chapter 38 - wet kisses

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Yoongi P.O.V
"F...fuck" I couldnt help but let a shakey moan leave my lips as jimins lips slowly attacked my neck.

He trailed his tongue across the newly formed bruise before taking fresh skin between his teeth and nipping at it. My hands stayed firmly on his hips but god was it becoming hard to control myself, especially when he looked the way he did.

Our eyes met, pure lust and need showing in his dark orbs, I bit my lip between my teeth, trying desperately to stop myself from whatever my body was doing.

Jimin sat up on my lap, his arse squashing itself against my 'hard as a rock' crotch. Then he giggled, sucking me out of my trance.

"Whats so...funny? Well done yoongi, stuttering at a time like this.
"Your face is bright red" my hands automatically went to my face.

I felt jimins weight shift on me shortly before feeling small chubby fingers locking around my hands and tugging them down slowly.

His eyes were different this time, lust still laced in their deep colour but there was something else, something that made my face heat up and my heart skip a beat.

"Dont cover your face" he leaned forward a little placing a small wet kiss on my forehead.

Fuck what the hell was happening to me. I couldnt seem to form a single word.

"Youre beautiful hyung"

And for what felt like Internety my heart stopped, my breathing stopped, I stopped. There was no noise, no light, no dark, nothing but jimin infront of me. This feeling was surreal, it made me feel nauses and excited all at once. Whats wrong with me.

Jimin leaned down a little more, his fingers still tangled with mine, his eyes fluttering shut as he pressed his lips passionately against mine.

This kiss, at this moment, was different. It sent shivers down my spine, it sucked the life out of me but in the best kinda of way.

Then I lost control.

Not the rip your clothes of, I want you kinda of control. But the i need your touch kinda control.
I rolled over, my body frame now hanging over jimins, his legs instantly wrapping round my waist.

I couldnt help but stare down at jimin, the dim street light shining through the window catching all his facial features perfectly, his skin glowed. I couldn't help but admire his long eye lashes, the way one iris was slightly bigger than the other, or how cute his nose was when he smiled. The small scar he had above his eye brown, all these little imperfections that to me, were the most beautiful thing about him.

And it was this moment I realised something so obvious, so in my face that I was completely blinded.

I loved jimin.

There was this beautiful silence in the room, yoongi still hovering over the younger, doing nothing but staring at him.

Small breaths were the only sound leaving the room they both shared. But those small breaths spoke more words than either one of them realised.

Jimin P.O.V
How I hadnt realised this before was beyond me. But the sudden knot that formed in my stomach as yoongi hung over me doing nothing but staring at me made me realise something.

Even though he hurt me, even though he made me cry and put me through hell. He also made me soft, he changed me, he showed me a side of people I never knew. He makes me laugh and smile, he sends my heart into over drive, my hands sweaty and my mind blank.

The thought of not waking up to him in the morning made my chest ache, imagining not seeing him ever again scared the life out of me. Not having yoongi at all killed me.

So as I continued to lose myself in his eyes, as his fingers squeezed that little tighter around my hand, as his hair blew across his forehead from the breeze that came through the small opening of the window. I realised that I, park jimin, the boy who had a 'school girl crush', that was to shy or scared to even speak to him, I...I.

I loved yoongi.

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