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"We are making this video because we can't hide our faces any longer... Now, before you make any assumptions, just listen to the entire video." I began as Savannah and I sat before the camera making a video for our collab channel.

"We will not answer any questions because this was simply all just ridiculous." Savannah stated.

"So, let's get started." I shrugged. "About a week and a half ago, we were shopping during the day. When we got home, we were relaxing, you know. Putting the things away and cleaning a bit."

"And three hours later," Savannah continued. "there was a party. A huge crowd of people at our house, drinking and dancing. It was unexpected."

I nodded with her and then I spoke. "Everyone was drinking, we didn't really know many people, and it was getting completely out of hand as things were being thrown and broken."

"The next thing I know," Savannah began to explain, "some guy grabbed me, I reacted by punching him as he fell to the ground. Someone then pushed me and I accidentally pushed another girl in the process. She got angry and pushed me back as I fell to the ground. And keep in mind, Daisy was in the other side of the house so she couldn't back me up." She chuckled. "I stood up, tapped the girl on the shoulder and punched her so quickly as she turned around. Then a guy shouts fight, and everyone is beating on everyone."

"So as Savannah was fighting with that girl and her friends, I was attempting to break up a fight and someone got angry at me for that so they pushed me and I landed on a broken piece of glass. When I stood up, I saw a girl who was breaking out mugs for no apparent reason. I told her to stop, but she didn't listen and called me names. Furious as I was getting, I pulled her by the legs from off the counter and we began fighting." I explained.

"And that is how I got a bruise on my left eye and scratches on my neck and arms, and that is how Daisy got a bruise on her right eye and cut on her forehead and arms." Savannah stated.

"I mean, talk about crazy, right? This was definitely unexpected and chaotic!"

"You wouldn't expect us to be involved in things like this, right?" Savannah laughed.

We began by stating that the police came over but everyone escaped the house, including us because we didn't know if we'd get into trouble. And the police never bothered us after that. We stated by letting them know this was true, we did not lie, but we did leave some information and details out for the protection of some people. We hope they enjoyed the video and that we'd see them next week.

"Well that was shorter than expected." Savannah sighed.

I nodded. "Glad we've recorded it. Is it my turn or yours to edit?" I asked.

"It's mine." She answered. "I'm going to start editing now since it goes up tonight."

"Alright. I've got some shopping to do, so I'll be back in a few hours. Do you need anything from the store?" I asked her.

"Yeah, but it's quite a list so I'll just go buy the things tomorrow. Could you just bring me back some dinner if you go to eat?" she requested.

I nodded my head, "I'll call you when I'm going to buy something."

"Okay." She nodded as she began taking off the camera from the tripod and setting the things down at her office desk.

"Later." I waved.


I hadn't been feeling too good lately. I was vomiting, my breasts felt sensitive, and I craved so many things like every hour of the day. Not to mention, I'd also missed my period. I had spoken to my mom about it, and she said it could be one of two things: a sickness going around, or I was pregnant. Now, I've always told my mother everything, or at least what I felt she should know. So of course she already knew that I wasn't a virgin and that Kian and I tend to be sexually active when we're together. Thus, my mother told me to take a pregnancy test or go to the doctors. I've never been too keen on doctors and hospitals, so I went with a pregnancy test. Savannah had suggested I take a test as well after I told her and to let me know when I'd be doing the test because she wanted to be there with me.

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