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Four years later...

Abbie's POV

"Jake, Juliet messed up the carpet again!" I said staring at the living room floor. It had dark brown stains like hand prints.

"Oh shit, sorry baby I take up some calls and leave Juliet eating cake by her self. I'll just clean the mess." He walk to the back door to get some cleaning stuff and started wiping the stains our three year old baby girl made.

I sit on the sofa stretching my aching legs. I always experience cramps these days, well it's normal if your nine months pregnant and you have a gigantic belly.

We are having our second child, being pregnant is never easy. Jake takes a vacation three weeks before my due date so we can prepare for the birth.

I am now working at my father's company as the President. I start at the bottom and after three years and a half I reach my position. I want to prove to my subordinates that I'm in my position now because of my skills and not because I'm the daughter of the CEO. Jake quit Mr. Jenkins company and started his own security service here in Greensboro.

We got married two months after the proposal. I find out that I was pregnant to Juliet Aubrey Watson in our honey moon. We bought a house near my father's mansion so they can visit their grandchildren more often. Mom and Dad always visit whenever their at home because they travel a lot. It was like they are having a honey moon every month.

Our house is a four bedroom Victorian style house, there is a park near by where Juliet loves to go and play in the field with other kids and feed the ducks on the pond.

"Mommy I wan to vishit Ant Wisha. I want to play wit Worence" Juliet said sitting beside me, touching my belly.

"Later baby we will visit Aunt Lisa but first let's clean your hands and face. Come on." I guide her to the bathroom and clean her.

"Mommy wen is baby coming out? Can I play wit him?" She asked blue-green eyes staring at me innocently.

"We have to wait for two weeks before the baby comes out princess but he cannot play with you because he is still so little you have to wait when he grows up." I explained to her.

"Oh, okay! I'm clean now. Can we go now mommy? Pwis, pwis!" She said excitedly using her best puppy dog eyes at me.

"I'll just tell daddy, okay." I agreed kissing the top of her nose.

When I move to Greensboro Lisa and I always visits each other whenever we have time. When she gave birth to Lawrence, Randy surprised her and bought a house near our place so whenever she wants to visit they have a place to stay.

"Jake are you done? Juliet wants to visit Lisa and I need some stuff so we can drop her off then head to the grocery." I asked him when we exit the bathroom.

"I'm done baby, I'll just wash my hands and we're ready to go." He said making his way to the bathroom.

It's a fifteen minute drive to our house to Lisa's place. The minute the car stops in front of the drive way Juliet leap on her seat, opened the door and run to the house.

"Be careful princess!" I shout getting a hard time to climb out of the vehicle.

"Come here baby." Jake walks to my side and help me out.

"Ahh...I'm as big as a whale." I mutter feeling irritated.

"Don’t worry, you’re the hottest whale I have ever seen." Jake whispered biting my earlobe sending shivers run down my spine.

"Stop that Jake someone might see us." I slap his shoulders but he just shrug.

"I don't care, they can't blame me if I have a very beautiful and pregnant hot wife. Who I love very much even if she's so bossy when she is pregnant." He said putting his arm in the small of my back and lead me to Lisa who is waiting patiently on us beside the door.

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