Chapter 20

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This chapter is dedicated to 4everyoung_1D.

Liz's P.O.V.:

We were getting packed up for the trip, when there was a knock on the front door. "Louis could you get that please?" He grumbled and answered the door.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Thomas." i heard him say politely. I went to the door and was shocked.

“Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" Dad gave me a look that said sorry.

"Did you really think we were going to let you go on a camping trip with your boyfriend with 4 other guys?" my mother said. I felt my jaw drop. Louis gently shut it for me. "Mom there is also going to be 4 other girls there. We are all staying in two trailers. One for girls and one for guys."

She narrowed her eyes. "Whatever. We are coming and that is final." I have her a look of pure disgust and walked away. I heard Louis talking to my parents but I couldn't make out anything. I went into the bedroom to finish packing. When I was zipping up the suitcase I heard the door open.

“Honey?” it was my dad.

“What do you want?” I snapped.

“I came to say sorry. I tried to talk your mom out of it, but she is pretty stubborn.” He sat down on the bed. He continued talking while I went into the bathroom to pack my personal items, toothbrush, toothpaste and hairbrush. I walked back out and he was looking at me.

“What?” I asked confused.

“What’s your answer?” I looked at him with confusion clear on my face.

“Would you like to hear the question again?” he asked.

“Yes Please.” I said politely.

He laughed. “Before your mother called and told you we were coming to visit, were you really planning a camping trip?” 

“Um… no? Daddy you know that mom and I don’t get along.” I confessed.

“I know Liz; honestly do you even remember why you don’t get along?” I thought about it for a couple minutes. “Yes I do.”

“Why?” he asked

“Because she is a complete bitch to me.” I said.

“That’s not a reason to not get along with her.” he said sternly.

“Yes it is.” I replied.  He huffed and left the room only to be replaced by Claire.

“Liz… What’s the real reason that you and your mom don’t get along?” she asked sweetly.

“If I tell you, you can’t tell anyone else, not even Louis.” I replied with a stern look.

“Wow I feel honored. You tell him everything.” she said jokingly.

“This is something that he can’t know.” I told her.

“Why?” she asked interested.

“This is something that I learned a while ago, after I first kissed Louis. I learned that my Mom was cheating on my dad. I didn’t want to tell him because I was ashamed.” After I said that Louis walked in.

“How much did you hear?” I asked embarrassed.

“Only that your mom cheated and you were ashamed.” he said walking over to me.

“I’m just going to go.” Claire said and left the room.

Louis walked over to the bed and he laid down. I walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Louis I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you earlier.” I said apologetic.

"It’s fine love; I understand why you didn’t tell me.” he said understanding.

“It’s not fine, you are my best friend and my boyfriend I should have been honest.” I went off onto a rant about how I should have honest with him and he shut me up with a kiss.

“Lizbear when I say I understand I understand.” he said kissing my cheek.

“Ok Boobear.”

Haley’s P.O.V.: 

*At the campsite*

(I’m going to spare you the boring/awkward car ride details.)

When we reached the campsite the view was beautiful. We could see the lake, and the trees were arranged in just the right places. The water looked like it was shimmering and the mountain was just on the other side. It was just breathtaking. I was torn away from my little daydream by arms wrapping around my waist. I looked up and over my shoulder, it was my lovely boyfriend. He pecked my lips and I heard “GET A ROOM.” Of course it was Louis, Buffy, Niall and Liz.

“Get the trailer setup and we will.” I replied. They all smirked. Oh god. I hope they didn’t forget that Liz’s parents are with us. That car ride was really awkward. I can’t believe that I am saying that I missed the loudness of Louis and Liz.

*an hour later*

We were all sitting around the campfire talking and telling childhood ghost stories. Liz’s mom was probably the best at it. She was telling us about when she was 10 and she was with her dad driving home in Oklahoma, they were driving through a nearly deserted town when a stranger in oddly nice clothing asked for a ride. They gave him a ride and about hours in the person told them he had to tend to his screaming children. So they stopped assuming it he meant he had to go to the bathroom. He got out and went into the cornfield that was next to them. He had left the door open and the window down. After 30 minutes her dad closed the door and waited for another hour. After another hour he rolled the window up. Then he waited 2 more hours before deciding to leave. When he was leaving and he looked in the rearview window the person was chasing them at top speed on all fours like a freaking animal. (True story. Only it was my science teacher.) After 30 minutes or more I had to use the bathroom. I got up, gave Harry a quick kiss and left. The bathroom was a 10 minute walk from the campsite and was kind of creepy. I was walking back when I heard rustling in the bushes. I instinctively shined the flashlight to where the sound was coming from but didn’t see anything. So I kept walking. I heard the rustle again but figured it was nothing. I could see the fire and everyone sitting around it. Before I could even set foot on the campground someone grabbed me from behind and I screamed.

“Don’t scream.” I screamed anyway. I heard running feet and laughing. I felt the hands and hot breath leave. I got up and swiped all the dirt from my clothes.

“Oh my god Haley! That was some scream.” I heard Harry’s Cheshire accent say.

“You are all dead.” I said threatening. He acted scared and ran. I ran after him but felt another pair of hands grab me and I don’t think this time it was a joke.

“Don’t scream!” I heard a unfamiliar high pitched squeaky annoying voice.  I screamed anyway again. I felt a sharp object poke my back.

“I said ‘Don’t Scream.’” I screamed again. I felt the knife poke into my back more. It was worth it.

Harry’s P.O.V.:

I heard Haley scream and knew that she had walked into our little trap that the gang had set up. I ran over to her and laughed. “Oh my god Haley! That was some scream.”  She looked at me and said.

“You are all dead.” she threatened. I acted scared and ran away. I heard her feet running after me and then they stopped. I continued running to the campsite when I heard a scream that would haunt my nightmares for the next month.

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