Party Crasher

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Pictured above is Stacy. Hope your enjoying the story! Don't forget to comment and vote!


Standing alone in the garage, I was trying to wrap what just happened around  my head. I was at a loss. Never had Cole spoke to me in such a manner or stormed away from me angry. Usually I was the one prancing off heated or attacking him with harsh words.

Wow, this was new. Very new. Maybe I should track him down and apologize. Wait, I didn't do anything wrong though. All I did was shoot him down for like the thousandth time. He'll be okay. Cole will be over it in  no time and back to hounding me.

Emerging from the garage, I joined the party once again. Looking for Dem I stood on my tip toes trying to spot him over all the bobbing heads. No such luck, so I headed to the drink table and grabbed up some fruity concoction. Within no time I had finished my drink and grabbed another one. Not accustomed to drinking it didn't take long for the effects of the alcohol to kick in.

While I was standing there trying to focus my buzzing head some random guy walks up and tanks me to the dance floor. Trying to protest and get away, I spotted Cole. Which was all good until I noticed who he was dancing up on. Heat flooded my face and I could hear my heart hammering in my ears. Then he kissed that bitch.

Suddenly a burst of strength surged through my body and I broke loose from the guy who pulled me to the dance floor. Pushing my way through the dancers I ran in behind Cole giving him a hard shove.

"The fuck" he yelled spinning around ready to fight until he noticed it was me. "Miri what the hell?"

"No Cole, you what the hell. Why are you dancing with that-that-that skanky, low life, huzzy?" I yelled slinging my finger in Stacy's direction.

Cole crossed his arms over  his chest and lowered his brows giving me a warning look. What? That's another new emotion he's befuddled me with tonight. Cole has never looked at me crossly, not serious anyways. "Miri, I don't have to explain shit to anyone. I can do and dance with whomever I please".

"Oh no you can't. Not with her".

Cole knew how Stacy stabbed me in my back. This just rubbed me the wrong way.

Stacy decided to add her two cents in. "Miri doll, your a pathetic drunk. You should really just walk away now and save your self further embarrassment".

Laughing like a loon, I blurted out. "No, what's pathetic is that you just ran your tounge down Cole's throat and not even thirty minutes ago he was eating my pussy. So how does my pussy taste bitch?"

Cole erupted with laughter. Never had he heard Miri talk this way. Stacy placed her hand to her lips with a sickening look on her face. Cole raised his hands up in the defensively. "She's drunk Stacy and has no idea what she's rambling off. I did no such thing, I barely know her".

"What" Miri hissed. She couldn't believe Cole just denied knowing her in front of her sworn enemy. Acting out of hurt mostly, Miri gave him a curt but hard smack to his cheek. Cole's nostrils flared as his face went to flaming red. Never seeing Cole like this angry before, Miri started to back up. Cole reached her in one quick stride and grabbed her by her arms shaking her.

"I've had it with your shit Miri. For eighteen years I've put up with you and your spoiled ass ways. You need to grow the fuck up" Cole started to walk off but turned around. "I'm done with you girl".

Stunned at Cole's words and actions Miri ran after him and tired to grab his arm. "Cole, I'm sorry". She had never mumbled those words to him. Cole looked down and shook his head. "It's to late to apologize baby girl".

Snatching his arm from her grasp he waded through the crowd pulling Stacy behind him. Miri watched as he disappeared and finally realized that she loved him. It took seeing him with someone else to realize she wanted him.

Miri continued to stand in that same spot staring in the direction Cole left. She didn't realize she was crying until Dem walked up. Seeing her in this state Dems guard went up. "Miri what's wrong? Who do I need to kill?"

Miri just collapsed into her brothers arms bawling like a baby. "Come on sis, let's get you home".

During the ride home Dem tried to coax Miri into talking to him. After several minutes she gave in. "Cole and I had it out. Needless to say he's with that ho bag Stacy now".

Looking confused Demarco said. "But the both of you told me you wasn't messing around".

"It's complicated Dem. We've technically been messing around for years, just not dating. That's mainly my fault. He's asked me out several times but I turn him down. For one Pape would hit the roof and I thought I wanted other options. That is up until tonight, but Cole made it clear to me that he's done and left with Stacy".

"Wait Miri, I saw you two sneak off into the garage tonight?"

Miri' s  cheeks burned with embarrassment. "You saw that?"

Dem nodded.

"Yes we did. Then afterwards he hooks up with Stacy. I confronted him and that ass told Stacy he didn't even know me and that I was a blubbering drunk".

"He did what?" Dem asked suddenly angry. Turning the car around Dem floored it back toward the party. "That bastard has another thing coming if he thinks he's going to use my sister like he does the rest".

"No Dem wait. It wasn't like that. We haven't had sex".

"Then what did you do in the garage?"

Miri didn't say anything. It was all to personal. Den took that as they did have sex and screeched his car to a stop by Cole's parked car. Running back into the party he hunted Cole down. Finding him he ran up behind him shoving him. Cole turned around pissed thinking It was Miri again. "Miri, I fuc... but he didn't finish because Dem' s fist slammed into his jaw.

"What the fuck Dem?"

"You thought you was going to use my sis like you do these other whores?"

"Dem you know that's bullshit".

Mira finally caught up to Dem. "Stop Dem. It's not what you think, I swear. It was my fault. Now please just take me home."

Dem took a deep breath. "We'll talk about this tomorrow Cole once I've had a chance to cool off".

Stacy snuggled up next to Cole fussing over him. Miri dug the phone he bought her from her pocket. "Here. There's no need for you to continue to pay my bill. I'm sorry once again".

A few weeks had went by and Miri hadn't seen Cole at all. She did know him and Dem had repaired their friendship and all was good with them. She also knew Cole was still seeing Stacy. Also during this time her Pape had given her car, phone, and cards back.

Time kept on speeding by and before Miri knew it she was entering college at Syrcuse. One lonely night she sent a text to Conner.

Hi! I just wanted to see how you was doing. I hope your good. I really miss you and would like to talk to you.

Miri was devastated when he never replied back. Christmas was there in no time. Once again Miri shot him a text.

You can't keep ignoring me. I just want to talk, that's it. Merry Christmas.

Still nothing. On New Year's eve Miri went out with some college friends. Naturally she had drink a bit much and phoned Cole at twelve on the dot.


"Hey Cole".

"Miri why are you calling me?"

"Cole please. I miss you".

"Look Miri I've got to go".

"No Cole. Stop treating me this way. Your being a ass".

"Not so fun when the table's have been turned on you is it".

"Cole please".

"Bye Miri".

Miri's heart sunk as she knew she'd really lost him. Time to go to the extreme she thought.

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