Chapter 10

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Elizabeth's p.o.v:

After I finished my conversation with Louis I put my phone in its speakers and it blasted The Ready Set(amazing band btw) I run my hands through my hair while thinking 'Oh god should I tell the girls and Niall? No they will just get hurt or blackmailed to by this "A" person. There was a knock on my door (Liz lives with Louis and Buffy along with Zayn and Haley. Weird right? Not really)

"Liz can I come in?" I heard a Irish accent ask. I walk over to the door and open it.

"Ya come on in" I gesture for him to in. "Did you hear my conversation with Lou?" I ask. He just sits on my unmade bed in silence. I close the door and huff. I walk over to him and sit down next to him. "Niall? Did you or did you not hear my conversation with Louis?"

"I did. What day were you taking about?" And (like Louis) I tell him everything besides the text. When I finished there was a knock on my door and I jumped. Literally. Niall laughs at me. "Shut up its not funny" I growl. But give him a cheeky smile. I walk over to the door and ask for the password.

"What password? There's never been a password." I laughed silently. Idiot.

"Elizabeth just open up." I heard Louis demand. Shit he's back already?

"Fine and for your information the password was carrots. But it changes everyday." I open the door. He ruffles up my hair. "Arse. You know I hate my hair being touched." Niall just laughs at this. Jerk. I thought he was on my side. Louis mouths to me 'you told him.?' I mouth back 'ill tell you when he leaves.' He gives me the ok sign we came up with in 10th grade. He then says "the girls and I along with the lads are going to play a game of truth or dare. You're welcome to join if you want.'' My face instantly lightens up. I never turn down a game of truth or dare. Niall gets up and gives me a brotherly hug and kiss on the cheek.

"So I came in hear to read a text?" Lou asks. "Um ya." I grab my phone off the bed side table. I unlock it and go into the messages and hand it to him. "Here you go. Now if you will excuse me I have a game of truth or dare to play." I say and walk out if the room.


Mystery persons p.o.v:

It took me a while but I finally found something i can use against Liz. Louis will be mine again. He forgot about me because of her. And she will pay for that. Oh I should probably introduce myself. Hi I'm Eleonor. I used to be Louis best friend then Liz came into the picture and stole him from me. She is beautiful. But I've been told that I am too, but I don't believe them.

Liam's p.o.v:

The lads and the girls and I were waiting for Liz and Louis to show up. Speak of the devil here comes Liz with out Louis? Oh well. I yelled for Louis to come otherwise we would start without him. I heard someone run down the stairs and fall. "Ow!!" Louis yelled.

"That's what happens when you run down stairs." Elizabeth replied trying not to laugh. He came into the room rubbing is head.

"Let's start."

"I want to go first!'' Elizabeth said. "Ok go ahead. (Ok I haven't played this in forever so tell me if I get anything wrong.) she spins the bottle and it lands on Buffy. Poor girl Elizabeth is the worst when it comes to this. She knows no boundaries. Doesn't bother is though. "Ok Buffy truth or dare?" "Dare!" She says with a smile. And Buffy also never backs down from a dare. Liz smiles evilly and does that evil finger thing, Buffy's smile instantly vanishes.

"Ok Buffy I dare to you to run around the neighborhood in nothing but you underwear signing the Friday song. "Ugh. And if I don't?" She asks.

"Then you have to sleep in the bathtub tonight." Liz says. Buffy starts stripping down and Niall wolf whistles teasingly. Louis hits him on the back of the head. 'Watch it Horan. She's still my sister." Buffy walks toward the door and opens it and runs down the stairs and starts running around the neighborhood. She gets some strange looks from older couples. A few passing teenager guys pass her and wolf whistle. She gives them the bird. Go her. She comes back around and looks embarrassed. Hey that's what happens when you play with Elizabeth. She comes into the house and puts her clothes on. She sits back downs and Niall gives her a kiss. Liz and Haley and Claire all gag. Buffy throws a pillow at them. We all burst out laughing until gives us the "death glare" it's not that scary but on her it's scary. "Ok it's Buffy's turn now. Spin." It lands on Liz. How ironic. "Ok Liz. Truth or dare." "Dare duh." "Ok I dare you to go into the kitchen and get that old lasagna that's in there and eat it." "If I dont?" Then you have to sleep on the kitchen counter.'' "I'll take the counter." "Ok." Liz spun the bottle and it landed on Niall. "Niall truth or dare.'' "Dare." "I dare you to go one week without with Nando's." "if I dont?" "No Nando's for the rest of the month.'' He gasps. "You monster.'' And starts tickling her. "STOP. STOP. STOP" she says laughing. "Only if you say Niall is the sexist man ever.'' "NEVER." she says still laughing. "OK.OK. NIALL IS THE SEXIST MAN EVER." Niall stops tickling her. "There was that so hard." He asks. "Yes it was." She states giving him a kiss on the cheek sisterly and smirking. "Haha so funny!" He says sarcastically. Niall spins the bottle and it lands in Zayn. Zayn looks scared. "Truth or dare?" "Truth!" He always goes for truth. "Ok Zayn is there anyone in this room that you like?'' "Yes, my beautiful girlfriend Scarlett." He says kissing her."

"GROSS! PDA! COVER YOUR EYES.!''Louis and Elizabeth shout. Zayn spins the bottle and it lands on Louis. Zayns smiles evilly. "Louis truth or dare?"

"Truth." Louis says.

"What is your darkest secret?" Zayn asks.

Louis's p.o.v:

He did not just ask that. I looked at Elizabeth to see if it was ok with her and she nodded. And I told them. Everything.... And left the room.

Elizabeth's p.o.v:

I saw Louis get up and I followed him. He was on our bed laying down. I joined him and he pulled me into his arms and held me for a while. He fell asleep a few moments later. After he fell asleep I got up and got my phone. I unlocked it and checked my messages. No new messages. I crawled back into bed with Louis and fell asleep. But before I did I heard Louis say

"I love you Elizabeth..."

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