Homeward Bound

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Leaving Demarco behind was harder than I wanted to admit. He drove me to the airport and we shared a long goodbye. You would think we would never see each other again based on how tight he was holding on to me. Truth was I was only going to be gone for five days. I  would be back in time to bring in the New Year with him.

Sure, I could've asked him to join me but due to my families craziness and the shape my home was in, I was to embarrassed. Plus I don't think they would take to kindly to Demarco's looks. They are very narrow minded people.

As my cab pulled up to the red mud drive I stepped out grabbing my things with a gut wrenching feeling. Nothing had changed except the house seemed more in shambles than when I left. Paint was peeling off the rotted boards, the tin roof had grew more rust, and it seemed that my stepdad had added more broken down vehicles to the trash strewn yard. It was a sad sight.

Taking a deep breath I opened the squeaky screen door that was barely hanging on. Mentally I was preparing myself for what I may encounter. As I stepped in I was knocked out by the smell of cigarette smoke and stale beer. The couch could hardly be seen due to clothes, newspapers, and empty beer cans tossed over it. Cringing I kicked me a path through the trash on the floor and made my way to the kitchen where I had to force my food from coming back up. The smell was horrid, dirty dishes piled high in the sink and counter. I could see mold growing on many. The kitchen table was covered with old food, papers, and car parts.

Releasing a deep breath I made my way to my mom's room. I found her passed out amid dozens of empty beer cans. Taking the lit cigarette from the ash tray I snubbed it out. "Merry Christmas mama. I'm home". I said caressing her forehead as my eye's welled up with tears. She use to be a great mother before my dad died. Always brushing my hair, cooking wonderful meals and keeping the house clean, but after she lost dad she couldn't cope and turned to alcohol to numb the pain.

Pushing those memories aside I went to my room and to my surprise it was just as clean and organized as the day I left. Setting my bags down I got immediately to work cleaning the house. By that evening I had made a major dent and it looked liveable and the smell was a tad more bearable. Taking a break I decided to check in with Demarco and gave him a call.

"Hello my cupcake".

I smiled at hearing his voice. "Gosh it sounds so good to hear you".

"I miss you to babe. So how's your family?"

"Great" I said covering the disappointment in my voice up. "We've been hanging out catching up. Getting ready to put the tree up".

"I'm glad your enjoying your visit cupcake".

From the window I saw my stepdad and his son

pull in the drive. "Look baby I've got to go. I'll give you a call later".

Not waiting to hear Demarco's goodbyes I hung up quickly. There's no telling what they might say at finding me here and Demarco didn't need to hear that. I was standing in the living room when my stepdad Craig and his son Owen barged in.

Craig took the clean home in then settled his eye's on me. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I'm  back for Christmas" I hate how these two made me feel. I always had to be on guard not knowing what to expect from them. Owen smirked and started circling around me scanning my body. Just his looks alone made me feel so dirty and scared.

"Ain't you a sight for sore eye's. I bet you been screwing your way through the big Apple, huh?" Owen spewed as he grabbed a handful of my ass.

Jerking away I hissed. "Get your grubby hands off me".

Both men laughed then I heard my mom's weak voice. "Sam, is that you?"

Turning around I saw her leaning against the entryway. "Moma" I said going to her giving her a hug.

"What you doing here girl".

"I came for Christmas".

"Ain't no presents here this year girl. What's it like living in Chicago?"

"I'm in New York mama".

"Oh yea. Why don't you fetch me another beer baby".

"Well mama I thought we could put a tree up and spend some time together".

"We will after my beer".

I knew that was a lie. Her one beer turned into a twelve pack and leaving her zoned out on the couch.

"Why don't you get your ass in the kitchen and make us men a meal. Maintain your womanly duties". Craig spat.

Not wanting to start a war I headed to the kitchen. While I was busy mixing ingredients I never noticed Owen sneak in and grab my phone. He peeked through my photos and most these days were of Demarco.

"What's a Demarco" he grinned his slimey grin causing me to jump at his presence. Seeing he had my phone I jumped toward him grabbing at it.

"It's none of your business Owen. Now give me my phone back".

"Nope. You done went up north and got you one of them immigrant men".

"You hush your mouth up about Demarco. Him and his family are wonderful people, besides he'd beat your sorry excuse for a man's ass all over the place".

"Is that right? And since we are speaking of beatings let's see what pops will think of you dating someone like him".

Owen yelled out to his dad. "Come get a look at this pops".

Craig walked in and snatched my phone from Owen. "Well what we got here. Looks like you got yourself a boyfriend".

"It's no one's business". I stammered.

Craig reached out and slapped my mouth. "Don't you sass me girl".

"Never hit me again". I screamed.

Craig only laughed as he removed his belt. I wouldn't back down though. This wasn't the first time he's beat me but I would fight back. Craig reached out to smack me again but I dodged and gave him a good shove. Trying to run pass him he grabbed me by my hair slamming me to the floor. My breath was knocked out of me and before I could regain it, I felt his boot slam into my ribs over and over. Curling myself into a ball I refused to let any painful cries pass my lips. I won't give him the satisfaction. Once he was all out of kicks, I felt his belt connect to my back. I felt the welts growing along my skin. It seemed like it was forever before he stopped and said. "Get your ass up and finish my meal".

On shaky legs I rose my sore body up. I managed to finish cooking through the pain. I knew I had to have some broken ribs, it was even difficult to breath. Making my way to my room, I gently laid across my bed. Deep in my own thoughts I barely recognized my phone buzzing. Seeing that it was Demarco I wanted to finally cry and release my pain.

"Hello" I answered in a controlled voice.

"There's my cupcake". Demarco cooed and I lost it. Sobbing out I said "I miss you so much. I should've never came back here"

"Samantha what's wrong?" Demarco demanded in a serious tone.

"Nothing. Nothing Demarco".

"Samantha don't give me that. You tell me instantly. I will make anyone who's harmed you answer to me".

"I'm fine really. I just need some rest. Okay? I'll talk to you soon. Bye baby".

Hanging up I felt guilty especially when I turned my phone off to avoid his calls for now. Grasping the key that hung around my neck made me feel closer to him and before I knew it I had dozed off without locking myself into my room.

I awoke in the middle of the night with a hand over my mouth and Owen breathing his raunchy breath in my face. Trying to fight him off through my soreness he punched me hard. "I've been waiting for this for a long time. Your going to give it to me like your giving it to that boyfriend of yours".

Hearing a unusual noise and feeling a huge weight crush my already bruised ribs I was swallowed up by the terror.

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