#20 What if... 2

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Me: Hello everyone! Welcome to another what if scenario. Our scenario for today is What if they saw you crying? Lets see their reactions.


Your bestfriend just dumped you. (this really hurts) You rushed out of the classroom and went to rooftop where you can release your feelings without anyone bothering. Just then, they saw you crying. What will they do?

Sawamura Daichi

Daichi: (Y/N)? Hey. Why are you crying?

You: My bestfriend just dumped me.

Daichi: Don't worry (Y/N). I'll make sure that I'll never dump you like he/she did.

Sugawara Koushi

Suga: Just let it out (Y/N). I'm here for you. *rubs your back*

Azumane Asahi

Asahi: D-Don't cry (Y/N). *panics*

Anji: *from the background* He's not helping at all.

Nishinoya Yu

Noya: Stop crying (Y/N). I'll treat you ice cream once you stopped crying.

You: *stops crying* Okay.

Tanaka Ryunosuke

Tanaka: *cries with you*

Anji: *from the background* *sweatdrop*

Ennoshita Chikara, Kinoshita Hisashi & Narita Kazuhito

Enno: Shhh... Don't cry (Y/N). *rubs your back*

Kinoshita: You still have the three of us.

Narita: We'll never ever do that to you.

You: Aww... You three. *hugs them*

Kageyama Tobio

Kageyama: *stands beside you* 'Damn it. I don't know what to tell her.'

Anji: *facepalm*

Hinata Shoyou

Hinata: Don't cry (Y/N)-san! Hinata-kun will cry too! *pout*

Tsukishima Kei

Tsuki: Tch. When will you stop crying? He's just a fake friend.

Yamaguchi Tadashi

Yamaguchi: Stop crying (Y/N). Big girls don't cry.

Oikawa Tooru

Oikawa: You're cute when you're crying. *takes pictures of you*

Iwaizumi Hajime

Iwaizumi: Tell me who did this. I'll kill him/her.

Bokuto Koutaro

Bokuto: *tells corny jokes*

You: *still crying*

Bokuto: *laughs at his own jokes*

You: *leaves*

Akaashi Keiji

Akaashi: *hugs you from the back*

Kuroo Tetsurou

Kuroo: I'll kill him/her tomorrow. *hugs you*

Kozume Kenma

Kenma: Play this. It'll help. *hands you his favorite video game*

Haiba Lev

Lev: *caries you using his left shoulder*

You: Put me down!

Lev: No. Not unless you stopped crying.

Kamasaki Anji ^_-

Anji: Here. Have some juice.

You: Thanks Anji.

Anji: You know, some people aren't meant to stay like (Bestfriend's Name). Maybe, he/she is not for you. But someday, you'll meet someone who'll stay with you for the rest of your life.

You: You're right. I shouldn't be crying like this. Someday, I'll find that special someone who'll choose to stay.

Anji: I'm always here for you (Y/N)-san. Just call me when you have problems. I'll help you fix it. *vanishes*

You: Eh... Anji?


Me: That's all for this scenario. This is Haikyuu!! Scenarios. Stay tuned everyone.



I'm sorry for not adding the other characters. I have no idea what to write about them. As you can see, I added Anji. She's also known as the advice queen. If reader-chan has a problem, just pm me. I'll accept you with open arms.

This chapter is dedicated to Shouyou10 because I like her fanfics and she likes Major.

Happy 200+ reads! Thanks for reading this scenarios book. It means a lot to me. I didn't expect that I'll get these many reads.

Have a nice day everyone! ^_-

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