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Can you believe that bastard didn't respond back to my text. Oh the nerve of him. Now I felt like a fool. It's been two weeks since I sent that message out and my thoughts are still absorbed with him. Even more so now since he left me hanging. Probably out screwing anything that has a hole like he use to do before me.

I had to fight myself to keep from contacting him again. Ugh...I hate this feeling. Anxious, mad, jealous because I knew he was out banging whores. That's what he calls it...banging.

I've never been jealous over any man before so why him? It was gnawing at my insides and I just wanted to hunt him down and claw the eye's out of any woman that looked at him, slice his wanker off for even thinking about banging some whore. I just couldn't sit here and continue to do nothing. I made the rash decision to send Miri a text. There's more than one way to kill a bird.

Hi Miri. This is Samantha. I just wanted to say hi and see how you are?

"I'm great girl. It's nice hearing from you. Pape has finally let off me some. I'm going to a party tonight. You should come hang with me, I could really use a familiar face besides my brother.

That sealed the deal when she said Demarco would be there. I think Miri is my new bestie.

I'd love to go but I have nothing to wear.

No problem. I'm on my way over. I'll hook you up.

I jumped in the shower and slathered my body in shaving gel and shaved everything but my head. Oh the hassles of being female. The torture we put ourselves through to be beautiful. Next I quickly tweezed my brows to perfection, smeared lotion all over me, brushed my teeth, and just finished my nails when Miri buzzed.

Smiling I let her in and she hugged me. We chatted as she went to work on my hair and make-up. I really liked her, she was almost to nice. Just like me except for tonight, tonight I was going to unleash hell on Demarco. Let me see something I don't like, just let me. I will tare that building down right along with him.  Yep, jealousy doesn't suit me well and has turned me into a crazy exgirlfriend. I was going to work everything I had tonight. Demarco wants a whore, a whore I'll be. Demarco wants to ignore my message, let's see how he ignores me when I'm up screaming in his grill in front of the whole damn place. Yep it's going to be a showdown for real. Have Mercy on any bitch that tries to mess with my man.

Finally We were both ready and looked awesome. We arrived to the party and there was so many people. We managed to make our way to the bar and order a drink. I kept scanning the crowd looking for Demarco but never spotted him. After several drinks I was feeling right as rain and had just exited the bathroom when I saw him leaned up against the bar smiling down at some hoochie. That was my fucking smile he was giving away, but damn he looked good. Distressed ripped jeans, tight shirt, yep I'm going to show my ass big time.

Marching over I weaseled my way in between him and this whore. Glaring up at him he spoke first.

"Samantha?" He questioned shockingly.

"Yes it's me. What you done forgot me already. Is that why you didn't text me back, out here chasing whores was more important fucker".

"Sam, I think you've drank to much"

"Ha, I'm just getting started fucker. You haven't begin to see the damage I'm going to do tonight"

The girl he was hitting on interupted. "Um, excuse me but me and Demarco was having a conversation".

Double Or Nothing   (Sequel To Double Standards Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now