Chapter 26

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Claire's pov:

Liam and I were sitting on the couch, talking about Haley's release.

"There has to be some kind of catch..." I say thinking.

"Like what?" Liam asked.

"Maybe they put a tracker on her..." I say, thinking of possibilities.

"Well... maybe, they decided that it wasn't worth the charges of kidnapping and the time that would be served as well." Liam said being logical.  "But those charges already exist." He added.

I nodded in agreement. Liam laid his head on my lap and I started to play with his hair for a while.  Fifteen minutes later he was asleep.  I continued to play with his hair and turned my attention to the news which was featuring a story on a case the boys had solved recently. 

Harry's pov:

I was at the store getting food when a girl in her early 20's walked up to me.

"Are you Harry Styles?" she asked nervously.

"Yeah..." i replied hesitantly.

"I was asked to give this to you..." she handed me a piece of paper with an address and a time with a date.

"Why?"  I asked curiously, but she had already ledt. i looked down at the paper and it read:

"Meet me at this address at 11:30 on 12/12/14


"Tha's in a year..." I said to myself folding up the paper and putting it in my coat pocket. i purchased the few things I had in my basket and drove home. when I got home i put he groceries away and went into my room, flopping down onto the bed and fell asleep instantly. 

Zayn's pov

"I'm so glad my sister is home and safe." I said happily to no one in particular.

"That's great, love." Scar said coming up behind me and wrapping her arms around my waist.  I turned to face her and placed my hands on her waist.  "Yes it is." I said smiling.

"I'm going to check on Haley and then go home." She said placing a quick kiss on my cheek and walked toward the guest room that Haley was staying in.

"Ok." I called after her. 

She turned and smiled at me.

Scar's pov:

I checked on Haley who was still sleeping.  "Poor girl..." I thought to myself. I closed the door and turned to leave but Louis was standing in front of me.

"Hey!" He chirped. 

"Hi..." I said hesitantly.

"Where ya goin?" He asked curiously.

"Home. I need to be alone for a few hours." I said. 

"Oh, okay." He said and skipped to his guest room he shared with Liz.

I smiled and walked into the living room to find Liam and Claire. Liam was asleep on her lap and Claire was watching the news. "Anything good?" I asked not really interested.

"Yeah, they are featuring a story on the most recent case the boys solved." She told me still looking at the TV.

"Awesome, which case?" I asked suddenly interested.

"The one about the girl who was stabbed to death by her psycho ex boyfriend. The one who also stabbed Liz." She said glancing at me.

"Oh well, at least it's done and over with..." I said "I'll see you later." I added.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To my flat." I responded, grabbing my keys.

"Ok, call or text me when you get there so we know you are safe." She said.

"Will do." I said and walked out the front door to my car.  I unlocked it and got in the driver seat and drove out of the driveway and towards my flat.

When I get to the complex, I park my car and get out. I walked to my flat that was on the bottom floor and unlocked the door, I walked in and the place was a mess! "What the hell?!" I exclaimed. I shut the door and walk into the living room. There was broken glass everywhere and smashed picture frames and the couch was flipped onto it's side. The only thing that was not harmed was the TV.  I grabbed the broom and started to sweep up the glass. I remembered that I was supposed to text Claire when I got home so I did. I received a text back a couple minutes later from her saying "Ok thanks". I put my phone away and continued cleaning up.  An hour later there was a knock on the front door so I put the broom down and opened the door, it was Harry.

"Hey Scar..." He stopped talking when he saw the mess.  "What the hell happened here?" He asked shocked.

"Don't know yet." I said annoyed. "Would you mind helping me clean up?" I added.

" I would love to, but Zayn called and said I should head over to Liam's quickly." He said.

I smiled and shoved him towards his car. "Go!" I said happily. 

He looked at me concerned and drove off. I walked back into my flat and finished cleaning up, then passed out on the couch. 

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