Chapter 22

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Haley's P.O.V.:

All I remember was having a cloth bag being thrown over my head, and being dragged into a car I think. I think I was knocked out because when I woke up I was in a chair with my hands and feet tied to the chair. There was a single light hanging from the ceiling shining dimly. Classic kidnap situation. The person who I am guessing kidnaped me came into the room. From what I could tell it was a man. He walked toward me and stepped a little into the light. It was someone I thought I recognized but I didn't. He had jet black hair; he was tall with a bit of a beer belly. He was wearing glasses and his white shirt was stained. (Classic). He walked over to me and got right in my face. I could literally smell the beer on his breath.

"Listen bitch, you are here because you and your friends got my son arrested."

I looked at him in confusion then it hit me. "Andrew was your son? We didn't get him arrested, he did that himself." He slapped me. I could feel a bruise forming already.

"No he didn't. He just wanted his girlfriend back." he said clueless.

"Liz? If I recall he broke up with her." I said.

"No that's not true. She broke up with him." he said standing up and walked in a circle around the chair. I tried to follow him as best as I could. "

Why would Liz lie about that? She loved him. I was with her when Andrew broke up with her. It was Andrew who never loved her. He cheated on her and broke her heart." I said stating a fact.

"No that is not how it went." he said getting defensive about his son. What was with this guy? It's obvious that he has no idea what he's talking about. I looked at him, opened my mouth and was greeted with another slap.

"I do not want to hear another thing about my son." I looked at him.

"I was going to ask for water." I said.

"Oh." He went upstairs and ten minutes later he had a bottle of water and a plate of food. He grabbed a chair and sat down. He started to eat. He opened the water and drank it all. He handed me the bottle and laughed. Asshole.

Haley's P.O.V.

"I have to use the bathroom." I said. Andrews dad got up from his chair and undid my ropes. He pulled me up by the arm and pulled me up the stairs. He opened the door and the bright light blinded me. He led me to a bathroom and said

"Go, but don't even think about trying to escape. Knock when you are done." He shut the door and I waited a few seconds before feeling for my phone. I found it in my boot and unlocked it. I had 10% battery left. I saw 91 missed calls. 25 from Harry, 10 from Liz and Louis, 5 from Buffy, 20 from My brother, 15 from scar, 4 from Claire, and 2 from Niall.

When I finished looking at my missed calls I had 5% battery left. I went to the window and it had bars on it. I took a picture of my surroundings and lucky me it had a street sign. I sent it to Harry and my phone died. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. Who knows what happened in here? This bathroom was disgusting!

I knocked on the door. Andrews dad opened the door and he took my arm again and led me out into the Living room? There was an old couch with stains (blech) on it and 2 guys. Uh oh...

Harry's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the Living room on the couch running my hands through my hair thinking. I haven't slept since Haley went missing. So a week. I got a message and it was Haley's ring tone, Here Comes Forever by R5. Her favorite band. I scrambled to get it and I unlocked it and saw a picture. It was a picture of a yard with a street sign. She was telling us where she was! I called everyone downstairs minus Liam because he was at work and told them that I knew where she was.

Louis's P.O.V.

I was in mine and Liz's bedroom comforting her when Harry called everyone down. Liz got up and ran downstairs.

"Well?!" I heard her ask.

"She sent me a picture and it just so happened that it had a street sign." I came downstairs just as he said that.

"Great. Let's let Luke and Lily know." Zayn said.

"Zayn, her parents left yesterday. They got called onto another mission." I told him.

"Oh..." he said.

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