Empire Down

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After I left the Harper's home I went straight to the boxing gym to relieve my anger. My need for blood and pain at the moment was at a all time high and not much was stopping me from going back and finishing Eli off.

He may have the family snowed but not me. Eli was up to no good and if it's the last thing I do, I will bring him down.

Upon waking the next morning I had a message to meet London at the den. I seen this coming though but didn't go as bad as I thought. I was told to stay away from his home for the remainder of Miri's visit and was given a good tounge lashing over my behavior. The only thing that kept my neck from the noose was London treated me as his own and my Pape was his right hand man.

Afterwards I headed home and started my research on Eli. He would be exsposed. It took me hours to piece the sordid puzzle together but when I did I was bamboozled with worry and rage. Running to my car, I contacted London immediately hoping it wasn't to late.


I along with my babydoll, Miri and her love interest, Conner and Ela, were sitting around the dinning room table chatting after a huge meal. My mind was on Demarco and wondering why I haven't heard from him yet, hoping he hadn't caused a war down south. Smiling to myself, I thought when have you known your son not to cause a ruckus.

Laney stood up and walked by me. As she passed she drug her hand over my chest and leaned down to my ear whispering for my ears only.

"I'm going to the kitchen and bring the dessert out. If your a good boy I may let you eat yours from between my thighs later".

Letting a low growl rumble from my chest, I felt the crotch of my pants becoming snugger as my cock grew. After all these years my babydoll still got to me in everyway. Placing my hand on her behind, I gave it a promising squeeze.

"Pape" Miri screeched. "We have guests".

Laughing I released my grip on Laney's ass as she giggled and gave me a big, smacking kiss with her cherry bomb lip gloss. As she walked out I kept my gaze trained on her swishing hips thinking of all the dirty things I would do to her later. Yep, I think the monster wants to play tonight.

My phone buzzing broke my thoughts. Rolling my eye's when I saw Cole's name I answered.


"Get everyone and get out now" Cole half screamed through the phone.

"Excuse me son?"

"Get out now. Eli isn't who you think he is. Remember years ago when you ended the Russian mafia?"

"Yes" I said gravely.

"Eli s father was the king. You killed him".

London vividly remembered that night. After he and his men killed all the Russian men it left the Russian king powerless and without protection. We bombarded his home and when I placed my knife through the kings heart, I caught a shadow from under the bed. Signaling my men we jerked the culprit out only to discover a boy of about three crying. Regreting that this child had to witness his fathers death I knelt down with a friendly smile. "Your name child?"

Sniffling he replied. "Eeliay"

"Eeliay, why don't you run on to your room and sleep"

The little fellow scampered out as I rose. I'd never given him another thought since that night. "Continue Cole".

"I searched him out and he has built a rather large Russian empire. From what I have gathered they are planning on ambushing your home anytime and you don't have enough protection there to stand a chance. I'm on my way and have contacted the other's. I will be contacting Dem as well. Please get Miri to safety. Hang tight, I've got you king".

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