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"Really? That's incredible, baby!" I cheered as I Skyped with Daisy. "Sucks that you have to share the tour, though."

"It's fine." She shrugged. "They're good people." She smiled.

"Do you know if you'll be passing by my town?" I asked. "Maybe you could pick me up like I did to you for our tour."

"There wouldn't be any room for you on the bus." Daisy chuckled. "We're girls, we carry a lot of things with us everywhere we go."

"All I needed was a pack of clean underwear and my toothbrush." I joked and she rolled her eyes. "So the meeting about the tour took an entire afternoon to discuss?"

"Well obviously we had to talk about other info, but none that I can reveal. You don't know how to keep your mouth shut." She replied.

I placed my hand over my heart, "That hurts, you know." I pouted.

"Shut up." she smiled.

"When are you arriving?" I asked.

"Eager to see me?" She chuckled.

"Not as eager as you."

"My plane leaves tomorrow, so I'll arrive two days before V-Day." she answered.

"Stop calling it V-Day. Sounds like doomsday or something." I retorted.

"My single life was doomed for eternity, so I think it's safe to call it V-Day."

"Who says I'm going to be with you for all of eternity?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I do. You're mine!" she spoke in a deep voice, causing me to laugh.

I whispered, "I miss you."

"I miss you too, Kian." She grinned.

10:01 AM

"Kian, get your ass up already!" JC shoved me. "Your alarm has been going off for hours!"

My eyes immediately opened and I checked my phone, it had only been going off for five minutes. I turned off the alarm and JC left. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair, and changed into the outfit I had planned last night. It was a blue long sleeve t-shirt and some ripped faded jeans with black Converse. I hadn't received a text message from Daisy yet, so I figured she was still on the plane sleeping. I headed downstairs and found JC eating cereal. I poured myself a bowl and sat in front of him.

"Thanks for waking me up, man." I told him.

He nodded. "It wasn't because I felt like being nice, it was just annoying the shit out of me."

I laughed. "Grumpy because of the holiday?"

"No." he shook his head.

"Then what's your deal?"

"I miss her."

"Well, you know what they say. You don't know what you have until it's gone. In this case, until she's in the arms of another man." I mumbled.

"Really." He stated, clearly angry.

"I'm sorry." I replied and we continued eating cereal.

"Do you know if she's happy?" he looked up at me, hair covering his face.

This was how he was the other night. It wasn't the usual happy free JC, it was the feeling lonely and sorry for himself JC.

I shrugged. "I don't ask. But I mean, you are friends with her again. So that's something, isn't it?"

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