It's Raining Blood

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Lost in deep thought after Laney's phone call I tried to refocus on the mission at hand. Glancing over I watched Demarco staring out the plane's window in his own thoughts. Yes, Laney I will take care of him. I'd lay my life down for my children as well as her. Demarco noticed me watching him and giving me his jackass grin he flicked me off. I loved that fucker.

Laughing I turned my attention to Cole who was busy texting away to Miri I imagine. I couldn't be prouder of the man Miri chose. Cole would forever watch over my baby girl. He was a good man and I would make sure he came home to her.

Next I focused on Conner resting his eye's. This was his last mission with me. He's retiring and planning on moving somewhere tropical. I'll miss his ass. He's my brother and always will be. Yes, he's going home to Ela. Finally I glanced at Marcus. Yes, our relationship suffered since I found out he had eye's for my babydoll but that's in the past. He has always been loyal to me in the field.

My men

My brother's.

My Family.

I'm the only one here that has nothing to loose. I lost my reason to breath. Dem and Cole just starting out, so young and in love. Miri won't loose Cole. Conner getting ready to retire and has a woman at home waiting on him. Marcus is finally expecting his first child after years of Cinda not being able to carry. He will see his child born.

They have everything to loose. I have nothing. My monster won in the end. My monster devoured Laney in the end, demolished the light in her eye's I so admired. Why didn't I stay away from that sweet, innocent young girl so many years ago. I'd give anything to go back to that week we spent at the beach, before she knew what and who I was. I should have never left her, just stayed and forgot my life in New York.

The plane touched down and everyone prepared themselves. Weapons being strapped on, extra ammo slid into pockets. Within two hours we had the enemies location surrounded. Signaling my first team of men to head in I hit the button that blew the doors off the place. After that gunfire could be heard like thunder, bullets were buzzing in all directions.

I saw two of my men be taken out. And signaled my next team to move in. The object was to kill as many Russians off as possible before me and my important men moved in. After several moments the gunfire subsided and we was giving the okay to enter. I along with my men entered the building like the devil himself would. We were the Alphas, the ones to fear, the ones who decided who lived or died.

Who's in charge here my voice rang out. One of my smaller men kicked his shoe at a man that was tied and stood against the wall along with several other's.

I walked over and stood in front of this man.

"So your what's in charge of this pathetic group? Do you know who I am?"

"Your the one they call  Diablo"

Laughing I said "that's the first I've heard that one. I've been called many things. Devil, monster, heartless, evil, killer, sadistic, oh the list goes on. Yes, I'm many things but unfortunately for you and your men I'm not remorseful.  No, I'm not remorseful, sympathetic, and I lack compassion. Well unless your a blue eyed blonde that's got a amazing pair of tits"

"Pape" Demarco nudged me.

"Oh, forgive me gentleman for letting my thoughts wonder. Now where were we? Oh that's right, who wants to die first?"

My captives remained quiet.

"So no volunteers? Then we shall play a game, it's a game I believe you Russians are very fond of. Russian roulette my new friends".

Taking one of my guns I emptied the chamber except for one bullet. Aiming it at the one in charges nose I grinned then swiftly pulled my other gun out and sailed a bullet through his forehead.

"I just remembered, I don't like to play games. Let's end this".

My men along with me took aim and rained bullets into our captives until the metallic smell of blood was suffocating. As we checked the place over for any info or stragglers a rattling noise caught our attention. Looking up I saw them. Police. We was being rushed by the cops.

"Let's pull it out men". As we all went on the move bullets started flying again. Taking aim we managed to make it to the door with four more men down. Demarco tossed a grenade at the blockade they had set up. Just as we made it pass I heard a deadly punch. A punch that only a bullet entering flesh can make. Turning I saw Conner go down. "Get him up and to safety".

Turning around I used both my guns and unleashed hell on those fuckers. When I was done not a soul was standing. Catching up with my men I raced to the cars and we got out of there. "Demarco call doc and tell him to be ready".

I always brought the doctor with us on missions in case things such as this occurred. He was waiting back at the plane. "How is he"

"Loseing blood and slipping in and out of consciousness. Looks like the bullet penetrated near his kidneys".

I looked back to Cole who was cradling his Pape. "Don't worry son, I want lose him"

The ride to the plane seemed to be in slow motion. Upon arrival we rushed Conner onto the plane and laid him on a table. His body started to jerk from seizures. "I'm going to put him under and operate now. I need to make sure his kidney hasn't been hit"

"Demarco, take Cole to the bar for a drink".

I stood by Conner's side while doc operated. This didn't look good. 

"Doc, make sure he don't die"

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