Chapter 18

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Louis’s P.O.V.:

I was in the car with Sam when her phone went off. She reached down and grabbed it. Her face had a look of shock on it. I grabbed her phone and she didn’t do anything. I looked at what was sent to her and I almost threw her phone out of the car. The message that she got was from an unknown number and it said:

Stay away from Liam or else.

She snapped out of her shock and tried to get her phone back but I wasn’t letting her have it. We pulled up to the station and got out of the car. I walked into the lab and gave the phone to Niall to trace the number. When I got a place and person I wasn’t really surprised. It was Danielle. (I have nothing against Danielle, she is really nice but for this she’s a bitch.) I walked out of the lab with a very pissed off Niall and a slightly calmer Sam which was surprising. I went to the morgue to find Danielle but all I found was Liam and another assistant. I walked over to him and asked where she was. He didn’t know. I told him about the message that Danielle sent and he was pissed. He said that he had explained to her before that they were best friends since we were in 1st grade. He told me that I should tell Paul even though we don’t trust him enough. So I did.

Danielle’s P.O.V.:

After I sent the message to Sam I walked out of the morgue to go home. The one thing that I didn’t put on the application form was my address so they wouldn’t find me. I wasn’t scared of them but I knew what they could do. They could fire me for harassing Sam and threatening her but Paul wouldn’t allow it though. You see he is my dad’s best friend and I have him wrapped around my finger. So I can’t really get in trouble unless I murdered someone.

Louis’s P.O.V.:

When I walked into Paul’s office to tell him about Danielle, but he wasn’t there. I was to walking back out when something caught my eye. It was a piece of paper with those magazine letters to blackmail people. I picked it up a pair of gloves that I just so happened to have. I held the paper up to the light and saw that there was something under the letters. I put the paper in a bag and walked out. I ran into Paul on my way out and he gave me a wave. Thank god he didn’t care that I was in his office. I ran over to the lab and asked Niall to scan it. He said that it would take a couple minutes to come up with results. I walked out and told him to call me when he got the results. This was going to be interesting. 

Liam’s P.O.V.:

I was super pissed at Danielle for what she did to Sam not once but twice. But right now I had to do the autopsy on the three victims. I got to work and took victim number three and set her on a table. I was washing her hair out when something in it caught my eye. It was a piece of a ceramic knife. I started to investigate her head and found more bits of ceramic in it. Also I found a wound on the top of her head that looked like it was caused from a blunt object. I concluded that she was knocked out with something and then killed. Our killer was getting careless. Sooner or later we would catch him. The one person that Kyle had met and talked to was Scar. But Zayn would never agree to put her in danger. I thought of the one person who wouldn’t mind. Liz. Louis wouldn’t be happy, but if it caught our killer then he would go with it. I called Liz and told her about my plan.

(You know how it works, Liam then Liz.)

"Hey Liz, I have a job for you and Louis won’t like it but he can deal with it."

"Ok what’s the plan?"

"You are going to help me catch our killer."


I chuckled at this. I knew that she would want to this.

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