No Medicine For This

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Blistering mad doesn't begin to describe the rage pumping through my veins right now. Miri did my ass in again. Her Pape along with the help of my parents had me committed to some institution for the freaks. I wasn't insane or crazy. I was just mad, angry. Okay maybe insanely angry, but it was all Miri's fault.

Self harm and harming others was my outlet, my pain release. It smothered my guilt and hurt. What Miri doesn't know is that she healed me when she forgave me. Those simple words spoken in that grungy motel room sealed my wounds. The thought of knowing she was willing to give me another chance transformed me on the spot.

Now I'm here, confined between these bleak walls, watching victims of insanity lick the walls. Fuck, I'm not even allowed a damn razor to shave or a pen to write a fucking letter. They  stick me at a fucking table and hand me big fucking crayons. Stick their gloved hands in my mouth to ensure that I swallowed the blue pills that's supposed to make me happy. What a crock of shit. I'm fucking happy, hell I'm down right fucking jolly on my unicorn and all.

It's all because of her. Miri had me sent here. Yea, so what I freaked her out with my fire and knives but I vowed to stop once she forgave me. Bitch had no intentions of having a date with me. It was all a ploy to get her ass home. Why do I continue to let the winch fuck my head up? 

Two fucking weeks I've been here now without contact to the outside world or my famiky. It's like I've been tucked away and forgotten. I fucking got a cave man beard going on and I'm sick of wearing sweat pants, white t-shirt's and flops. Yea, I'm banned from shoelaces as well. The food is worse than road kill and I'm looking pale. A attendant tapped my shoulder and I turned my glare away from my coloring book to see what they wanted.

The lady gave me a bright smile and spoke to me like I was deaf. "You have a visitor Mr. Butoni".

I followed her crooked finger and saw Miri standing at the door. She smiled at me and gave a tiny wave. I stared dead on burning a hole through her wanting to strangle the life out of her. Aginest my wishes Miri approached my table.

"The fuck you want?"

Rolling her eye's she sighed "really Cole?"

"Really Miri".

She plopped down a box on the table. "Is this how our first date is going to go, with you sulking and being a ass?"

"First date. The fuck you talking about?"

Setting down right up on me she linked  her arm through mine. "I do owe you a date remember?"

"Oh you mean the one you lied about to get back home?"

"I didn't lie Cole. I meant everything I said. I'm so sorry they put you hear. Had I known I wouldn't have said anything. I thought they would let you see a shrink or doctor".

"Well guess what Miri...they didn't. Now I'm stuck in this nut house and don't even need to be here. Fuck you very much".

"I'm sorry Cole and I promise I'm going to do all I can to get you out even if I have to kidnap you myself. I wanted to come sooner but Pape has all us women on lock down. You know how he gets. I lied and said I needed some women product's so he agreed to let Silas drive me. I pleaded with Silas to drive me here. Yep he took my car, even mom's car as well. Anyways I snuck some of  Dem' s clothes to you but I had to check them at the front desk. Now let's start our date".

I watched as she pulled food from the box and sat it before us. "I cooked all this"

Grinning I laughed "anything has got to be better than the slop here".

"Fuck you right back Cole. I think I did a good job for my first attempt".

I took a bite out of the pasta and was amazed. "Not half bad baby girl".

As we ate I felt Miri lay her hand on my thigh and slid it up high causing me to jump and glance at her. She had a devilish smirk on her face. "What are you up to baby girl?"

"Nothing" she replied innocently as she grazed my growing cock. I smothered a groan as I felt her grip my hardness.

" girl I have no shame in throwing you up on this table and fuck you in front of all"

Miri removed her hand and I laughed.  "Something wrong baby girl?"

Her answer sent me into a state of shock. "Is there somewhere we can sneak off to?"

The fuck she just say? Sounded a whole lot like I wanna fuck you. "Go to the bathroom. Wait 5 minutes then come out. I'll be waiting across the hall".

Soon as Miri came from the bathroom  I grabbed her arm and scurried down the hall. I entered a room where they stored emergency stretchers.  As soon as I had the door shut I scooped her up and sat her atop one of the stretchers then captured her mouth in a soul devouring kiss. Miri wrapped her arms around me running her hands through my hair.

I slid my mouth down to her neck relishing in her sweet scent. As I sucked on her collarbone she moaned out " olive".

Rushing my hand under her dress I delved my hand into her sweet spot. "So fucking tight" I whispered. "I can't forget how your pussy felt around my cock. I want to feel that again. Let me feel that Miri".

I instantly felt her tense and knew I had scared her. "Don't worry baby girl. I'm not going to take you here. I promise the next time it will be all that it's supposed to be".

Feeling her relax she laid back and opened her legs wide. Placing her hand on her core she started working herself and encouraged me to grab my shaft. As I watched her get herself off I  stroked my hardness feverishly.

Miri licked her lips and let out a sweet moan as she rode a wave of ecstasy. That vision drove me over the edge and I felt the pressure of my release build up. When I let go a animal like grunt erupted from my chest as my seed fell all over her thighs and hot spot.

Once our breathing regulated I used the tip of my shirt to wipe her clean and helped her up. We nuzzled each other, kissed and just held on to one another. Finally Miri broke the trance by giggles.

"Garages, insane asylum, what's next?"

"Oh there's going to be so many odd places to come baby many".

We eventually went back to the table and enjoyed our last few minutes together. As she got ready to leave she gave me a tight hug.

"I wish you could come with me. I'll try to get back as soon as I can but with Pape being crazy right now I don't know when the next chance will be".

It's okay baby girl. I have a extra set of keys at my room in the den. My car should still be there if that helps".

"What? Drive your baby?" Miri laughed.

"Only you. My baby can drive my baby, and I plan on driving both my babies very soon".

After a few more kisses and goodbyes I watched Miri leave and instantly felt hollow again. I gotta get the fuck up out of here.

Double Or Nothing   (Sequel To Double Standards Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now