Part 11

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Michael pushed me off of him with the quickness and got out the jacuzzi and ran to his mother "Mom what are you doing here in Paris?"

"Well i wanted to surprise you and see your show but my flight came in earlier then i expected and i wanted to spend the day with and Tatiana told me and Joseph you were up here relaxing but it looks like you're doing more then relaxing"

I felt a little embarrassed and i know Michael did too. He scratched his head "Ummm i was just having breakfast you see that's Samantha my personal chef and she was just um demonstrating something for me"

I shook my head boa he's the worst liar lol. His mother raised her eyebrow "Demonstrating sure"

Michael chuckled a little "Mother would you like any breakfast I'm sure Samantha wouldn't mind cooking a little something would you Samantha?"

He turned to me and I shrugged "Sure what do you have taste for?"

His mother raised her eyebrow "Surprise me"

I smiled a little "Give me 30 minutes to whip something up"

She nodded giving me a dirty look which intimidated me a little. I quickly got out the jacuzzi grabbing a towel wrapping it around me and quickly got the elevator and went down to my room. I changed my clothes and went into the kitchen wondering what am i going to make for Michael's mom. Whatever i make it has to be good because i'm pretty sure his mom thinks i'm a groupie whore that works for her son. I stood in the kitchen thinking of what i could cook then i had a sudden craving for chicken and waffles and think thats exactly what i'm going to make. I started cooking and it only took me 25 minute to finish. I squeezed some fresh orange juice and set the dining table a little nice. There was a knock at the door then it opened with Michael and his parents walking threw. He smiled at me "It smells wonderful in her doesn't mom?"

She shrugged "Yea i guess it does"

They sat down at the table and i went and made their plates and sat it in front of them and Michael's dad took a bite "Damn Mike you actually got a cook finally"

Michael smiled and glanced at me "I know she's the best"

His mother rolled her eyes and cleared her throat and looked at Michael "Michael where is your wife?"

I flinched a little when that came out of her mouth and his smile dropped and he scratched the back of his neck "I think she's still in the room"

"Well don't you think you should invite her to eat"

Michael looked at me then back at his mom and groaned "Sure i'll go get her"

He got up and walked out the room to go get his pet and when he went into his room you can hear mild arguing and his mom glanced at me then at her husband and scoffed. After a while Michael and Tatiana came back in the room looking very pissed off at each other they sat at the table and i made Tatiana a plate and literally slammed it on the table. Michael smirked and i went and say on the couch so they can enjoy their breakfast. A couple minutes went by in complete silence until Michael's mother sat her cup down "Tatianna?"

"Yes Ma'am" She said in a very fake voice

"When will i be getting some grandkids?"

She spit out her drink and coughed a little "Umm i don't know me and Michael are thinking about another two years for kids"

I shook my head because i know she's lying threw her teeth. I wish i could say something about being pregnant with Michael's baby it's clear that his mother wants him to be a father just as much as he wants to be a father. Michael raised his eyebrow "We are?"

Tatiana gave him a nasty look and before she could say anything Michael's dad cleared his throat "Umm Katie let's go i'm sure Michael has to get ready for his show tonight"

Michael shook his head "Oh no i don't Joseph i was actually planning some me time"

Michael snuck a peak at me biting his lip i smiled almost blushing. I guess his mother caught where Michael's eyes were and slightly sighed "Instead of spending time to yourself why don't we all go out Me you Tatiana and Joe i miss spending time with my son and his wife"

Michael rolled his eyes a little and Tatiana looked a little irritated like she already had something planned. "Okay mom we can go out"

She smiled and they all stood up and walked out the door with nothing else being said. I sat back on the couch and sighed i guess i'll be alone today with movies and my tiny love. I turned on the tv to catch the middle of holiday hart on and ended up drifting of to sleep....

Hours later i felt soft kisses on my neck and some warm hands on my hips. I opened my eyes to see Michael sitting next to me. He smiled "Hey beautiful how long have you been sleeping?

I shrugged rubbing my eyes "I guess all day i fell asleep right after ya'll left"

He giggled and kissed my lips "Well i missed you baby"

"I missed you too how was your day with the family"

He rubbed his chin "If you mean how my mother kept bringing up how she saw us in the jacuzzi this morning every time she got me alone and how she feels some tension between me and Tatiana then it went great!"

I laughed "i'm sorry i got you in trouble with your mom"

"You didn't baby she just likes Tatiana too much but i'm sure all that will change when she realizes that she's nit gonna give her the things she wants like grandchildren"

Here's your time to tell him you're pregnant Sammy just spit it out. "Your mom really wants you to be a dad doesn't she"

He nodded "Yea more then anything can i ask you something Samantha?"

"Yea Michael"

He grabbed my hand "If i asked you to carry my baby would you?"

My eyes got wide i wasn't expecting him to say that. I really need to tell him that i'm pregnant i'm gonna do it now "Yea i would but i really gotta tell you something first"

"Can it wait till later baby i gotta go prepare for my show and then afterwards i'm going to cone back here and rip every inch of your clothing off and make sweet love to you until we fall asleep"

I bit my lip "I like the sound of that"

"Then after that we have to pack up and leave i promised my mother that i will take a two month break from my tour to go to marriage counseling"

I let go of my lip and made a face. He just to ruin the moment and my time in paris "Whatever"

He gently grabbed my face "baby don't do that i love you and i promise after every session you're gonna be the first one i kiss"

He kissed my lips "I gotta go okay but remember what i said about to night"

I nodded and he got up and walked to the door and turned around and blew me a kiss and mouthed 'I Love You Sammy'

I blushed and mouthed 'I Love You Mikey'

He smiled and walked out the door. Of course i spent that night alone until his concert was over and he did keep his promise about coming back and making love to me. I just wish that he didn't promise his mother he'd go to counseling with Tatiana i wish he'd would get a divorce and make a family with me and our baby. Let me hush because sure it's just the hormones talking.....

Thanks for reading :)

Next part coming soon!!!

P.s Sorry that it's short and boring i was actually rushing and i wanted to make what should have been at the end of this chapter it's own chapter sooo get ready for some drama ahead!

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