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Jake's POV

I don’t know how to tell her and even if I do it's against my protocol. Maybe I'll take my chances because she's worth it.

I called Abbie and she answered on the third ring.


“Abbie can we meet today? I have something to tell you.” I asked her.

“Oh! Hi Jake, I'm busy today can't you tell it to me now on the phone?” She said.

“No, I want to talk to you personally.” I feel anxious.

“Okay, we can hangout tonight at my house. If you like?” She suggested and I feel relief.

“Okay tonight sounds good. I missed you baby, laters.” I said then hung up.

When I drop the call my phone rings again. I thought Abbie forgot to tell me something but it was another number that I have been dreading to call.

“Good day Mr. Williams, how may I help you?” I answered.

“Detective are you free today? I want to personally thank you and I have something for you.” He said.

“Yes sir, what time? I'll be there.” I asked.

He gave me the address to an expensive restaurant. I don't feel comfortable in places like this but if my client wants it there then I'm in.

I saw him seated in a corner table and approach him.

"Good morning Sir!" I greeted him.

"Detective, good to see you. Sit down." He stands on his seat and shakes my hand.

"I just want to give you an invitation for my wedding this coming Saturday. It will be held on my mansion in Greensboro I hope you could come because this event will not be possible without your help." He said handling a glossy envelop to me.

"Thank you Sir, I'm honored to be a guest in such event." I said accepting the invitation.

"Jenkins didn't disappoint when he said you can handle my case very well. Your very efficient in your job, I'm so thankful that you found them easily. I don't know how to thank you enough Detective Watson, for looking over Aubrey and Abbie. Here is the completion of my payment and a bonus check for your services." He said handling a brown envelop to me.

"It's a pleasure to be of service to you Mr. Williams. I'm happy to get the job done, until next time." I said and stand up.

I'm about to leave when my eyes landed on that familiar emerald green eyes.

"Jake what are you doing here?" She asked me, confusion written on her face.

"Abbie I..." I stutter. I didn't know what to say to her.

"Abbie your early, anyway meet Detective Jake Watson. He is the person I hire to find you and your mother." Her Dad said introducing us.

"Nice to meet you Detective." She pretends that she didn't know me and extended her hands to me.

"Like wise Miss Collins." I grab her hand and squeeze it. Cold sweet run down my forehead. I want to say something to her. I want to explain.

"I also instruct him to be your security when I'm not able to fly here when he found you." Mr. Williams added.

"And when is that?" She asked her eyes narrowing at me.

"About two weeks ago."

At this moment I know Abbie hated me.

"Dad can we proceed with our meeting." She said ignoring me.

"Okay dear." Mr. Williams answered.

"Detective." He acknowledges me and shakes my hand. I looked at Abbie but I cannot read what she's feeling right now.

I immediately left, I'm at a lost of words.

I drive to the apartment and wait for Abbie to come home. When I heard footsteps outside my door I immediately opened it and approach her.

"Abbie can we talk?" I asked her placing my hands on her shoulders.

"Jake please not now." She mutters and enter her door.

"Abbie just hear me out okay." I pleaded and reach for her hand but she gesture for me to stop.

"I don't want to talk about it. It's clear to me now that your just here to find me and for my security and nothing more so please just leave me alone Jake." She told me and closes the door to my face.

Panic immediately eat me alive, I know she's hurt about what she discovered. I didn't mean to lie to her. What will I do, how can I convince her that my intentions are pure.

The next day I tried to reach her by calling her phone but she never answered any of my calls.

I thought I should give her time maybe if she cools off then she will give me a chance and talk to me.

I can't take it anymore! It's been two days since I last saw her. I want to talk to her, hold her, see her smile again and kiss her. I missed her so much! I need her! No... I love her!

Realizing what I'm feeling for her I run to her door. I need to see her badly.

"Abbie please open the door, talk to me!" I said knocking.

"Please Abbie I'm sorry I didn't mean to lie to you. Please just let me explain!" I shouted but still no response from her. I think she's not home.

I tried calling her phone but it's off. Contemplating what to do my finger hover on Lisa's number. Should I call her?

The phone rings and rings, waiting for her to pick up feels like eternity to me but in reality it was just seconds of waiting.

“Hello?” She finally answered.

“Hi Lisa it's me Jake, do you know where Abbie is? I need to talk to her." I said in a hurry.

“Wooh, hold it there matey.” What's the rush? She asked.

“Uh, me and your friend had a misunderstanding and she's not answering her phone.”

“Oh that's bad! That means she's really angry at you, I've known her for a very long time and that's for sure.” She blabs.

“Thanks, that's really helpful.” I said sarcastically.

“Oh sorry, I'm a bit distracted. I'm eating this heavenly chocolate cake you know, your ruining my moment. Anyway she's in Greensboro now for the wedding. I think they left last Wednesday.” She explained.

“Okay, thanks Lisa. Bye!”

“Good luck!” I hear her say before I hung up.


Song for this CHAPTER

It will rain by Bruno Mars

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