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Jake's POV

I've been waiting impatiently for Abbie outside our tent. I wonder what swimwear she wears.

I take off my short and shirt to get ready for a swim. I already have my trunks on. Putting my clothes on the folding chair I spot Abbie standing outside the tent.

Are my eyes deceiving me or there is a really hot woman waiting for me beside my tent?

I can't look away from her. She's wearing a navy blue bikini which complements her creamy white skin. I thought when she's wearing the purple dress she's perfect but today she exceeded my expectations. Her body is not thin which is good coz I like my girl with curves and she got all the curves in the right places.

"I can see you’re ready for a swim." I smirk and stare at her eyes.

"You too, let's go?" She self-consciously asked.

"But first I want to show you something." I take her hand.

We walk towards the Fire Island Lighthouse and climb the stairs until we reach the top. Up here you can see the best view of the beach and the Fire Island coast.

"Wow! It's so beautiful here!" She said enjoying the view.

"Not as beautiful as you." I said looking at her back.

She turns around suddenly and bump into my chess. I hold her shoulders to help steady her, she put her arms around my neck. She looks up and our eyes meet. I was mesmerized and didn't realize my face move inch by inch closer to her until our lips touch and I lost all my self-control.

It was different from our first kiss I can feel the hot desire pouring in our every move. She tightened her arms around me to pull my body closer to her.

I cannot help but to feel her body, every inch of her skin. I want to memorize every detail of this kiss.

When we pull apart, I cannot believe that we've done it here on top of the lighthouse. She's been looking at her feet and her face looks red from embarrassment. She doesn’t have anything to be uncomfortable so I put my index finger under her chin to lift her face so I could look into her eyes.

"Abbie I like you, I like you like I've never like anyone before. I.." I blurt and then was cut off when Abbie starts kissing me again. I can feel her smiling on my lips.

"I like you too Jake more than you'll ever know." I heard her say. I was relieved that she felt the same for me.

I hug her and give her one last kiss before we go for a swim.

The sun was starting to set in the sky. I start to make fire to keep us warm for the night. We make s’mores while talking.

"Wait I want to know more about you." Abbie said eager to know me.

"Okay, I'm twenty nine years old from Charlottesville Virginia. My mother Olivia is a teacher and my father Henry is a police man. I have an older brother Jayson his enlisted in the marines like me. I committed four years of my life in service then I quit and got my current job." I told her.

"Wow! You were in service that explains why you have a hot body." She blurt then her eye widened and blush when she realize that she said those words out loud.

I chuckled at her reaction.

"How about you, your family?" I asked her.

"Well I'm twenty five years old. You already met my mom she's a cook, we should visit the restaurant she's working sometime. I grow up here in New York. My mother raise me by herself, I grow up without a father I just know his name is Robert Williams."

The night sky was full of stars. We lay on the mat that I put beside our tent, her head in my chess I can smell her vanilla and lavender scented hair. We watch the stars in the silent night, our breathing was the only sound you could hear.

"I want you to be my girlfriend Abbie, will you allow me?" I asked her tightening my arms around her.

"I want to be yours Jake." She replied.

My heart want to burst with joy, I cradle her face in my hands and kissed her passionately under the stars.

I check my watch and it's only nine in the evening. It's still early to sleep so I played some love song in my phone.

"May I have this dance?" I stand up and extend my hand to her to help her stand.

"My pleasure." She accepted and smiled at me.

I put my hands in the small of her back and pull her closer to me, her hands slowly sliding from my shoulders to my neck. The sensation and the warmth of her body giving me all sorts of feelings that I have never experience before.

We dance staring at each other’s eyes, there's no words needed to express what we feel inside because our heart's heard what our mouths can't speak.

After four songs Abbie yawn.

"Baby are you sleepy?" I asked her, she's so cute.

"Yeah, it's getting late and cold out here." She yawns again.

"Alright let's go inside the tent, I'll keep you warm beside me." I said smirking.

"Oh you’re such a pervert!" She slaps my shoulders laughing.

"What! A guy could hope." I said and shrugged my shoulders smiling at her.

We lay side by side inside the tent I could feel that she is a little bit awkward about our position. I snuggle in my blanket but I'm still cold so I pull her beside me and cover our body with my blanket.

Two hours have pass but I'm still awake. I can hear her breathing rhythmically beside me, she's in deep slumber.

I can't sleep I'm so overjoyed that she is mine now.

I stare at her sleeping face, I want her beside me forever. I fell asleep staring at her beautiful face.

I woke up feeling something tickling my face. I open my eyes to see Abbie's face over me, her hair flowing like a waterfall around her face. She's staring lovingly at me.

"Good morning!" She said blushing because I caught her watching me sleep.

"Good morning baby." I greeted caressing her checks.

We got up and had breakfasts and take a quick swim before going back home.

I walk Abbie to her door and kiss her lips slowly, tenderly.

"I don't want to go home yet." I said tucking some loose strand of her hair behind her ear. I let my fingers linger on her cheeks.

"Me too." She said glancing at me.

"How about I sleep over?" I suggest.

"I would love too." And she pulls me inside her door.

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