Fun With Guns

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Being super pissed brought out the the true mobstor in me. Considering my family's life was at stake, too much weaponry was a afterthought. I ordered my men to strap themselves with everything possible, guns of all calibers, daggers, grenades, tear gas, and fog capsules. We was going in and going in hard. My motto was leave no man standing.

On the ride there we placed silencers on our guns. First we would quietly take out Eli's first line of defense, then work our way inside. Once in we would kill anyone in our way and soon as I got the first chance I would tap out our secret code in hopes of Miri hearing and tapping it back.

My only worry was Cole not following through with my orders. He was so focused on being the one to end Eli's life that he may do anything to get his hands on him. True, I understood that feeling completely but we had no room for errors. One slip up could cost a life.

Killing our headlights we pulled to the side of the road about 500 feet from the building. The plan was to secretly walk up hidden in the shadows and snipe the first ones we saw. Once the outside was cleared we'd stampede our way inside dispersing fog capsules. Once the fog set in we would rain down a hell storm of bullets until the front section was cleared. After that we would move forward split into groups of three and take out any survivors. However we would capture a few to force them into telling us where our family was.

I did leave several men back at the cars so they could move in when I signaled so the vehicle's would be waiting on us in case we needed to make a speedy departure.

Sliding into the first set of gates we spotted a few Russians but my men quickly eliminated them. Moving closer to the entrance we saw several more. In less than 30 seconds they was kissing asphalt. The next step was upon us so we readied the fog capsules and reloaded. Looking around i noticed Cole missing.

"Cole where you at man" I whispered but recivied no answer.

"Anyone seen Cole?" I whispered out to only see shaking heads and hear mumured no's. Fuck, I knew that ass bag wouldn't listen. I hope the hell he keeps his head above water and doesn't get himself or anyone else killed. Busting through the warehouse doors we sailed several fog capsules in. They was met with gun fire from the enemy as we started knocking off our rounds as well.


Yes I know I was supposed to follow Dem' s orders but I had to get to Miri and my parent's, so when I seen my opening I took it. All the men from both sides was focused on the shooting as I saw a way in. Running with the night shadows I quickly scaled the building using a drain pipe. Silently I popped open a shuttered window and crept in onto a metal staircase. Scanning the area I saw two men but I quickly took them out. Walking along like a stealthy cat I started tapping out our code onto the pipes. The sound would travel further through the hallowed metal.

Squinting my ears i listened for a response. After a few more taps I faintly heard it. Making my closer toward the sound I pelted it out again. "Come on baby girl, lead me to you" I mumbled to myself. I heard it again and smiled. It was a tad stronger. Before I could beat it out again I heard Miri go crazy beating it out over and over. That's it, keep it going, I'm on my way.

I inched closer and closer until I was standing in front of the door the beat was coming from. That's when I heard major gun exchange and I knew Dem and the boy's were in and handling business.


I kept pounding our tune out with all I had as Eli tried to hush me. I stopped only when I heard gun fire explode. Turning to Eli I smirked. "Times up dick head".

Eli laughed and snatched me up holding me against with a gun pointed to my head. "I always have a plan B bitch".

"Well I suggest you have a plan C,D,E, and so on, because your going to need it".

The gun shots were getting closer and I could see my Pape along with Conner trying to work themselves free. Suddenly the door swung open with a loud thud but no one entered. I started to yell but Eli cracked his fist over my jaw. I whelped out in pain and that's when Cole emerged through the door.

"What took you so long?" I laughed out. "I've never been so happy to see you".

Keeping his eye's trained on Eli he shot a smile made just for me. "Oh you know how your brother is".

Cole inched closer to us and Eli rammed the gun hard into my temple and started to shake. "Come any closer and she'll go splat".

"Let's say you let her go and take me" Cole tried to reason.

Eli laughed. "I'm not daft. She's more valuable to the family than you. I go, she goes".

Cole rolled his neck relieving some stress and that's when Demarco waltzed in. "All your men are dead so make this easy on yourself and give up".

"Not a chance. As long as I have her I have a ticket out of here". Eli yelled.

"No, as long as you have her you have a ticket straight to hell". Cole hissed. "I've tried to be nice and reason with you, but now your trying my patience".

Cole and Dem shared a knowing look then both looked at Miri. Oh no I know that look and it was clear they had a trick up there sleeve, what I didn't know.

I took a deep, rapid breath and braced myself for what was to come. Eli started dragging me closer to the door in hopes of escaping and that's when it happened. Everything went so fast it was like a blurr. Dem shot through the air and yanked me down to the concrete scuffing me up. I was sure something cracked in my body. Once he had his body secured over me he slid a knife to my Pape so he could free himself and the other's.

At the same time Dem flew at me, Cole dove on Eli bringing him to the ground. Currently they was in a hard struggle as Cole tried to rid Eli of his gun. A animalistic roar erupted from Cole as he forcefully bent Eli's wrist back releasing a snap that echoed off the walls. Once he had control of the situation Cole pulled a fairly large dagger from his coat and with several vigorous, deep slices he severed Eli's head from his body. Cole stood up gripping Eli's head by his hair in his hands. He looked at Eli's twitching body on the floor and started stomping it while never releasing the head. All forms of inhumane sounds came from Eli with each stomp.

At this point my mom, ELa, as well as myself were all hunched over spilling our stomach out at what we just witnessed. The sound of ripping flesh and bone kept filling my ears, the blood seeping from the body and how more would squirt out with each kick Cole delivered. The frozen look of horror and pain forever etched on Eli's dangling head as Cole held onto like a trophy.

Amidst all the commotion I heard my Pape give orders to one of the men to have the doctor waiting at the den for our arrival. My mom's arm needed medical attention as well as ELa seemed dehydrated. Slowly Conner and my Pape approached Cole. "That's enough son. You did your job and we can all go home now".

Cole got very still but his chest pumped up and down as his nostrils flared with anger. He slammed Eli's head on to the concrete floor then his eye's rested on me. Within two strides he had me tossed over his shoulder.

"Cole" my Pape yelled. "I'm going to need you to put Miri down. She needs to be with me to see the doctor and get rest. When we are all healed I will let you speak with her".

Cole glared back at my Pape and Demarco stepped forward to slowly ease me off Cole's shoulder. I was scared from seeing Cole in his true monster form tonight and no one knew what to expect from him while he was in this mind frame. Part of me did want to be with him right now though.

Once Dem pulled me to safety we all piled out of the building to the waiting cars. My Pape tucked my mom inside snuggly and was getting ready to help me in when Cole's Mercedes rolled by coming to a stop. He revved the engine up a few times and I looked up to my Pape. "No Miri" he said. "I'm sorry Pape". I said as I ran toward Cole's car. Demarco tried to catch me as my dad yelled "Miri he could hurt you while he's in this state of mind".

Ignoring my Pape and dodgeing Dem, I hopped in Cole's car and he simply looked at me with a blank, unreadable expression before squealing his tires out of there. I knew in my heart Cole wouldn't hurt me, or at least I hope I knew.

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