chapter eight

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play >> dark paradise by lana del rey


i left early the next morning, but not by choice. if i could, i'd spend every second of every day with nash but i couldn't.

my dad said we needed to have an "important family discussion" that i had to be home for.

i stepped through my front door, both of my parents sitting on the couch and staring directly at me.

"what's up?" i asked, shutting the door and setting my suitcase down.

"we've made an important decision and before we tell you, you have to promise you will not be angry with us.." my mom said cautiously, and i felt my stomach knot. promise to not be angry? something bad has to be happening.

"there isn't much for north carolina to offer besides the scenery, and my job offered for us to move to to either chicago or new york city," my dad began, glancing at my mom like he was nervous.

to move.

"move?" i blurted, hoping i didn't hear correctly.

"yes but we're letting you choose," my mom told me.

oh, great. letting my choose between moving and.. oh, moving.

"i want to stay here," i was on the verge of tears at this point. my mom looked over at my dad with a sympathetic look but it made me mad.

"chicago and nyc are 2 of the biggest cities in america, and they'd even pay for a house for us there. this is an amazing opportunity ari, just imagine everything we can see there and do!" my mom tried to comfort me.

"which has the better deal?" i murmured defeatedly, a tear falling down my cheek.

"chicago will pay more because it's in competition with nyc, but new york is.. new york." my dad said, and i breathed in deeply.



i walked towards the starbucks where ari and i met, a slight smile coming onto my face as i thought about our way of meeting.

"why'd you want to meet me here?" i asked, sitting across the table from her. she looked up at me, her eyes a little glossier than usual.

"i'm moving, nash." she stated, her voice completely monotone. she sounded and looked absolutely defeated and i felt like my heart shattered right there.


"i'm moving." she said again, biting her lip. i noticed a tear fall down her cheek as she put her hand over her mouth and she looked down, her hair falling in front of her face.

"ari.." the pitch of my voice was higher like i was about to cry.

don't cry, nash. boys don't cry.

i stood up and walked to where she was sitting and wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"come on, let's go."


once again, we were in my house together. But this time, it was different.

she rested her head on my chest, her crying making me want to cry too. i needed to be strong because i knew this wasn't the end for us. we've made it through so much together and not even 732 miles could pull us apart. no way.

"when are you moving?" i asked, my hand playing with the ends of her hair.

"i have 5 days to pack."

every word spoken about the move was like a stab in the heart for me. this was unfair and i wanted nothing more than for her to stay in north carolina.  the silence between us was comfortable because we both knew there was nothing that either of us could do to stop this.

"nash?" she spoke.


"let's run away. right now."

i laughed.

"i'm serious." she said, sitting up.

"i have magcon, i can't just drop everything and run away," i said, but then i realized how bad that sounded.  "no matter how bad i want to."


everything felt like it was crashing down. i felt so numb and i just wanted to cry.

"we can spend every day before you go together, i promise." nash said, but not even that could make me feel better.

"please don't forget me." my vision was blurry from the tears and he squeezed me tighter.

"i'll never be able to forget you, you're the reason i'm alive."

i smiled even though i was crying, his words almost making me cry harder. i held him tighter again. i felt him kiss the top of my head.

"i love you."

"i love you too."

- - -

A/N: omg :((( how do you guys feel about this?! Also, I just thought everyone should know that in the middle of writing this chapter I MET NASH! he was extremely sweet and taller than I expected haha but the next chapter WILL be longer!

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