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Abbie's POV

I was awakened by the ringing of my phone. I check the clock and it's only four thirty in the morning.

“Hello?” I answered sleepily.

“Hello Abbie, I need your help I think Randy is cheating on me.” I heard Lisa speaks on the phone.

“He what! Are you sure? Because I don't think he can do that to you specially now that your almost giving birth.” I reason with her, I was wide awake now.

“No! Listen to me first, I have a feeling that he's doing something behind my back and because he's a man the first reason is he have an affair or he's doing something illegal.” She mutters.

“Lisa what your saying is insane, do you have any proof?” I asked her.

“Well, oh right! When he's taking calls he always go far away from me so I cannot hear him and he didn't done that before. One time I walk to him reading something in his study he immediately put the papers in his drawer and lock it there. I tried to open that drawer when his at the office but I didn’t see anything its empty. Maybe he put those papers in another place or something.” She explained.

“You have a point there, if I was you and Jake was doing those things I would get suspicious to.” I utter thinking of the possibilities.

“See, now I want you to help me find out the truth. We will follow him all day today. He's still sleeping. Wait for me in the back yard at exactly seven o'clock and bring your car so we can follow him and do our own investigation.” She said then hangs up.

I was here in New York for vacation, Jake was with me he have some meeting to attend. Lisa is nine months pregnant now so I was worried about her, she didn't need this stress in her condition.

I got up and make breakfast for us, by the time I showered and dress Jake woke up.

"Baby your early, were you going?" He asked.

"I'm meeting a colleague this morning they have some proposal for Dad's company." I lied and I hate lying to him.

"I'm going out too, would you want me to drop you off?" He asked eating his breakfast.

"No need, I'll drive my self. I'll go ahead okay, see you later." I said and make my way out.

I parked my car a block away from Lisa and Randy's house. I'm here in their back yard hiding in a large tree, It's been ten minutes pass seven but still no sign of Lisa. I'm getting impatient.

"Lisa where are you?" I mutter to my self.

"Psst...psst!" I heard from somewhere.

"Abbie, I'm here!" I saw Lisa wiggling her index finger at me to come where she's standing.

"What took you so long? Is Randy still there?" I walk to her side.

"He just drove off, come on let's go." She said and waddle to my car.

"Where to?" I asked her.

"Wait a minute, I'll just turn on this app I downloaded where you can track someone's phone." She plumbed with her phone.

"You know Lisa you seem to be staker-ish." I said shaking my head.

"Okay it's on, I'll tell you the direction and you just drive." She said rubbing her hands.

"Okay, I'll do what you say, just don't stress so much over this." I say and start to drive.

After fifteen minutes of following Randy's car he park at a restaurant and exit his car carrying a briefcase.

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