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Abbie's POV

I can get used to waking up every morning with Jake beside me, It's like receiving your dream toy in Christmas day. Watching him when his still asleep is my favourite hobby now.

It may sound creepy but I like the way he snore softly and the peacefulness in his face. The way he sighs and murmur inaudible things was so cute.

"Good morning sleepy head." I greeted him when he opened his eyes.

"Good morning baby." He sleepily replied.

"I made breakfast, come on let's eat." I said tugging his arm.

"Hmm...I don't want breakfast, can we skip to desert?" Eying my peach baby doll lingerie.

"No, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eat first maybe you will get your desert later." I persuaded him to come with me.

I prepare pancake, bacon and eggs. We eat heartily on the counter.

"Wow, can I sleep over here every day if my breakfast would always be this good." He talks with his mouth full of pancakes.

"I'm glad you liked what I cooked for you, can we make it every other day? I want to sleep in your bed too." I smiled and feed him with bacon.

"I like that, you in my bed." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

I kiss the tip of his nose and stand up.

"You have to say the magic word first." I utter putting my plate on the sink.

"What?" He didn't hear me.

"Nothing." Shrugging my shoulders.

I'm falling too fast for him, so fast that I'm afraid that I can't save my heart this time.

"Abbie I have something to tell you." He mutters at the same time my phone ring.

"Wait a second, it's my boss." I told him and answer the phone. I have an urgent meeting with a client at nine and it's now seven thirty.

"Jake what do you want to say?" I asked.

"It can wait, I'll tell you some other time. Get ready for work you’re going to be late. I have to meet my boss too, layers baby." And with that he kissed my lips and exits my apartment.

I arrived in the office with a good mood, nothing can ruin my day even that bitch Martha.

I enter the conference room five minutes early. I fix myself a cup of tea before my boss and client arrived.

"Good morning Abbie." My boss Mr Lewis greeted from behind me.

"Good morning Sir would you like some coffee." I face him and greet him as well.

"Make it two, our client Mr Williams is with me his just taking a call outside." And like on cue a man entered the door.

I look up to see emerald green eyes just like mine staring at me. I forgot to breath, I feel like a bucket of iced water was pour down on me.

"Mr Robert Williams I would like you to meet my star architect Ms Abbie Collins." Mr Lewis introduces us.

My voice got stock in my throat. I don't know what to say. There are so many questions running on my mind right now.

Why is he here? Did he know that I'm his daughter? What should I do?

"Hmm.. a pleasure to finally meet you Mr Williams. I hope my designs meet your expectations." I cleared my throat and compose myself. I greeted him shaking his hands.

The warmth of his hand feels so foreign to me.

"I'm delighted to meet you too Abbie." He's staring at me like he is so thrilled that he finally meet me. He said my name like he is savoring the moment and he shake my hand with both of his hand squeezing it firmly.

I'm taking deep breaths all throughout the meeting trying to calm myself. I want to ask him a lot of questions. I want to know the truth. Did he try harder?

"Abbie I'm relaying on you to handle this project. I'm leaving to London for the expansion the company is planning. I know you can do this." Mr Lewis said before leaving me with Mr Williams in the conference room.

"Sir as I was saying, you can see I revise the design of..." Discussing the plan but was cut off.

"Abbie please look at me." Mr Williams said.

I cannot look at him. I don't want to because if I do I will lose my control and I don't want that, I cannot let him see that I'm weak.

"I know that you already know that I'm your father. I tried to find your mother. I really tried but some circumstances prevent me to search further." He explained but I didn't say a word.

"Why now? Why here?" I speak after a moment, silent tears falling in my eyes.

"I hire a private investigator to find you and your mother. I don't know how to introduce myself to you so I thought being your client would be a better way to meet you." He sighs.

"I'm so proud of what you've become I can see that you live a successful life. Your mother raises you well even without me." He said calmly but I can see the agony reflecting in his eyes.

"You're twenty five years late sir." I mutter.

"I know that my child. If I could turn back time I would have let your mother explain to me. We could have been happy, you could have grown up with a father but unfortunately those didn't happen." He tried to reach my hands but I pull it. Taking a deep breath he continues.

"The night I saw your mom with Tony my world collapse. I'm so angry at them that I didn't need any explanations, what I see was all I need to know. I drank every day to forget about Aubrey. I loved her with all my heart and soul. Samantha my friend was the only one who help me to recover but her presence was not enough." He had tears in his eyes. Recalling the events of the pass while I listen intently, eager to hear the answers to my questions.

"I talk to your Aunt Mary but she doesn't know the exact address of your mom. All she knows is that she lives in New York." He rubs his hand in his face exhausted.

"I tried to find your mom, a month pass but no luck New York is a big city. One day I got drunk and take a drive to look for her again that is the day you were born. I feel so depressed that I wasn't there when you came to this world. My car crash, I didn't remember anything about the accident when I woke up. Dad was the first person I saw, he said I'm in a comma for three months. I'm lucky I survived the accident." He sniffs and continue.

"I suffered from a head trauma, broken ribs and limbs, I recovered after a year. Dad spoke to me, he want me to give up searching for you and your mom he's afraid that I will have an accident again. I give in to his request to ease his mind I focus on my studies but the both of you never leave my mind." He stare at me his eye sincere and full of sadness.

"When I graduated Dad immediately retired from his position in the company and gave it to me. I became the CEO at a very young age and because of that I want to prove myself to him I want to succeed, so I focus all my time to the company. I didn't have the opportunity to continue my search. I bury myself to work, even having my own family was out of my mind. I didn't marry because in my mind there is only one woman that I want to be with me for the rest of my life and that is your mom."


This chapter is dedicated to my father who passes away a long time ago. Tatay I missed you so much! I hope you and nanay are happy together, wherever the both of you are. I love you!

Song for this CHAPTER

Dance with my father again by Celine Dion

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