Chapter 6

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Liam's POV:

*Back at the lab*

As I was walking back to the lab my phone rang again. I pulled out my phone and saw the caller ID and instantly smiled. It was my girlfriend Claire. (Played by Claire_201)

(Claire Liam)

L: Hey babe what's up?

C: I heard what happened. Was anyone hurt?

L: Not that I know of. Why?

C: Because I wanted to know. My brother was there and my boyfriend and my best friend.

L: Right.

C: Yeah so what happened? Of course I already know that the house blew up but I don't know the rest of the story.

L: Well after we got Zayn out of his predicament the bomb squad went in the house and 5 minutes later they ran out yelling for everyone to get away from the house. Then the house exploded.

C: Wow really?

L: Yup well I got to go. I have a dead girl to investigate.

C: Ok byeeeee. I'll see you tonight.

L: Ok bye babe.

I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket. Of course she would hear about it from harry or Haley. They are the most important people in her life except for me. I got to the morgue and put on my apron coat thingy and got to work on the dead girl.

Claire's POV:

Hey I'm Claire. I come off as a quit nerdy girl but once I get comfortable with someone I am perverted, hyper, funny and crazy. I have a weird obsession with kittens. I have a pale complexion with brown curly hair and green eyes. I am dating Liam and I am Harry's sister. Now on with the story.

After my conversation with Liam ended I hung up my phone and threw it on my bed. It was 3 in the afternoon and I was still in my pajamas. Liam and the rest of the group were coming over at 7 to have a movie night. They have been working really hard and needed a break. We were going to watch "the exorcist, the ring, (love/hate that movie) scream and the strangers. All scary movies.

Zayns POV:

After Haley and I were done moving into Louis apartment, I walked over to Starbucks and ordered a Hot Cocoa for Haley and me. I was sitting down in chair waiting for the cocoas to finish when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Haley.

(Zayn Haley)

H: Hey Zayn. Would it be alright if Scarlet came with us to movie night?

Z: I guess. You'll have to check with Liam and Claire though it's their idea.

H: Ok thanks Zayn I'll call them now.

Z: Alright bye Haley.

H: Bye Zayn.

I hung up the phone and called Liam knowing that right after Haley would forget to call Liam or Claire.

Z: Hey Liam

L: Hey Zayn what's up?

Z: Could Haley bring a friend with her to our movie night?

L: Sure the more the merrier.

Z: Ok cool thanks Liam.

L: Who does she want to bring?

Z: Scarlet.

L: The one that you like?

Z: Yes that one. I'm thinking of asking her to be my girlfriend tonight.

L: That's great! I'll see you then.

Z: Ok bye.

I hung up and texted Haley.

(Haley Zayn)

Z: Hey. Liam said that you could bring Scarlet.

H: Awesome. She's here right now so I'll tell her.

Z: Ok I will see you in a couple.

H: Ok bye.

I put my phone away and got up to get the hot chocolates. The barista was looking at me with lust in her eyes. She barely had any clothes on if you could even call them clothes. "Hey I have a girlfriend so stop staring." I snapped.

"Really? Does she give you what you want? I can." She said seductively.

"Yes she does. I don't need sluts to give me what I want. All I need is her." I said annoyed.

"Ok whatever pretty boy here's my number if want anything." I just walked away and left the store. I went to Louis house and opened the door. "Haley the cocoas here!"

"Finally!" I heard her run down the stairs and another pair of feet with hers. "Hey Scar." I said.

"Hey Zayn is one of those for me?" She asked eyeing my hot chocolate.

"No?" She laughed at my question statement.

"It's alright ill share with Haley." Haley stared at her.

"NO you won't. My precious." She stroked the cup like smeegle from Lord of the Rings. I laughed at her horrible impression. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. All there was to eat was carrots. And Lou would get mad if ate them so I walked away and went to my makeshift room.

*during the movie*

As we were watching the movies I could tell that scarlet was getting scared. I went over to her and put my arm around her, she immediately cuddled up next to me. "Scar?" I whispered timidly.

"Ya?" She whispered back.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked nervously.

"YES" she whisper yelled. Everyone shushed her. She crashed her lips into mine, I smiled through the kiss. As we were kissing the lights turned on.

"AH MY EYES MY INNOCENT EYES!" we broke away and looked at Louis and Liz who were covering there eyes. "you guys are not innocent." I said.

"How do you know?" Elizabeth asked. "Because I just do." I replied.

"Works for me." She said and went over to Louis and sat in his lap. Haley walked over to me and Scar and smiled. "I knew it would happen at some point. But Zayn if you hurt her don't forget I know where you live." she said sternly but playfully.

Scars pov:

Yes he finally asked me. I was so excited. I crashed my lips onto his and felt sparks.. His lips were so soft and tasted like apples. It was perfect till the lights came on. I heard Louis and Elizabeth yelling "MY EYES! MY INNOCENT EYES!" I laughed softly. Haley came over and gave her congrats and her warning that I also laughed at when she "threatened" Zayn. She knew that I could deal with him.

Mystery Persons POV:

I saw Zayn talking to the barista. My plan was going perfectly. I knew that he liked Scarlet and that he would not want anything to do with the barista. I saw him walk out of Starbucks and I waited a few seconds then went into Starbucks. I went over to the barista "Did it work?" I asked.

" Yeah it did." She said.

"Awesome my plan is going according to plan." I said to myself.

"What is your plan exactly?" She asked confused.

"I want to destroy those lads life like they destroyed mine." I turn toward her and ask "What's your name?" "Amy."

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