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I have a meeting with Dad today over lunch. I'm finalizing my designs for my last project when my phone rings.

I pick up without looking at the caller id.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Abbie can we meet today? I have something to tell you.” Asked Jake on the other line.

“Oh! Hi Jake, I'm busy today can't you tell it to me now on the phone?” I asked.

“No, I want to talk to you personally.” He said.

“Okay, we can hangout tonight at my house. If you like?” I suggest feeling excited that I will see him again.

“Okay tonight sounds good. I missed you baby, laters.” He said then hung up.

I'm going to invite him to come with me to Greensboro this weekend for the wedding, I hope he could come.

I've finish early so I decided to come to the restaurant that I and my father would meet.

Entering the door I saw dad in a corner table talking to someone when I approach them I didn't miss to hear what they were talking about.

"Your very efficient in your job, I'm so thankful that you found them easily. I don't know how to thank you enough Detective Watson, for looking over Aubrey and Abbie. Here is the completion of my payment and a bonus check for your services." Dad said handling an envelop to the man.

"It's a pleasure to be of service to you Mr. Williams. I'm happy to get the job done, until next time." The man said and stands up. His voice was very familiar to me.

I was a few steps away from them when he faces my direction. Our eyes meet and confusion instantly crosses my mind.

"Jake what are you doing here?" I asked him, surprise written in his face.

"Abbie I..." He stutters.

"Abbie your early, anyway meet Detective Jake Watson. He is the person I hire to find you and your mother." Dad said walking beside me his arms on my shoulder introducing me to Jake.

"Nice to meet you Detective." I pretend that I didn't know him and compose my self. I extended my hands to him.

"Like wise Miss Collins." He grabs my hand and squeeze it like he want to say something but I ignore it.

"I also instruct him to be your security when I'm not able to fly here when he found you." Dad added.

"And when is that?" I asked Dad but my eyes were on Jake.

"About two weeks ago." My heart sank, he's been lying to me all along.

"Dad can we proceed with our meeting." I said to Dad but all I want to do is run far away from Jake as far away as possible.

"Okay dear."

"Detective." Dad acknowledges Jake and shakes his hands. I just looked at him expressionless.

He left without saying a word, he left me with a broken heart.

I have been playing with my food all through out lunch, I lost all my appetite. How can I eat when all I want is to cry in my bed and be alone.

"Abbie are you okay? You didn't eat anything." Dad was watching me with concerned eyes.

"I'm okay Dad, I'm just not hungry." I answered.

I'm on my way home, I didn't come back to the office I'm not feeling well.

My legs felt heavy walking up the stairs, if I have somewhere to go I will not be staying here.

Opening my door Jake exited his and approaches me.

"Abbie can we talk?" He asked touching my shoulders.

"Jake pleases not now." I exhale and enter the door.

"Abbie just hear me out okay." He pleaded and tried to reach for my hand but I hold my hand up as a sign to stop him.

"I don't want to talk about it. It's clear to me now that your just here to find me and for my security and nothing more so please just leave me alone Jake." I told him closing the door as tears slide down my cheeks.

Why do I always fall for the wrong guy?

I cry my self to sleep that night. Even my bedroom reminds me of him. My pillow smells like him. How could I be such a fool to think that I would be important to him. I'm just an assignment, a job, a client that he has to find and protect.

I cannot concentrate on my job so I take three weeks leave and fly early to North Carolina. The chances of me and Jake walking on each other in that apartment were high so I convinced my parents to leave.

My heart needs space to heal and a new place to move on. Moving to Greensboro was more appealing now than anything.

Dad's place was massive, he lives in a white mansion, with concrete pillars, high ceiling and expensive paintings on the wall.

The maid led me to my room, we climb the grand staircase to the second floor, the hallways are wide and adorn with antique vases and paintings. We stop in front of a solid wooden door, she opened it and put my luggage beside the queen sized bed. The room has light aqua blue walls and curtains with darker shade.

"Miss Abbie your walk in closet is in the right door and the bathroom is the door on the left. I'm Sara your personal maid, if you need anything just call me ." She said.

"Sara you don't have to call me miss, Abbie will do." I said amused.

"If that's what you want miss... I mean Abbie." She said smiling shyly.

"Do you need anything?" She asked.

"No I'm okay. You can leave me now." I said.

I think I will like it here. I didn't expect my father would be this rich. He said when he handle the company it was just a small construction firm, because he focus all his time in operation he didn't realize that he started building an empire.

I was enjoying the view on my balcony when my phone rings. It was Jake but I don't have the courage to answer his call. I turn my phone off and head down the stairs, maybe I need some fresh air. The rose garden outside seems appealing to visit.

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