Chapter 9

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Louis p.o.v:

I was laughing so hard right now. Claire was still stuck in her chair, while me being me was laughing and trying to help her get out. But failing miserably because I kept laughing. "Louis when I get out if this chair you are so dead!" She threatened.

"Oh I'm so scared." I teased her. I finally got her out and she started chasing me out of the kitchen and all around the house. I ran into Liam's room and closed the door and realized the lock was on the outside. "well that's stupid." I said.

"haha Louis I have you now!" I heard Claire say evilly. I heard the click of a lock and tried to open the door. It wouldn't budge. "Great just great."

Liz'z p.o.v:

I heard and saw Claire chasing Lou around the house. Crazies. I got up and ran to the bathroom and locked my self in there. I knew that after Claire had Louis she would come after me. That's normally how it goes. I was in there for an hour playing temple run when I got a text from an unknown person. I hesitantly open it. It read

Bitch, back off Louis or else I'll tell him your little secret.

-A(yes A from pretty little liars for those of you who know who that is)

Ok I was officially freaked out. They couldn't be talking about what happen between Louis and I before him and I dated could they?

+Flash back+

"Hey Lou you called?" I asked confused.

"Ya we need to talk." he said with a straight face. Ok he was never this serious before. What's going on.

"What about?" I asked getting a little scared.

"Us." He said looking at me straight in the eye.

"Louis what are you talking about?" after I said that I felt a pair of lips on mine. My brain barely had anytime to register what was going on. Our lips moved in perfect sync. We pulled away and his face had a shocked look on it. "Oh my god I am so sorry." he said quickly.

"No don't be." and I pulled him into the car. We drove to my house and it went from there. At least we stopped before it got to serious though.

+end flash back+

Louis and I never told anyone about that day. How could anyone have found out?

*later that day*

Louis p.o.v:

I was taking a walk down to the park with Buffy when my phone went off. "Do you mind if I get this sis?" "Not at all. Ill meet you at the park." I gave her a kiss in the cheek and she turned and walked toward the park. I answered the phone with out even checking the caller ID.


L: "Hey babe!"

E: "Louis? Someone found out about that day."

What the hell is she... Crap that day the day that we vowed never to speak of again, even though we are dating...

L: "How? We never told anyone."

E: "I don't know. But I have the text to prove it.

L: "Ok Love, I'm on a walk with Buffy right now though. Ill be home in 2 hours tops. Will you be ok until then?

E: "Yeah... I have the rest of the girls here with me and Niall surprised me by showing up."

Thank god at least Niall was there to protect her.

L: "Ok well bye Babe... Ill see you soon ok?"

E: "Ok, bye."

And I hung up after that. I put it I the back of my mind and walked over to Buffy who was sitting on a bench about 5feet from where I was. "Hey Buffy did you hear?" I asked.

"Um ya. You sounded worried. What's wrong Louis?" And I told her EVERYTHING. When I was done she said

"Wow Louis. Why did you keep this from me?" She asked shocked.

"Because... I don't know why." I said ashamed.

"Ok I forgive you but in the future tell me. I am your sister after all." I smiled. We got up and walked toward the park.

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