Matter Of Time

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Four days have passed and I've rarely seen Samantha. She was basically on a witch hunt trying to piece together the recent happenings. I'd never seen her this vicious and determined. Usually my cupcake is all sweet, shy and innocent but I'm totally seeing another side to her, a tough almost boarder line ruthless beast. I quickly learned that when her peace of mind was disrupted she fought back hard.

Yes I was actually on pins and needles worring that she would discover I'm the reason all this happened. Last time she felt threatened by me she stabbed me in the arm with a fork. There's no telling what she may do over this. I felt that my nut sac was in jeopardy. Yes, Sam was almost to sweet but if pushed she became a raging psycho. She still wouldn't listen to me and take the job offer or move in with me.

Instead miss independent already found another job at a coffee house. I didn't like it, but at least it was in a safer area. Within a few months if she hadn't figured my ass out I'm sure I could persuade the coffee shop owner to can her too. Sam was also trying to find another apartment as well.

Pulling up in front of the college I waited for Samantha to exit. Finally she came out still wearing the sour face she'd worn the past few days. Okay, yes I felt like the world's largest dick for doing all this but this was for her safety and to make her life easier. Samantha deserved to be pampered and taken care of after the rough life she's had and I loved doing it.  Sam got in the car and grumbled a hello. Smiling I told her I was taking her to eat. She slightly rolled her eye's and said. "Could we just pick up some Chinese takeout from this great little place I know. I'm sick of all that high end good for you food. Then we can just eat it at my place before I head to work".

Nodding my head I drive off wondering when she would get out of this funk.


Demarco parked at the Chinese restaurant and ran in to grab our food. My bookbag was cramping my leg room so I lifted it to place in the back. During the move it snagged the glove compartment and knocked it open. Tossing my bag to the back I went to pick up the papers  that had fallen out. As I tucked them back in something caught my eye. Pulling them back out I skimmed over them and caught my old bosses name. Just then Demarco emerged from the restaurant so I quickly shoved them in my coat pocket to read after work tonight.

All I could think about all night was getting home and checking out those papers. I never thought I'd get Demarco to leave my place either. Once he picked me up from work he came in to watch a movie and of course try to talk me out of my panties, and naturally it worked. Afterwards he snuggled down under my blankets as if he was going to stay. I came up with a plausible excuse to get him out without being to obvious.

"Baby you should go home so you can get some decent sleep. I'm going to be up late packing things and I don't want to disturb you".

Demarco gave me a questionable look but stood up and dressed. "I promise you can stay tomorrow".

You sure everything's okay cupcake?"

"Of course baby. I just got a lot going on".

I gave him a kiss and hug and saw him out. I waited by the window to make sure he was good and gone and even locked my bedroom door as a extra precaution. I did feel guilty for snooping through his belongings but it wasn't like I intentionally opened the glove box and I wouldn't even had took the papers if I didn't see my ex bosses name on it.

Settling on my bed I grabbed the papers and started reading. "Demarco placed money into Pete's account, but why? When?"

Looking closer I saw it happened the day I was let go. Then I saw where he had did the same with my landlord. How could he? I was beyond furious and my body and mind went numb and acted on their own accord. I was dressed in my orange fuzzy pajamas and fluffy bed shoes. Walking to the front door I spotted the ball bat we kept there in case we needed to pummel a intruder. Picking it up I headed out the door. I walked the entire way to Demarco's new apartment. I wasn't worried about anyone bothering me tonight.

Arriving at his door I buzzed. I saw him peek out the peep hole then open the door. "Cupcake?"

I pushed the door open and waltzed in twirling my bat. "You got something you need to tell me baby?"

"Cupcake what's going on?"

"Answer me Demarco".

"No, Sam I don't have anything to tell you".

"Wrong answer asshole". I screamed swinging the bat at him.

Demarco dodged the bat and stepped back.

"Whoa Samantha calm down cupcake".

Swinging at him again he backed farther away as I would step closer trying to connect the bat to any part of his body. I started scream crying. "You fucking piece of lieing, manipulative, controlling, hot steamy dog shit. How could you?" I said swinging hard.

Demarco jumped onto the sofa to avoid my swing. I crashed the bat down toward his knees but he jumped over the back of the couch to get away.

"Sam, cupcake, calm down please. Your acting like a psycho bitch. Let's talk cupcake".

I crashed my bat into his glass coffee table. "Don't you dare call me a psycho bitch and I'm not no fucking cupcake either".

"Damn right your not a cupcake right now. Cupcakes are sweet. Your some kind of crazy mad woman. Your like a sour warhead or sourpatch kid".

I charged at him with the bat high over my head. Demarco took off running from me and the bat connected with the wall making a hole. Pulling the bat free from the wall I yelled. "Didn't think I'd find out did you sneaky no good snake. That was my job and home you screwed me out of. Now be still so I can give you the beat down of your life"

"Fuck that. I'm not going to be still so you can whack me to death like a caveman".

I swung again and barely nipped his fingers as he held his arms up for protection.

"Owwww....son of a bitch sam. Stop this craziness. What was you doing snooping through my belongings anyways"?

Smashing his beloved 70 inch flatscreen t.v. I screamed. "Don't turn this on me Defucko. You snooped into my life and wrecked it. I accidentally came across your bribe mail. You had no right to do anything like that. You spoiled fucking bratt, can't stand if someone tells you no".

Swinging at him again he pushed a kitchen chair between us as a protection barrier. "Ha, that chair isn't going to save you". I kicked it out of the way as he took off running down the hall. As I walked after him I smashed his expensive pictures on the wall. He was in his bedroom going for his phone. I cackled like a lunatic as I smashed his phone from his hand.

"Oh, was the big, bad mafia man going  to call 911 on little old me. Your a punk ass bitch Defucko."

"I wasn't calling the police, I was calling my men to help me disarm you without you getting hurt or me for that matter. Please baby calm down. I'm sorry. I love you but please put the bat away. Fuck i think you've already broke my fingers".

"Good. I hope I did". I swung again but he jumped up on his bed. I swung several more times but he kept jumping as if the bat was a jump rope. Finally he lost his balance and fell to the bed. I swung down just as he rolled off to the floor. My bat battered his pillow instead.

Demarco scrambled up and took off out of the room. Chasing him out he begged me to stop. As he kept using furniture to separate us I felt myself getting tired as well. Spotting his salt water aquarium I swung hard and shattered it. Water rushed out as he ran to get buckets to try and save his fish. Taking one last look around satisfied at the damage I caused I walked out twirling my bat.

That's right, I walked in like a boss, fucked shit up, then walked out. Fuzzy slippers and all. 

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