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Life in Alabama was going great. I couldn't ask for better. I hadn't thought of Cole in weeks thanks to Eli and my amazing new friends. However, I did find that a bit odd. Cole had always been such  huge part of my life it was almost weird not speaking to him, but how could I ever forgive him.

Like I said I haven't thought of Cole in weeks but the smallest thing made the memory of him come crashing back to me. Eli and I was going back to his place to cuddle on the couch and watch movies. We stopped by the market to stock up on snacks. As I went to grab a jar of green olives, Cole's eye's flashed before me. A tightness hit my chest and a sadness overcame me. My olive I thought. Setting the jar back tears stung my eye's. Where the hell was this coming from. Suddenly I just wanted to see him, hug him, hear him call me baby girl.

Not in the mood to watch movies anymore, I faked a headache and went home. Trying to fight the urge to reach out to him, I called Demarco instead.

"What's up sis?" Dem answered in his oh so casual way.

"Hey Dem". We chatted about his job, our parent's, school for me, and just about everything. It was killing me to know do I just blurted it out.

"You haven't seen Cole have you?"

I heard Dem sigh. "He's actually here right now. We are discussing some matters".

"Oh". Was all I  said and remained quiet for a few moments.

"Dem will you put him on the phone?"

"Miri. I don't think it's a good idea. You two just need to stay apart. If not for your on sake, mine as well".

"Please Demarco?"

"Whatever" Dem grumbled and handed the phone to Cole.

"Miri wants to talk to you".

Cole hesitantly took the phone and barely whispered her name.


"Hi olive".

They both remained quiet not knowing what to say. Cole walked out of the room so he'd have some privacy from Dem.

"How are you Miri?"

"I'm okay. What about you?"

"I'm just doing". Cole spared her the details of his rash series of beating' s.

"Mirimosa can I come see you?"

"No Cole". Miri said almost in a panic

Cole read the fear in her voice loud and clear.

"Miri, are you afraid of me?"

With a shaky, weak voice Miri croaked out "yes"

"Why baby girl? I'd never harm you".

"But you did Cole".

Taking a deep breath that night flashed before his eye's. He remembered every movement her face made, every plee she made, her painful cries as he deflowered her.

"Miri I'm so sorry, I.."

"Stop Cole. Don't. I don't want to remember that night. I've worked hard to forget it. I'm glad your okay. I must go now. Tell Dem I'll call him later. Bye"

"Wait Miri". But she had already hung up. He handed the phone back to Dem  and plopped on the couch blowing his breath out.

"Look Cole I don't know why Miri wanted to talk to you and it's best I don't know. I don't want either of you pulling me into your web anymore, especially if we are to remain friends".

Cole nodded his understanding and rose. "Think I'm going to go find some trouble".

Dem snickered "might want to let those fresh wounds heal first".

"No. That's what I like. Pain on top of pain".

Dem eyed him worridly but brushed it off. "Well Cole you go do that, as for me I've got to get ready for my first date. That's right, I met someone. Can you believe that shit?"

Cole laughed "believe it when I see it".

Dem pulled a picture of Samantha up and showed it to Cole. "I think this is going somewhere".

"Then that's good Dem" Cole headed out the door and mumbled "catch ya later".

Within thirty minutes Cole found himself face down in the mud behind a biker bar. He was being pounded on by two men. Finally Cole broke loose and pulled a knife from his pants. Smiling insanely he quickly sliced one man's neck wide open. The other man took off running as Cole chased him. Aiming his knife he sailed it into the man's spine. The nan tumbled to the ground. Cole yanked his knife from the man's spine and flipped him over.

Grinning down at the man he rammed the knife between his ribs and proceeded to stab him over and over. By the time he finished there was no life left in the man's agonized eye's. His body was filled with over forty stab wounds from his face to his groin.

Satisfied Cole stood up and wiped the blood covered knife off on his pants. His next stop was the den to shower, dispose of his bloody clothes and go find more trouble.

London as well as many other's watched as he strode in with a chip on his shoulders and drenched in blood. London knew this wasn't the first time it's happened. Matter of fact it's happened several times the past few weeks and it had to stop.

London had a feeling Cole was out doing senseless, irresponsible killings. Such actions could bring trouble to the family and get the cops on their trail. London cared for Cole so he would speak to Conner first and have Conner try to get this under control. If Conner couldn't do it London would be forced in taking care of the issue himself, and that he didn't want to do.

Double Or Nothing   (Sequel To Double Standards Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now