Guns, Booze, And Hoes

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"So my little lady, we've shared a few drinks, grinded on the dance floor, whatcha say we take it to the sheets now?" I asked this chic who's name I couldn't even recall giving her my panty dropping smile.

"I don't know" she replied coyly. "I'm really not a one night stand type of girl".

Taking her hand I grinned. "Well that's good cause I'm not a one night stand type of dude". Knowing damn well I'd tell her anything to get her legs wrapped around my waist.

Twenty minutes later I was pounding the hell out of that ass. Once she fell asleep I slid from the bed like the snake I am, shoved my clothes on and jetted.

Two weeks since I've heard my cupcakes voice. Two fucking long, grueling, binge drinking, hoe hopping weeks. I quit the bank and went to work fulltime in the family business. When I wasn't working I was getting my dick wet in some gold diggers pussy or  drinking like a fish, or both. I can't count how many has been hoes have chased me down thinking I'd give them more than the D.

Fuuuccckkkk no. I have solely and completely swore off relationships and all the bullshit that comes along with it. I gave my heart away once and you see where that got me, besides my mafia dealings makes it damn near impossible to find a true love that will accept me for me. I'll probably eventually settle down with one of those ready made mafia wives. The ones that was born and breed to serve men like me. I want marry them for love but just to produce a heir or two, to ensure our family legacy lives on.

As I passed the turn that led to cupcakes apartment I slowed the car down. Nah...fuck it. If I show up there it's sure to get nasty and I may just go ahead and claim her cherry ass regardless if she fights me. Pushing the gas pedal I sailed on by and headed to the den. My apartment was no longer safe since we've still got some Russians in the loose, but Pape is working up a plan to handle that business.

Then to top off this fucking mafia sundae my mom's and Pape are on the skids. I don't know what the fucks going on but it don't look good. They've always been a lovey dovey pair but now....they act like strangers. There's  just so much stress surrounding the family right now and I'm so wrapped up in my own turmoil to give two shits. My main focus is wiping the Russians out, fucking, and drinking.

To add to my woes my boy Cole is on lock down in some mental ward. I really could use him right now. Yea, we fight like enemies at times but he's my go to and always will be. My brother from another mother.

All I'm saying is some shit has got to give.


You don't know lonely until you've had happiness only for it to go away. I spend most my day's at school, work and visiting my mom in between, but Demarco is on my mind always. God, how I miss his smile, his touch, his scent, the way he would nuzzle my neck in the way only he could. I miss how he could bring me to the brink of wanting me to give my virginity up to him, only for me to chicken out. He never got upset with me for it like other's had. I miss his laugh and the way it felt to be tucked under his arm when we went out. I miss the small things. I hate walking out of work and not seeing him waiting on me.

What I hate more is the situation that caused our breakup. True, I had wished death on Craig and Owen numerous times. I hoped they would pick a fight at the bar with the wrong people and never make it back or get into a horrific accident on the way home. I even thought about poisoning the meals I had to cook them myself. Demarco took care of my nightmare for me and he's still taking care of me by helping my mom.

He took my nightmares away and making my dream come mom is getting help due to him.  I question often how could the son of a ruthless mafia leader be so kind and caring. The whole family was. They welcomed me into their home, bought me gifts, accepted me for who I was. I loved his mom, she was so nice and caring, the mother figure I always dreamed of having. His sister made me feel so comfortable even though I was wearing bargin bin clothing compared to her name brand duds. She complimented my dress and even asked to borrow it. Even when Demarco had me locked away Miri brought me some of her clothes and would chat for a bit.

Miri confided in me and told me she never really had any girlfriends. The one she did have screwed her over and her only love interest had been Cole. I really felt like we bonded and could've been great friends. I felt bad for her growing up so lonely. Her father didn't allow her much freedom because who he was.

Which brings me to Demarco's father, London. A very scary and intimidating man. He had been nice to me except for the time he discovered me in the room locked away. I still wonder if he meant to kill me when he told Demarco he'd handle the problem if Demarco didn't.

London was a very good looking man as well and I loved watching him and his wife interact. So loving and doting. Sending secret glances when they thought no one was watching. I bet those two keep their mattress heated.

It was hard to absorb that such a great family wasn't just part of the mafia but was the mafia itself.

It was lonely night's like this I thought of Demarco the most. I had gotten spoiled to having his arms wrap around me while we slept.  I often wondered what he was doing and if he ever thought about me. I made a mistake, I know that now. I said very harsh, hateful things to him. The hurt in his eye's from my words and decisions haunts me. I do know that Demarco is the type that doesn't believe in second chances but I would do anything to have one.

Fingering the key charm placed around my neck by Demarco I finally realized the meaning behind it. I had the key to him...all of him, yet I'd been a fool.

I was the one he could be open with.

I was the one he trusted.

I was the one who accepted him for who he was.

I was the one he chosen.

I was the one he loved.

I was Demarco's truth.

Lifting my phone I pulled his number up and typed in a text.

I need my monster as much as I need my man that I know. 

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