#24 Welcome

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Anji: *returns home from school*

Kaoru: Hi Anji-kun. How's school?

Anji: Good. Those baseball guys are fun to be with. At first, they didn't let me join them, but in the end, I was able to be part of the team.

Kaoru: How about volleyball?

Anji: I became a regular player. I'm playing as a libero.

Kaoru: Good. You're having a good start.

Anji: I guess. Its pretty hard to adjust.

Taiga: *enters house* *yawn* *goes straight to bedroom*

Anji: He's always like that.

Taiga: *goes out of bedroom* I recieved a letter from your school. It said that a high school wants you to join them in their volleyball practice. Boys volleyball to be excact.

Anji: What school is it?

Taiga: *checks letter* Uh... Nekoma High.

Anji: Okay. 'I wonder what those idiots are doing.'

At Karasuno

Tsuki: *chases Tanaka and Noya* Hey! Bring back my phone!

Noya: Get it if you can!

Suga: *dies in a corner* 'So this is what it feels without Daichi and Anji.'

At Nekoma

Bokuto: Ohoho!

Kuroo: Ohohoho!

Lev: *runs around like an idiot*

Yaku: Will you guys stop it!? We need to practice!

Akaashi: Just give up on it Yaku-san. They will not stop.

Back to Anji

Anji: 'Nevermind.'

The Next Day...

After Classes...

Anji is walking to Nekoma High while humming an anime opening song.

Coach Nekomata: Its good to see you here, Anji.

Anji: Thanks for having me here Nekomata-sensei.

They both entered the gym.

Coach Nekomata: Team, meet our new member, Shimizu Anji from Mifune Junior High School. She's a second year libero.

Anji: Hi.

Kuroo: Anji!? Wha!?

Lev: You changed your surname? Cool!

Coach Nekomata: It seems that you already know each other. I'll leave you now.

Yaku: So, will you tell us the story?

Anji: Okay. *tells the story*

Kuroo: Okay. I get it.

Yamamoto: I thought that Kiyoko adopted you. I was wrong. It was the other Shimizu. The short haired girl.

Anji: Tora-san, where does Akane-san study?

Yamamoto: At school, duh.

Anji: I mean, what school?

Yamamoto: __________ (lol. I don't know the school of Akane. I just know that she's 13 years old.)

Anji: Okay. That's an advanced school. Maybe she could teach me some of their lessons.

Kuroo: Okay. That's enough. Time to practice. *claps*

Everyone: Hai!

They continued their practice with Anji.

After Practice...

Anji: Guys, thanks for having me here.

Kuroo: No problem Anji. You're always welcome here.

Kenma: Uh... Anji-kun, I think we're going the same way. Maybe we could walk home together with Fukunaga.

Anji: Sure thing. Uh... Kuroo-san, you forgot your bag in the gym.

Kuroo: Oh. Wait for me guys!

Anji: *laughs*

Kenma: Not this again.

Kuroo: Gaahh!!! Spiders!!!! *runs around the gym*

Kenma: You know, you like pranking others.

Anji: Sorry Kenma-san. Its a hobby.

Fukunaga: Uh... Ka- I mean, Shimizu-kun, what school are you in?

Anji: Just call me Anji. You're so formal Shohei-san. I study at Mifune Junior High School. Hey, do you like spiders?

Fukunaga: N-No.

Anji: Well, I like them. Do you like them Kenma-san? *shows spider infront of Kenma's face*

Kenma: *shoves spider* Stop it Anji-kun.

Anji: *pouts* Spiders are good creatures. They always obey me. *talks more about spiders*

Kenma: *puts earphones on*

Me: This is the end of scenario. Welcome to Nekoma, Anji! Stay tuned! ^_-

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