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My phone vibrated as I was finishing up breakfast with my parent's. Seeing that it was Cole, I decided to answer.


"Hey Dem. You still pissed?"

"What you think?"

"Look Dem, I came by your new place but you was out. We need to talk and squash all this bullshit".

Demarco hated to admit it but he did miss his buddy.

"Fine. I'm busy right now but I'll give you a call back and set something up".

They said their goodbyes and he caught his parent's watching him.


"Cut the shit. What's up with you guys?" London asked.

"Look, Cole and Miri had a falling out again at the beach. That's why we took off to Colorado".

What happened?" Laney asked.

"Mom, it's not for me to tell. Lets just say Miri finally got her heart broke. You know seeing someone you love go through that put a Lot into perspective for me, like my women problems and how I treat them.

"So what about you and this Sam". Laney asked.

"I don't know. It's different. She's not like any girl I've ever met. She's very pretty, but not in that overdone, showing skin type of way. She mainly wears her hair pulled back and little makeup. She's natural. I watched her give food to a bum last night and the girls I mess with wouldn't bat a eye at a homeless person. Plus she speaks her mind, smartass, and doesn't take my shit".
Laney laughed. "That's because she's a southern girl".

"She's different mom, in a good kinda way, but I probably won't see her again". Laughing I added. "I don't have enough insurance". Then I headed on my way.

At eleven that night, I found myself pulling up at the Cave. I decided to go in and took a seat near the door. Glancing around I saw it was mainly filled with rough looking characters. I made the right decision to hide my gun in my waistband. Finally I spotted Sam carrying a tray of beers over to a table of drunk men.


The Cave had been busy all night so I was basically running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I noticed I had a new customer by the door and inwardly groaned. I was so ready for closing time.

As I approached him I started smiling as I noticed it was Demarco. Recalling the events from last night, I started laughing.

Through my laughter I snickered "I've thought about you all day hoping you was okay".

"I'm good" he said kinda shocked at my laughter over the situation.

"How's your car?"

"It's in the shop".

Trying to stifle my giggles I said with a smirk. "I really am sorry about everything. If you'd like I could pay for it".

"No, it's already been taking care of".

"You sure".

"Yea" he nodded. "Where did you go this morning?"

"Oh, I left in time to catch the six thirty bus. I needed to get home and shower, plus I had a eight a.m. class".

"You should have woken me. I would have taken you".

Laughing, I said sarcastically. "And risk you having another seizure?"

Double Or Nothing   (Sequel To Double Standards Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now