Chapter One: A Daily Adult Life ✔️

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A Daily Adult Life

Bright and sunny mornings were usual for Audrey but it never matched her mood lately. This made it possible because her condo stood ten stories high which she spent so much money on after college graduation.

After two wonderful years in her condo, these past few days were crucial and grueling. Everything was completely the same two years ago. The streets were still busy, traffic occurred everyday which resulted to the deafening sounds of honking horns and angry New Yorkers.

Well, except for Audrey.

She was still heart broken. A fragile heart was still shattered and a permanent mark was carved down her chest. The fresh memories of Ethan Hooks left a indefinite pain in Audrey's life. She soaked her sorrows with cliche romance movies and ice cream, petting cats.

It was a typical Monday morning. An alarm clock was basting ear-splitting noise but it seem to not bother Audrey's beauty sleep at all. She slept deeply, producing snoring noises and drooling on her pillow. She had no plans of waking up soon.

Her phone added to an extra alarm clock. She'd also alarm her phone because she too knew she doesn't wake up early. If her alarm clock didn't do its job, she had her phone to replace that.

Her phone was ringing and beeping, endlessly with missed calls and text messages.

Audrey still didn't wake up. Her phone rang, rang and rang until the phone was set to an answering machine.

"Hey it's Audrey! Sorry I'm not here right now to pick up your call but just leave your message after the beep. Beep oh not this beep the other. Beep......" the answering machine announced.

"AUDREY! WAKE UP!" an angry woman yelled on the other line. "Wake up or I'll break down your door and pull you out your bed and into a ditch!"

After the message, Audrey finally woke up and notice her alarm clock and phone ringing. She turned both deafening devices off and noticed ten miscalls and text messages sent by Jessica.

"Damn, it's 8:40! I'm gonna be late." Audrey gasped. Her phone rang again and she answered it.

"Audrey! It's quarter to nine and you're still sleeping. We're gonna be late!" a women yelled.

"Jessica?" Audrey asked bewilderedly.

"Yes! It's Jessica. Hurry Audrey we're gonna be late for the meeting," Jessica said.

"Oh crap! The meeting! I'll be down there just a minute," she hastily replied.

"Hurry before I make my way down there before you can say the shortest word in the English language," threatened an outrage Jessica.

Audrey dropped her phone and quickly showered. Putting on the ordinary, office clothes, she wore a long, black skirt and an overgrown polo. She wore her black pointy heels and placed a burnt toast on her mouth. She quickly grabbed her purse and coat and made her way to the lobby.

"Hey, Jessica!" Audrey greeted innocently.

"Don't 'hey Jessica' me. You're finally up and already late for the meeting," she continued to lecture Audrey. "Audrey you have to realize that Ethan broke up with you. You can't just drink all night and sleep all day, drowning your pain and sorrows. You have a paying job and a life to run. Don't ruin it because of some stupid guy that fails to realized how great of a person you are."

Jessica frustratedly fixed Audrey's hair, "Look! You can barely fix yourself because of Ethan the slime ball dummy."

"Sorry Jessica. It's just that-that I'm not used to not having Ethan. All my life he's been there you know. He made me complete and without him I'm incomplete."

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