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Abbie's POV

I was alone in the balcony, looking at the view of the garden below. I feel a little bit tipsy but I can manage.

Suddenly someone hugs me from behind, I was startled and nervous that this man will hurt me.

"Abbie it's me, please forgive me." I heard his voice and relief wash over me.

"Let go off me Jake." I said remembering all the lies and hurt that he caused me. I tried to loosen his hold.

"I'm not letting you go Abbie, not now, not ever!" My heart skips a beat hearing those words coming from his mouth but I'm not going to believed him easily this time.

"Jake please just let me go." I pleaded and he released me. I turn around and face him.

It hurts that his so good looking, it hurts that I need to control my feelings for him because I don't want my heart to break anymore.

Taking a deep breath I look into his face, I missed those ocean blues, those lips...

"Jake I..." I don't know what to say to him, I'm at a lost of words.

"Abbie just listen to me first please, I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you. It was a protocol in the agency and I need to abide the rules." He said holding my hands.

"Yes I lied to you about my work, about you as my assignment but my feelings didn't lie to you, all those moments that we shared together, all those memories that we build, it was me and my heart that is with you in every moment." He looks into my eyes pleadingly.

"I lo...You are special to me Abbie, from the very first time our eyes met I know you are one of a kind." He said kissing my forehead and hugging me tight.

I close my eyes and repeat the words that he said over my mind. I'm special to him.

"Abbie am I forgiven?" He asked anxiously.

"Am I really special to you?" I utter shyly biting my bottom lip.

"Of course you are, silly!" He answered smirking at me.

"Okay I forgive you but in one condition."

"What is it?"

"Never lie to me again and buy me some ice cream it's really hot in here."

I said giving him my puppy dog eyes.

"Ahhmm.. I think that's two conditions baby. I can do the first one but I don't know if I can give you the other one." He said pretending to think with his index finger tapping on his chin.

"Oh no you don't! I need my ice cream now!" I said pulling his hands and lead him to my car.

I ate my ice cream silently on my seat stealing glances at Jake every other time and when his looking at me I adverted my eyes to other direction so he will not know that I'm looking at him.

I missed him, four days feels like an eternity being away from him. How can I manage when I already decide to move here in Greensboro.

Jake's POV

I can watch her all day and never get tired and repeat it again the next day. I almost told her what I really feel about her but I think this is not the right time to say it. I want that moment to be special.

"You know you're so cute when you're eating ice cream." I said looking at her beautiful face.

Her cheeks instantly reddened at my complement, I have to calm my self or else I will kiss her senseless in front of this people.

We drive back to the mansion and I decided to talk to Mr. Williams to ask for his permission, I want to date her daughter and I want to prove to Abbie that I'm really serious about her.

Walking through the hall I scan the crowd for Mr. Williams I saw him talking to my boss Mr. Jenkins.

"Abbie can I leave you for a second? I'll just talk to my boss, I will be back." I kiss her cheeks and walk away.

I strode to their direction determined.

I'm a few steps away from them when Mr. Williams saw me.

"Jake, I'm glad you came. I hope your enjoying the party." Mr. Williams greeted me shaking my hand and tapping my back.

"Congratulations sir! Thank you for inviting me here." I said nervously.

"Don't mention it. Enough of the formalities you can call me Robert from now on." He told me smiling.

"Robert, I want to talk to you about Abbie." I said straight to the point.

"What about her?" He asked furrowing his eye brows.

"I want to court your daughter, she's very special to me, I love her and I'm here to ask for your permission." I told him releasing the breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"You're brave young man, Does she feel the same way to you?" He asked amusement in his tone.

"I think she does sir." I said looking at Abbie's direction and she glance at me too waving her hand smiling.

"If that's the case who am I to deprive my own daughter of her happiness." He said smiling at me.

"But remember Jake if you hurt her I'm the first one to hunt you down." He told me sternly.

"Yes sir I promised." I said honestly.

"Hey! I've been looking for you everywhere." Aubrey said holding Robert's arm.

"Love I'm just talking to Jake, he asked my permission to court our daughter." Robert explained.

"Oh Jake! You don't need to court Abbie, I will be glad if you marry her as soon as possible. I know she loves you." She smiled at me charmingly.

"I will do this the right way Aubrey, she deserved to be cherished."

After talking to Mr. and Mrs. Williams I look for Abbie. She was watching the dancing couple's, I walk to her direction.

"May I have the pleasure to dance with a lovely lady like you?" I held out my hand and bow a little in front of her.

"The pleasurable is mine sir." She curtsy and place her hand in mine.

I place my hands in the small of her back pulling closer to me, her hands in my shoulders. We sway slowly to the music staring at each others eyes.

"Have I told you that you're so beautiful Abbie?" I whispered making sure that my lips touch the side of her ear.

She shiver at my gesture, I felt satisfied that I can affect her like this.

"Jake stops teasing me." She said breathlessly with hooded eyes.

"If you only knew Abbie, I'm using all my self control when I'm this near you."


Song for this CHAPTER

I won't give up by Jason Mraz

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