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5:40 PM

"Hey, mum." I grinned as I walked in with Savannah behind me.

"Oh hey, Joe!" she turned around, and wiped her hands then hugged me. "It's so lovely to see you again."

"Mum, this is Savannah. My girlfriend. Savannah, this is my mum." I introduced.

Savannah was about to extend her hand until mum pulled her into a hug. Savannah was shocked and I held onto my laughter.

"It's so nice to finally meet you." Mum smiled. "I've heard so much about you."

"It's nice to meet you as well, and Joe's spoke so many nice things about you." Savannah responded.

"Where's dad by the way?" I asked.

"Oh, he isn't out by the grill?" mum wondered.

"No, Alfie's flipping the burgers." I told.

"He must be in the restroom then." Mum shrugged.

"Do you need any help with this?" Savannah asked mum.

"Oh you're so sweet, darling. But no, it's okay. Go on and enjoy the party." Mum smiled.

Savannah walked with me to find my dad and she exhaled deeply then laughed out the nervousness she had.

"See, I told you there wasn't anything to worry about." I sang.

We met my dad before the restroom door and greeted one another. He absolutely liked Savannah as a person, which is something he could never say about Lauren. For the rest of the night, I had almost completely abandoned my phone. I was vlogging a bit here and there, as was Savannah, Daisy, and Alfie. Zoe had been nice enough to pick up Mocha and Luna while on their way over here since they had to pass by my house and there was an emergency key on the outside.

Everyone was here, and I couldn't believe my eyes. I held onto Savannah's hand and she glanced at me. A bit of worry for a second showed in her eyes, but she realized why I held tighter and she leaned on my shoulder, then we made our way outside with everyone. They were already starting to drink, but not heavily, just as a beverage. The food was already about to been done and dad had even bought vegan patties for Daisy.

By 10 o'clock, almost all of us were buzzing. The only ones who weren't were Savannah and Zoe since they agreed to drive back home. Savannah had even taken over my camera at some points because in her words, "I couldn't handle carrying anything." I was playing beer pong with Kian against Alfie and Daisy. Normally I wouldn't get shitfaced like this in front of my mum or dad, but they were drinking as well and didn't care.

"He shoots and scores!" I cheered after Kian had tossed the ball.

Daisy chugged it down, and we continued playing. Luckily Savannah stood next to me because at some points I would lose my balance. She told me that after this game, I would start drinking water to sober up. By the end of the game, we had won by 2 cups. I was taken to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Next time, you'll be playing with me and not just watching." I half-shouted.

"Keep it down, babe. You're yelling in my ear." She responded and dropped me on the toilet seat.

"Mocha, be quiet!" I whispered to her who was crying at the door for Savannah.

I felt something cold and freaked out until Savannah told me to shut up. It had only been water. She cleaned up my face, fixed my shirt and hair, then wiped off the food on my jacket. She then handed me a cup of water and told me to drink it. After I did, she excused herself out so I could do my business.

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