Chapter 51 - for you

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Yoongi P.O.V
Again, I was a complete mess, my nerves getting the better of me.

I was currently driving, to where you ask? Thats a surprise but trying to control the wheel while the tension in the car was practically suffocating and my heart was beating out my chest was going to end up a probablem if I didnt cut this silence.

"T-thank you" my head shot up for a second towards jimin, a pink tint brushing across his cheeks as he smiled at me. "T-the flowers were beautiful"

I couldnt find the words to replt so instead I nodded, taking my attention back to the road as we continued to drive.

It was only 5pm and our reservation at, well that again is a surprise wasnt till 5:30. I was getting more and more nervous by the second. Why did he always do this to me?

"Are we here?" Jimins eyes frantically looked around his surrounding, a confused look appearing on his face as he realised wed pulled awfully close to nothing but alleys.

"I need to blind fold you" a smirk growing in my face as his mouth gaped open, "again!?"


"Seriously, where could you possibly be taking me, blind folded and with so many stairs " his words seemed confused yet the odd smile that kept showing on his lips was enough for me to smile even more.

"I said its a surprise, i know youre nosey but i didnt realise it was this much" i soft laugh left his lips as we continued to walk; my left hand interlocked with his right, our hands fitting perfectly together.

The rest of what felt like an hour walk was silent, along with a few mumbles and jimin tried to climb the stairs in the dark; not that akward kind of silence though, but the peaceful kind. Where the silences spoke more than words.

I stopped still, jimins small frame pumping into mine. My hands had gotten really sweaty now, to the point where once id let go of his hand i had to frantically wipe away the sweat on my suit jacket.

I circled around him, taking these few seconds to look at the beauty infront of me. He looked incredible, gorgeous, breath taking, words couldnt possibly describe the feeling that grew in the pit of my stomach just by staring at him.

I placed my hands on either side of his hips, my lips brushed agaisnt his ear before I whispered, "count to three then remove the blindfold"

His body tensed up as I pressed my chest agaisnt his back, his warmth sending pleasure through my whole body.

Then the nerves came flying back.


I scurried away from him, finding my place a few meters away from him.


I took a deep breath, gripping onto the remote in my hand while trying to calm the shaking of the other.


I let the breath out, pressing play on the remote causing  gentle music to surround us as my eyes meet with jimins, the black cloth around his eyes dropped to the floor.

Jimin P.O.V
The blood began to flow round my veins, the same type of feeling you get from adrenaline when youre on a scary roller-coaster.

Yoongi was stood a few meters infront of me, now giving me a chance to look at his whole body; he looked so handsom. My eyes widened as I searched my surroundings, we were on a roof, not just any roof, our High school roof. There were blankets spread across the concrete flooring, rose petals scattered on top, again, fair lights hanging from everywhere possible; the schools boiler room, the small fense which guarded the edges even the bench which sat in the right side of my line of view. There was a small speaker placed on top of the bench, along with candles and a basket of food.

Although his idea was sorta similar to when he asked me out, this time the whole feeling was different, it was more than nerves and babbling, more than the beating of my heart agaisnt my rib cage. It was magical, the soft music playing in my ears only made the scene infront of me even more incredible.

I looked towards yoongi, a massive smile growing on my face as he fiddled with his jacket pockets, his hair blowing gently in the wind as if slowly bounced off his forehead.

Without a word of warning he coughed, getting all my attention. He took a single step forward before slightly bowing, crossing one arm over his stomach while stretching the othet out and coming back up to face me.

"Jimin, can I have the pleasure of this dance"

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