First Kill

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Needless to say soon as my Pape sat foot back home Demarco spilled the beans on me trying to kill Cole. Pape looked at me skeptically and then just laughed. However I do know that afterwards Pape grilled Cole for trying to pull that shit on me and warned if he ever approached me again that he'd either let me kill him or send him to Italy to work with our family there.

I continued to attend every meeting that I could with my Pape and I always sat on the arm of his chair unless my mom was present. Pape always pulled mom onto his lap during meetings and would stroke her hair as he spoke. If mom did attend Pape would have a chair placed beside him to keep me by his side. Demarco questioned Pape once as to why he always made me sit by him and not him. Smiling Pape replied "because I always keep my girls by my side. If it's that big a deal come and sit on my lap too you overgrown man baby".

"It's not a big deal" Demarco said sulkingky. Pape laughed and said. "I had a tub of your favorite ice cream delivered to the house this morning. Stop by later and get it".

Demarco beamed then causing my dad to laugh and one of the men do the cough while mumbling pussy. Dem swung his head to the man and spat "just because my Pape still buys me ice cream doesn't mean I want kill you while eating my ice cream" we all laughed because we knew it was true.

Anyways back to the meeting Pape started discussing the same subject. Jerico Fowlen. Our past several meetings had been focused on him. He arrived on the scene little over a year ago and seems to be a growing problem for my Pape and our empire. He operated a few clubs along with a underground sex club. He was recently getting involved in the smuggling business which was taking business from my Pape. Word on the street claimed he was a ruthless killer as well. Killing those who didn't agree to do business with him which in return made some of Pape's clients go to him out of fear. Pape knew he had to stop him before he grew to strong. Frankly I was tired of just discussing it. I was ready to end him and planned on doing just that myself.

Sneaking the address to the underground sex club later that night I dressed the part. Walking in I was the epitone of wild, raunchy sex promises. There was people everywhere going at it. Some as couples, some in orgies, some mastering their needs alone. I saw several men scoping me out but I had one target. Jerico. Spotting him by the bar I made sure he noticed me. Taking to the dance floor I moved my body in the most provocative ways.  Once his eye's were trained on me I'd give him sexy lust filled smirks as my hands roamed my body. Finally he crooked his finger urging me to come to him.

Walking to him like a loved starved kitten I mindlessly licked my lips.  He snaked his arm around my waist and jerked me to him tightly. "Your name doll?"

Thinking quick I used the name my mom used while on the run. "Eliza Martinez" I purred leaning into him. Grinning he grabbed my ass and said "Eliza want you join me in my VIP lounge?"

"I'd love to" I said with a sassy giggle. He led me away down a dark hall that was lined with people groping and screwing each other. He opened a door that led to a dark dungeon type room. Leather sofas adorned the place and gothic looking beds. My nerves started to crawl as I thought what if I can't pull this off and how would I get away if I couldn't. He sat me at a round sofa and scooted in beside me. Leaning over he licked up my neck. "A few of my friends is going to join us now, but don't worry, I'm keeping you all to myself".

My heart hammered as a few men and women scooted in cramming us together. Looking up to see who was on my other side I nearly shit myself. He was right beside me giving me a deadly stare through his green orbs. None other than Cole. My mind raced as I wondered if he was betraying us or working undercover for Pape. Jericho broke my thoughts by saying "let me introduce you to everyone"

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