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8:04 PM

"So have you been talking to Kian more?" I asked Daisy as we sat at our booth.

Many people were already gone, and it seemed like only the employees, YouTubers, and viners were here. I had figured the place would still be packed like the other days, but I suppose it was because all of the meet and greets were finished. Our photoshoot had gone great and they said one of the photos was going to be hung up on the wall along with others that had previously been guests. The interview was easier than I imagined, and I wasn't as nervous because I felt like I had really broken out of my shell since day one.

"Yeah, but it's just casual talk." Daisy began. "We just talk about Vidcon, but slowly getting to know one another more."

"Well, just don't get drunk. I won't be able to watch over you tonight, so Kian and JC will have to." I responded.

"So you're actually going through with the date?" her eyebrows furrowed.

I nodded. "Well the parties are just the same. Everyone gets drunk and whatnot. Plus, it's not like I need to vlog that, and you know I've always wanted to collab with Joe. And it's not a date, it's a hangout."

She nodded her head in agreement. "We've actually been texting more."

"You and JC?" I asked.

"No, Kian and I."

I smiled and told her how great that was until some fellow "Dannah" fans appeared. We said hello and they asked for photos with us. They spoke about how much they loved our channel which inspired them to create a YouTube channel. After a few moments of talking with them, they then had to go so we said goodbye as they took another photo.

"This is so great, getting to meet the people behind the computer screens." I sighed.

"It is. Just imagine if we had the money when we were younger, and the people we would have been able to meet!" Daisy cheered.

"I already know who I would want to meet." I informed. "Mark Wahlberg."

"I don't think he's ever had a meet and greet." She laughed.

I told her to be quiet, and we then decided to leave. We vlogged our way out, and ran into a few more people. As we exited, I then got a text message from JC asking if it were true that I had a "date" planned with Joe. I replied that it was just a hangout and wondered how he found out. I wasn't going to tell them until we saw them at the hotel. JC then texted about how we were supposed to go through with the plan we spoke about yesterday when we had once again left Daisy and Kian alone.

"Shit." I whispered.

"What's wrong?" Daisy asked.

"Umm..." my voice trailed as I thought about what I was supposed to say. "I don't know what I'm going to wear later."

"Just wear one of the extra outfits you brought." She replied, as we walked to the hotel.

We found that it was easier to walk than to waste gas driving and waste time in finding a parking space. I told Daisy that I had already worn the extra outfits to the parties and Joe would for sure know I'm wearing the same outfits.

"Wear one of my clothes, then." She suggested.

"Alright. Better than wearing the same clothes." I replied.

We entered the hotel and then the elevator. I had texted JC not to worry that the plan would still happen, I would just have to leave the hangout earlier than expected and he replied with OK. I then got a text from Joe asking what time I'd be going over. I asked Daisy to which she replied to ask him what time he wanted me there. Joe then said anytime.

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