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"Where are we exactly going again, Niall?" I asked him as I began digging through my personal wardrobe for clothes to wear. I placed my phone on top of it before I opened the drawer that was designated for my pants. Unlike Niall's, mine was at least organized accordingly. He just threw his in random places after they were done in the wash. If we ever did have a child together I knew that I would be the one taking care of the clothes.  

I turned my head to look over my shoulder and watched as Niall strolled into our room, his hand combing through his hair, making it stick up wildly. It looked like he had a rough night of sleep and I quite enjoyed the disheveled look that it brought to him, especially since he was still in only his sweats from this morning. 

"Well, I just thought we could take a drive into town and just have a nice walk and a late lunch just to relax." He said as he walked on closer to me.

I couldn't help but eye Niall's chest as he walked over to me, my body even tensing up a bit at our new proximity as Niall extended his arm to reach across me. I didn't really care to see as to where his hand was headed because I was too busy breathing in the natural scent that radiated off of Niall as it did after a full night of sleep. But then that comforting feeling went away once I noticed him pull his arm back with my phone in his hand. 

"What are you doing with my phone?" I asked him, my finger pointing down to his hand, which was now shoving my phone into the pocket of his sweatpants. 

"I'm keeping it safe with me." He rolled his shoulders before letting out a sigh. "Harry, I know that I agreed to help out with the Tomlinson family if they did respond to us but I've noticed this strain between us these last few weeks." His brow knitted together as he spoke, his nose letting out a sharp breath as he sighed. "I just want a day where we don't have to just talk about a baby anymore. I tried to do that last night with the film and we ended up not really talking at all."

I was surprised by this because I, obviously, didn't think that Niall took much notice of what has been going on between the two of us. We've both had our share of silence and skipping around the subject. I didn't like upsetting him but my strong desire for a family with him made me push that aside so I could get that point across to him. They were acts of desperation to have him hear me out that possibly caused our  distant falling out. It was also my hopefulness in my desperation that made me say 'yes' to Niall's earlier invitation to go into town with him. It made me feel like there was a chance for us to be okay again but it was going to take much more than one simple afternoon together, especially since it was partially to take my mind off of hearing back from Zayn or Louis, maybe even both if we were liked enough. 

But now that we have reached out to Louis and Grace and Zayn, I wanted to share the new feelings of excitement with Niall, hoping that he, too, would want to feel like what we could possibly have together, only for a short while, was worth it all. It seemed like I was asking so much of Niall with all of this, very repetitively, but I liked to believe that he was slowly coming around. 

There were still all those doubts that Niall had reminded me about that plagued me. What if Louis or Zayn didn't want us to be the ones to help Grace? I liked to give people the chance to prove to me that they aren't biased in their ignorance over same-sex couples. I can never assume that every single person in the world is okay with the person that I am. I just didn't want to be believe that the three people I have recently only read about were people who would judge us for who we were.

Maybe I should have lied and said that Niall was my best friend and he was just living with me. No, I could never deny my love for Niall, not even for the second thing that I wanted most in this world. 

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