#45 Guess (Tendou X Reader)

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His guesses are always right. Well, most of the time. Watching him play from the audience made you remember the five memorable times it happened.


Being a transfer student is hard. One, you're not familiar with your surroundings. Two, you don't know anyone. Three, it's hard to find a friend.

You nervously walked along the corridor, trying to find your classroom. It shouldn't be that far from where you're walking. This is the fourth graders floor anyway.

You felt more nervous as you drew nearer and nearer at the end of the hall. You glanced to the door on your left only to find out that it's not your classroom. What if you're on the wrong floor? What will happen if you got lost? Would someone help or even notice you in this crowd?

A voice interrupted your train of thoughts.

"Are you lost?" You turned around and found a red haired boy.

You turned red because of embarrassment. Someone really thought you're lost.

A smile crept on his face when you didn't respond.

"Let me guess. You're a transfer student?" You nodded shyly. "Don't worry! Tendou Satori is here for you! What's your name? In what class do you belong?"

"(L-Last Name) (First Name). (Random class name)."

"We're on the same class! Our classroom is at the end of the hallway. I'll walk with you. Nice to meet you (Nickname)"

"N-Nice to meet you, Tendou."


"(Y/N)-chan! Watch me play volleyball!"

Tendou pulled your wrist and ran to who knows where. He's so fast that you almost tripped for trying to keep up with him.

You watched him on the side. He's really good in playing volleyball. He always stops the opponent's attacks. You felt jealous. You wished you could play like him too.

He approached you the moment they finished their practice.

"I'm amazing, right!?" He declared proudly.


He looked directly in your eyes then smiled.

"Let me guess. You want to learn how to play volleyball?"

You smiled then nodded.


"Hey! Hey! Good morning (Y/N)-chan!" Tendou greeted happily once he passed by your desk.

"Mornin' Satori-kun." You said unusually soft.

"Hm?" He looked with narrow eyes as if trying to read your mind. After a few seconds, he bursted out laughing. "Let me guess. You got your first period."

Your cheeks flushed red from his statement.

"Don't worry. I'm here anytime you feel uncomfortable." He showed his signature grin. He really never fails to make you smile.


The sound of the gym door opening made you jump from where you're standing.

"Hide it! Quick!"

"Ushijima! Hide it behind you!"

"Semi! Get your ass over here!"

"Stop it, Ohira!"

Everyone spoke in hushed tone around you. Once everyone is settled, the girls' team captain gave you the go signal.

You approached the 1st year that has just entered the gym.


"Let me guess. You made something for me?"


He suddenly hugged you and cried. "I thought you forgot about my birthday! Thank you everyone!"

"Eh!? Why are you crying all of a sudden!?"


"Welcome back to Miyagi!" Tendou welcomed you with a hug. You just got back from Tokyo after taking the entrance exam to your desired high school.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"Well... Uhmmm..."

He smiled. "Let me guess. Based on your eyes, you didn't passed."

You looked down and nodded.

"Its alright. You can always go back to Shiratorizawa. Me, Wakatoshi, and the others are still here. Hehe. My guesses are always right."



The last point unfortunately went to Karasuno. Its saddening because this is his last year in high school. You approached him once they went out of the stadium. You looked at him with a stern face.

"Let me guess. You're going to scold me."

He didn't expected your next move. You stood on your tip toes and kissed his forehead.

"Y-You're not mad?"

"Of course not. You did your best out there."

"But we lost."

"There are many more opportunities out there."

The two of you walked to the bus along with his other teammates.



"Your guess is wrong this time."
The tips of his ears grew red out of embarrassment. "S-Shut up."

His guesses are always right. Well, most of the time.


Hehe. This was supposed to be posted in Tendou's birthday (May 20). Sorry. We have connection problems. ✌

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