#41 Outing

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Part 2


Shimizu Household...

Taiga: Oi. Wake up. *yawns*

Anji: Go away. I hate you.

Taiga: K. Fine. I'll go back to sleep. Its not my problem if they leave you.

Anji: Ahhh!!! *goes straight to bathroom* Arigatou oniisan!!!

Taiga: Siiiiigghhh...

Anji: *runs to the dining room after 5 minutes* Hi!

Taiga: C'mon. Just bring your breakfast with you. You woke up late.

Anji: Okie~ Bye Niro! *pats dog on head*

Niro: *turns away from them*

Anji: Stubborn as ever like oniisan. Kaasan! Neechan! We're going!

The two of them walked on the street.

Anji: Niichan, where are you going?

Taiga: Practice.

Anji: This early?

Taiga: Blame Goro-san.

They parted ways on an intersection.

Anji: Jaa ne!

Taiga: Jaa.

Nekoma High School

Kuroo: Everyone here?

Anji: Yup!

Kuroo: Alright then. Hop on!

Everybody took their seats in Akaashi's van. Here's the sitting arrangement:

Kuroo (Driver) | Yaku
Gela | Akaashi | Kenma
Bokuto | Anji | Konoha
Lev | Yamamoto

Akaashi: I'm glad we fit in here. I thought it was too small.

Anji: Thanks for letting us borrow your van.

Bokuto: Hey! Hey! Hey! Arigatou Akaashi!

Akaashi: You should thank Gela.

Yaku: Akaashi, I wanted to ask this a long time ago. I hope you don't mind.

Akaashi: Go on.

Yaku: Are you the one who adopted Gela?

Akaashi: Its my parents. Gela was on a vacation in our household when the accident happened. They decided to adopt her.

Bokuto: Gela's mom is Akaashi's aunt!

Anji: It was sad actually. Me and my twin went to different families. I went to the Kamasaki side while she went to the Akaashi side. And another! My aunt who adopted me died a year ago. Just so you know why I need to be adopted.

Kuroo: You sure knows a lot about them. I'm hurt Anji. Why didn't you told us this thing?

Anji: You're absent when I talked about it in the café and Yaku-san isn't available.

Konoha: Hey, Jichan, want some snacks?

Anji: Sure! I haven't eaten my breakfast yet. Arigatou Akichan!

Bokuto: Yieeee~

Anji & Konoha: What!?

Anji: We love giving nicknames. Hey! I'll call you Tarochan!

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