.

"What happened?" Kian asked, growing with concern. I didn't say anything so he responded by reaching for the sunglasses but I moved my head away from his hand.

"Daisy." JC said low.

I exhaled and reached slowly and removed the sunglasses and hat. When the sunglasses were removed, it revealed a bruise on my right eye, and when the hat came off, it revealed a cut on my forehead.

"What the hell happened to you?" Kian raised he voice, examining my eye.

"Did you get in a fight with Savannah?" JC wondered. "She's given me a black eye before, big as that one."

"Of course they didn't get in a fight." Dom answered for me. "Right?" he looked to me for confirmation.

"We did have a falling out." I mumbled.

"So she punched you?" Kian asked.

"No, she didn't do this to me." I replied.

"One of her friends beat you up?" Dom shrieked.

"Damn, that's unfair." JC shook his head.

"No. It's not like that." I stated.

"Then what happened?" Kian asked, worry in his eyes.

I then explained to them that she accused me of throwing a party, but I didn't. That we argued and suddenly a fight broke out, so some random girl punched me as I tried to break up a fight and when we fell, I landed on a broken piece of glass that cut my forehead and my hand. I showed them the bandage. At the party, the next thing I know, people are running out of the house and I didn't find Savannah anywhere. The cops arrived and I hid until they left the place because I wasn't sure if I'd get into any sort of trouble. The following morning, Savannah was cleaning and she still believed that I threw the party so she complained about having to clean up after my mess. I had a headache and didn't feel like dealing with it, so I packed my bags and arrived here. The guys stared at me, not sure what to say.

"So do you think she threw the party?" Dom asked.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"Did she get into a fight as well?" JC wondered.

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