#29 Murder Time

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Day 3...

Yaku was walking down the hall when someone grabbed his wrist. Before he could say a word, everything turned black.

Kuroo smirked as he read the name on the knife. Shimizu Anji

Kuroo: 'Bokuto's lying. He's not after Anji. My name's probably written on his knife.'

Bokuto was in Akaashi's room, watching the footage.

Bokuto: 'So, he figured it out. Time to make my move.'


Komi texted Kuroo about his plan. Kuroo agreed.

While Akaashi was walking to his room, his phone vibrated. He checked his phone and he found a message from Komi.

To: Akaashi Keiji
From: Komi Haruki

Hey Akaashi. Me, Kuroo and Bokuto are here in Kuroo's room. We're having a movie marathon. Would you like to join us?

To: Komi Haruki
From: Akaashi Keiji


Akaashi changed his direction and headed to Kuroo's room. When he got there, the lights are off. Suddenly, a tear gas rolled from the kitchen to Akaashi.

Akaashi: What the?

Akaashi passed out.

Kuroo showed a thumbs up to Komi. They opened the lights and Bokuto came in.

Bokuto: Hey! Hey! Hey! Lets start the- What the? Akaashi!! What happened here!?

Kuroo pointed Komi. Komi mouthed 'gomen'.

Suddenly, Konoha entered the room. A knife came flying to his direction and hit his forehead.

Konoha: Ow! Hey! That's a rude way to greet a visitor! Bokuto invited me here. *hands Komi his knife*

When they looked at Bokuto's direction, he's missing.

Komi: Where's Bokuto?

Konoha: He ran away.


Anji was walking down the hallway when she saw Kai carrying Yaku.

Anji: What happened?

Kai: I don't know. I just found him there.

Anji: Can I help?


Anji: I'll carry your things. You carry Yaku-san. But first, give me your knife.

Kai: Here. Goodluck.

Anji: Thanks. I'm gonna win this.

They walked to Kai's room. When they opened the door, laughter filled the air. Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi, Komi and Konoha are watching a movie. Kai put Yaku on the bed and joined the five.

Anji went to Suga's room after putting down Kai's things.

Suga was watching the footages on his laptop.

Anji: Hi Suga-san! How's your arm?

Suga: Still painful.

Anji: I see. I'll smack Oikawa for that. Hey Suga-san, lets watch that one.

Suga: Okay.


Tanaka was chasing Nishinoya when suddenly, they bumped at Terushima.

Terushima: Hey! Watch where you going!

Tanaka: *stabs Noya* Hahahaha!! I got you!

Noya: Damn it. *hands knife to Tanaka*

Tanaka: I feel like I'm winning!

Terushima: Not yet. *shows real knife*

Tanaka: Gaahh!!! *runs away* I'm sorry for what I have done, playboy! Please don't kill me!!

Terushima: I'll kill you!! Stop calling me playboy!!

Noya: Hey! Wait for me! I want to join the marathon!!!


Anji: *facepalm* Those idiots. Lets see that one.

Suddenly, Anji's phone rang.

Anji: I like this song. *waited until the song ends before picking up the phone* Hello? Oh. Hi Bakashi.

Akashi: What?

Anji: I mean, hi Seijurou-san! What do you want?

Akashi: Could you kill Kise for me? I'll give you the knife later at 9pm.

Anji: Sure. That's an easy one.

Akashi: Thanks. I'm busy right now. Bye.

Anji: K. Bye. *hangs up*

Suga: Should I play it now?

Anji: Yep.


Ennoshita: Nice kill Hisashi!

Kinoshita: You too Chikara!

Narita: Guys, don't make me jealous.

Tanaka: Yeah! Don't make us jealous!

Noya: Or we'll beat you!

Enno: Who's on your knife?

Kinoshita: Oikawa. Who's yours?

Enno: Oikawa.

Kinoshita: What?

Enno: *shows knife to Kinoshita*

Kinoshita: Fine. Here you go.

Enno: So, I'm the last man standing among us. You have to treat me.

Tanaka: I don't have money.

Others: Me too.

Enno: What?

Others: *runs away*

Enno: Hey! Come back here!

The 2nd years passed by Hinata and Kageyama who're arguing with each other.

Hinata: Bakageyama! What's with that face!?

Kageyama: Shut up dumbass.

Hinata: Let me guess. You got killed?

Kageyama: Just shut up!

Hinata: You just don't want to admit it!

The two of them argued until they reached their own rooms.


That night, Kise was found under the stairs, bloody.

Akashi: Nice one Anji. As a reward, I'll give you this. *hands a paper to Anji*

Anji: This is the updated list of our group and yours.

Akashi: C'mon lets watch the other footages in the spectators room.

The two of them laughed really hard when they watched the footage of Tendou and Kindaichi's screams while Tsuki watched them suffer. Anji sent the video to Suga, Daichi, Kenma, Yaku, Akaashi, Tsukishima, Ushijima and Terushima.

All of them laughed until they fall asleep.

Updated List:

Ennoshita: Oikawa
Tsukishima: Ennoshita
Oikawa: Terushima
Terushima: Tsukishima

Bokuto: Anji
Komi: Bokuto
Anji: Komi

Bonus: Akashi's group:
Akashi: Kuroko
Kuroko: Midorima
Midorima: Takao
Takao: Junpei
Junpei: Kagami
Kagami: Akashi

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