#5 Bros

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Daichi: Nekoma High and Fukurodani Academy will come here today to join our practice.

Hinata: Alright!

Tanaka: Time to beat those city boys!

Anji: Nekoma and Fukurodani!? *eyes sparkling*

Tsukishima: 'This girl is weird'

Suddenly, the doors opened revealing Nekoma and Fukurodani. *insert shining background*

Kuroo: Yo.

Daichi: Ah. They're here.

Anji: Bros!!!

Bokuto: Anji-kun!!!

Kuroo, Kai, Yaku, Kenma, Bokuto and Akaashi approached her.

Konoha: Long time no see.

Anji: Why did you stop hanging out with us!?

Konoha: *rubs back of head* I'm hanging out with the other 3rd years.

Anji: Traitor!

Kai: Its been a year since we last met, Anji.

Anji: I really missed you guys. *hugs them one by one*

Yaku: I can't believe that we will meet again. Especially in a place like this.

Anji: Me too Yaku-san.

Noya: Woah! You're friends?

Anji: Yeah.

Noya: How and where did you met?

Anji: I studied elementary in Tokyo. Back when I was in 5th grade, my only friends went to highschool and they were always busy in baseball and softball practices. I'm rarely hanging out with them so, I'm always alone. One day, my favorite cafe is almost full and only one table is unoccupied. Its a table for 6. I sat there by myself. Then, 5 high schoolers occupied the vacant chairs. They are Kuroo, Kai, Yaku, Bokuto and Konoha-san. I found out that they are also volleyball players and we started hanging out in that cafe. A year later, they were 2nd years and I'm in 6th grade. Konoha-san didn't hang out with us anymore. They introduced Akaashi and Kenma-san to me. I separated with them the next year because I'll study Jr. High in the newly opened Karasuno Jr. High here in Miyagi. That's it. That's our story. Thanks to my favorite cafe in Tokyo. I met these guys.

Hinata: Cool! I can't believe that a cafe can start a friendship!

Lev: Me either.

Yamamoto: What a wonderful story!

Inouka: What's your name, by the way?

Anji: Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kamasaki Anji. 1st year setter of Karasuno Jr. High. I'm training with them. No need to introduce yourselves to me. I already know you. *raises a notebook that contains Nekoma and Fukurodani's players' profiles*

Daichi: Okay! Lets start practice!

Everyone: Osu!

After practice...

Daichi: Alright! That's all for today!

Nekoma & Fukurodani: Thank you for having us!

Kuroo: Could some of us stay here to practice?

Daichi: Huh? Uhm... Who are gonna stay?

Kuroo: Me, Bokuto, Yamamoto, Kenma, Yaku, Akaashi and Lev.

Daichi: Okay. I'm fine with it. How about you guys?

Anji, Asahi, Suga: *nods*

Daichi: How about the others? *looks back*

The others are minding their own business.

Suga: Uhmmm... I guess they'll agree too.

Kuroo: We're clear then.

Anji: Guys, do you want some milkshake?

Akaashi: Uhhh... Sure.

Bokuto: Thanks Anji!

Anji: No problem. I'll ask the others.

Anji approach the ones that are minding their own businesses.

Anji: Hi guys. Do you want so-

Noya: I'll treat you ice cream Shoyou.

Hinata: Sure!

Anji: Guys???

Tanaka: Say City Boy, what do you think of that girl?

Yamamoto: I don't know who're you talking about.

Anji: Guuuysss!?

Yamaguchi: What is it Anji?

Anji: Do you want some milkshake?

Yamaguchi: Sorry Anji. I need to go home early today.

Anji: Okay. I see. How about you Tsuki?

Tsukishima: No thanks. I have some business to do. C'mon Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi: Okay. Bye Anji!

Anji: Goodbye! 'Phew. I thought no one heard me. How about the others?' Hey-

Inouka: Your new attack is amazing, Shoyou!

Hinata: Uhmmm... Thanks?

Anji: *emperor mode* Will you guys listen to me!!!???

Bokuto: Uh-oh. Emperor mode! *hides behind Akaashi*

Hinata: Gaaahh!! Anji! I didn't see you there!!

Inouka: Gomen! My voice was too loud and I didn't heard you!

Anji: Forgiven. You two can go home now. But, I wont treat you milkshake.

Inouka & Hinata: Okay. *leaves*

Anji: The rest, I'll lock you here the whole night. C'mon guys. *signaled to Kuroo, Daichi, Suga, Bokuto, Akaashi, Yaku, Asahi, Kai, Yuki, Lev, Yachi and Shimizu*

They left and locked all the doors.

Anji: Oh! I forgot something. *throws them a bucket full of spiders* There! *locks gym door*

Noya: Ahhh!!! I hate spiders!!!

Tanaka: Please let us out!!!

Kai: Where did you get that?

Anji: I just found it in this bush. I guess, its an unfinished trap. I wonder who made it.

Daichi: *looks away*

Anji: Mission accomplished. C'mon guys! Lets go to my favorite cafe here in Miyagi.

Yaku: Next time, just tap their shoulders. They'll notice you. You really have a small pressence.

Kai: Yeah. I remembered the times when she pops out of nowhere.

Shimizu: Sorry guys, we have to go.

Anji: Okay.

Kuroo: Why are you always treating us milkshake? We can just buy streetfoods.

Anji: What!? I love milkshakes! They're delicious! I wish I can get free milkshakes everyday! *jumps*

Others: *sweatdrop*

Me: That's the end of scenario! Anji is adicted to milkshakes and the others are locked in the gym with a bucket of spiders.

Yamamoto: I'm gonna die here. *faints*

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