#29 Murder Time

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Day 2...

Terushima: Annjjii!!!

Anji: *looks up from her laptop* What is it Yuuji?

Terushima: Come with me!

Anji: Why?

Terushima: Its about Geo!

The two of them rushed to Geo and Kenji's room.

Geo: Ow! Kenji you idiot! You don't know how its done!

Anji: What happened here?

Kenji: I found Geo under the stairs in first floor bloody and unconscious.

Anji: What!? Who did this!?

Geo: Aris.

Anji: *glares at Aris* Bakaris!

Aris: Gomen.

Anji: You'll have a punishment for hurting my cousin.

Aris: He's your cousin?

Anji: Yes. All three of them. Kenji, Geo and Lian.

Aris: Oh no.

Anji: *stabs Aris* Haha I caught you!

Aris: What!?

Anji: That's my second. Give me the knife.

Aris: Fine. *hands Anji her knife*

Anji: 'Kai-senpai.'

Geo: *smirk* Ow! Kenji!

Lian: *rolls eyes* I'll do it. Kenji doesn't know first aid.

Geo: *facepalm* Then why is he doing this?

Kenji: Because they told me.

Anji & Terushima: -_-'


Lev: Yo Shibayama!

Yuki: Uh.. Hi Lev and Inouka and Yamamoto.

Inouka: Lets have some ice cream downstairs!

Yuki: Uh. Okay.

Inouka: But before that, I have to do something. *stabs Yuki's back* Heheheh!!! I got you!!

Lev: I knew it!

Yamamoto: Hey! Inouka!

Inouka: What? *looks at Yamamoto*

Yamamoto: *stabs Inouka's stomach* Orya!!! Hahahaha.

Just then, Yamamoto felt something in his back.

Yamamoto: What the heck?

Konoha: The knife please.

Yamamoto: Arrghhh... *hands Konoha the knife*

Konoha: *smirk* 'Bokuto Koutaro.'

Lev: Ice cream!!!

All of them looked at each other and rushed to the dinning hall.

Yuki: Heeyy!!! Wait for mee!!!


Kenji was outside their room playing with his cellphone.

Kenji: There's a pokemon there!

Kenji followed the pockemon and ended at the end of the hallway.

Kenma: You're also playing that?

Kenji: Yeah. Pockemom Go is amazing.

Akaashi: Kenma, have you seen- 'Nice timing.' What's that?

Kenji: Pockemon Go.

Akaashi: That's a nice game. I also have a game here.

Kenji: What is it called?

Akaashi: *stabs Kenji* Murder time.

Kenji: Wha!? Oh man. *gives Akaashi his knife* Well, atleast I got to play Pockemon Go. Goodluck in finding Konoha!

While Akaashi was walking back to his room, he saw Oikawa chasing Sugawara.

Oikawa: Refreshing-kun come back!!


Terushima and Anji are walking to Anji's room.

Terushima: I went to your room earlier and watch the happenings in the campus. A while ago, I saw Daichi kill Futakuchi then, Ushijima killed Daichi. Remember when I told you how Iwaizumi observes me? I saw my name on his knife while Sugawara kills him. After that, I went to Ushijima and killed him. I never thought that he could scream like a girl.

Anji: Really? Lets see the footage in my- Suga-san!

Sugawara fell down the stairs unconscious.

Oikawa: I'm sorry Suga-chan!

Terushima: Anji, I have to go to my room now.

Anji: Go on. Don't let Oikawa chase you.

Oikawa: *looks at his knife* Terushima!! Come back here!!

Terushima: Catch me if you can!

Anji: Akaashi-san, help me carry Suga-san in your room.

Akaashi: R-right.


Yamaguchi: Tsuki, do you have a plan now?

Tsuki: I'm still thinking. I don't know much about Kindaichi.

Anji entered their room.

Anji: TsukiYama! Dinner's ready! I have an announcement! *leaves*

Tsuki: T-TsukiYama? *blush*

Yamaguchi: Tsuki! You're blushing!

Tsuki: Shut up.


Anji: Guys! Akashi Seijurou is our spectator!

Daichi: How did you know?

Anji: Terushima sneeked in his office yesterday.

Terushima: I also put a camera in his office and he's very happy about the accidents that happened.

Anji: So, I suggest, we should be careful not to hurt anyone next time. I just want to make fun of him for revenge in stealing my scissors collection.

Tsuki: Is that all?

Anji: Uh... Yes. I think.

Kindaichi: Can I go out now?

Anji: Yes you may. Enjoy your meal!

Tsuki: What the heck? You called us here for that? I should've stayed in my room.

Kageyama: You mean our room.

Tsuki: Tch. Whatever.


That night, Anji and Terushima laughed at all the footage of killings especially when Ushijima screamed like a girl.

Updated list:

Nishinoya: Tsukishima
Tanaka: Nishinoya
Ennoshita: Kunimi
Kinoshita: Kageyama
Kageyama: Oikawa
Tsukishima: Kindaichi
Oikawa: Terushima
Kunimi: Kinoshita
Kindaichi: Tendou
Tendou: Ennoshita
Terushima: Tanaka

Kuroo: Yaku
Kai: Komi
Yaku: Anji
Bokuto: Kuroo
Akaashi: Konoha
Komi: Akaashi
Konoha: Bokuto
Anji: Kai

Akashi: They're getting fewer. Interesting. snip snip.

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