chapter fifteen

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there's a part in this chapter that you *should* listen to a song with. i'll put the song at the part where it's needed so you don't listen to it too early. for this chapter to have its full intended affect, i highly HIGHLY recommend the song.

magcon charlotte, arianna

it was a nice feeling to be in north carolina again.

the hotel we were at was nice, but since magcon wasn't until tomorrow, i was going to mooresville with nash. i was happy to be there, seeing the familiar surroundings around me as we drove into town, but i just wasn't truly happy anymore.

ot may sound stupid, but the hate had gotten to me. i now knew how nash felt a year ago. hurt and hopeless, like everyone hated you. i wanted to slap myself for playing with his feelings then. i looked over at the boy next to me who was smiling, singing along to the music. he was happy now. i removed my gaze from him, looking out of the window up at nash's house.

"welcome back to mooresville." he put his arm over my shoulder, smiling down at me.

"i love you." was my reply, it coming out unintentionally as i thought about everything. he wrapped his other arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him. i wrapped my arms around his body, hugging him. i needed him to hold me. he was the only one that i was 100% sure cared about me at the moment.

- - -

"stupid bitch"
"i bet you're using nash to get famous"
"kys! nash won't miss you"

i gently set my phone aside, trying to keep quiet as i cried. i heard the shower stop, signaling that nash was about to come back into the room. i wiped under my eyes to remove any mascara that had came off. nash walked back into his room, walking over and sitting beside me.

"why are your eyes red?" he asked quietly.

"allergies?" i lied.

"don't lie to me babe." he put his his finger under my chin, lifting my face up to look into his eyes. i looked down, feeling the lump in my throat grow as i fought back my tears.


i felt him start to lift my sleeves. i pulled my arm back, the tears starting to fall.

"nash.." i whispered, my voice shaking. i felt vulnerable, too vulnerable at this point.

"please don't." his voice sounded like mine, and i glanced up to see that his eyes were watering now. i shook my head, wrapping my arms around his neck and letting myself go. he held me as i cried, and i remembered how a year ago, the roles were reversed. i cried even when hayes came in, also giving me a hug and then going downstairs. he came back up with a spoon and a pint of ice cream.

"we're here for you, i'm your brother remember?" hayes told me. i tried not to cry, feeling embarrassed that i was such a wreck. his family probably thought i was crazy.

- - -

at magcon, i did my best to make them believe i was happy. whenever i spoke the audience was silent, making me feel awkward. nash would walk over to me and whisper "it's okay", but i didn't feel okay. i felt sick and embarrassed.

i was surprised to see my line was longer than it had been in miami. for once, i felt like they liked me.

"hi i smiled at the first girl who walked up to me.

"i don't want a picture, i just wanted to tell you that you and nash should break up because you're a cheating ass bitch."

the girl continued with the insults, the security guards around completely oblivious.

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