Part 1

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My graduating class threw our caps in the air as they announced that we are officially the graduating class of 1987. My best friend Chelsee hugged me "Sammy we finally did it we're going to California tonight!"

I smiled "Yea i know can't wait" She let go of me and picked up mine and hers cap and headed to see her family. My smile slowly faded away as i looked down ay my diploma. Truth is i'm not as happy about moving to California as Chelsee is i'm only moving there with her because i don't want her out there alone. What i really want to is go to culinary school so i can be a five star chef one day. I'm broken out of my thoughts when me dad runs up to me grabbing me into a big bear hug "My Sammy bear you did it i knew you could always do it"

I laughed "I did daddy now i'm off to California tonight"

He frowned "I know and i'm going to miss you and you better call us everyday"

I laughed and my mom walked up behind us "Darius put the girl down we have to get her home to change and pack"

My dad reluctantly put me down and we took some picture and went home. I looked around me room for the last time. I really can't believe i'm doing this. I'm leaving behind my whole life here in Alabama my parents my room my house. But i'm sure if my dad has anything to do wit it it's gonna feel like i never left because he'll be calling all day and video chattiong me all day i'll never get a break from him. I giggled at the thought and my mom came in my room and put her arm around me "Promise me when you get to California you follow your dream and become the awsome chef i know you are"

I smiled and hugged her "I promise i will mommy"

She smiled and handed me some papers "Here are some ads for cooking jobs to start your career"

"Thank you" I heard Chelsee's parents beep there horn so we can be taken to the airport . I kissed and hugged my parents and grabbed my bags and left. i guess it's time to start my new life. We got dropped off at the airport and got on the plane. Thank god we are in first class and i got a window seat. Ten minutes after the plane took off Chelsee looked at me "How exciting is this Sammy? We're on out way to California" She has this big goofy smile on her face.

I can only smile at her "Yea Chels its pretty cool"

I guess she sense the gloom in my voice. She nudged me "Sammy i know this is a big change but look on the bright side you can get a job now and in a few years you can have your on show and restaurant"

I smiled "You're right i'm gonna call some of those numbers my mom gave me to find a job"

She hugged me and laid her chair back to take a nap. Chels is right i don't need school to become a huge chef i'm sure one of these jobs will get me going to the top. I looked at the paper my mom gave me and it was two ads on there one for a head chef for a restaurant and one for a personal chef. I think i'll take my chances with the personal chef. I dialed the number and it ranged a few times then i heard familiar voice answer. "Hello"

"Hello my name is Samantha James and i'm calling about the personal chef job you have listed"

There was a brief moment of silence "Oh yeah umm how old are you?"


"Hmmm and you can cook?"

"Yea i was the head chef in my school's cooking club"

"Okay well text this number your address and tomorrow and i'll send a car to pick you at 7 am and you can make me breakfast for me and i'll see if you have the job or not"

I smiled "Okay thank you sir"

"Don't mention it" with that he hung up and i just sat there with a smile on my face. This is it i get to show my skills to somebody other then my family and friends. I popped in my earphones and turned on my Michael Jackson/Jackson 5 playlist and texted that number the address to the place me and Chels will be living at.

A few hours later the plane landed and we went to our new home. Chelsee put her bags down and smiled "Home sweet home"

I giggled and went up to my new bed room and unpacked my bags. When i got finished i called my dad. He answered sounding happier then a kid on christmas morning. "Sammy!"

"Hi daddy"

"How was the flight?"

"Well minus the ear popping it was alright"

He laughed "The best thing to do for that is to chew gum it always worked for me and your mom when we went on our honeymoon"

"Okay daddy i'll try that next time i'm on a plane look daddy i'm real tired and i have a job interview tomorrow so i'll talk to you tomorrow give mommy a kiss for me"

"Okay baby i love you"

"I love you too bye"


I hung up the phone and literally flopped on my bed and passed out. The next thing i know Chelsee is waking me up "Sam there is a guy here for you to take to do a interview"

Shit! I hopped up "Tell i'll be down in a second i over slept"

She nodded and left i got out the bed and took a shower and put on some black jean shorts and a Mj shirt and let my hair hang down. I grabbed my phone and ran down stairs the guy that was standing smiled "Miss James are you ready to go"

I nodded and he looked at my shirt and laughed a little and escorted me to this black Cadillac escalade. The windows were very dark so i couldn't see outside the window so the ride was pretty boring. The car stopped and the driver said something to someone that was outside then my door opened and couldn't believe what i was seeing. I smiled big and looked down at my shirt feeling a little embarrassing. I looked back up "You're Michael Jackson and this is Neverland"

He laughed "Yea and you must be Samantha"

I smiled "Yea and you're more beautiful in person" I quickly covered my mouth feeling embarrassed that i said that"

He bit his lip "And you are nothing i imagined you to be"

What does he mean by that. He grabbed my hand "Let me show you my kitchen i'm starving"

I nodded still kinda in shock this beautiful man is holding my hand i would have never dreamed of this. He led me inside his house and omg it huge and beautiful literally fit for a king. He took me to his kitchen "This will be your office that is if you satisfy my hunger"

I giggled "I'm sure i can if you tell me what you want"

He looked me up and down "Eggs and waffles would be nice"

"Okay give me about 30 minutes"

"Okay i'll be back then"

With that he walked out of the kitchen. And i'm just standing there in awe i'm actually about to cook in Michael Jackson's kitchen. I took a deep breath and began to make homemade waffles with a strawberry sauce on top and powered sugar and scrambled some eggs. Once everything was finished i began to make Michael's plate and sat it on the table in front of me. Michael came into the kitchen and was hand in hand with this tall skinny girl with curly hair Michael looked at me and smiled "Samantha this is my wife Tatiana and it smells great down here"

She looked at me with eyes to kill. I completely forgot he got married and i don't know how anybody can forget that it literally started a riot people was was throwing stuff at her car and saying she only wanted him for him money and that was two years ago. She looked at Michael cutting her eyes at him like she was mad at him but he really didn't pay her any attention.

He sat down and stated his food. He closed his eyes like he was satisfied with what he was eating which i really hope he is. He looked at me and smiled "Samantha you have yourself a job"

My eyes got wide and i jumped up and down screaming. I can't believe it i'm going to be Michael Jackson's personal chef! Michael laughed and Tatiana rolled her eyes and left the room. I got all my screaming out "Sorry about that"

"That is totally understandable" His smile is soo hypnotizing i'm completely lost in his pearly white teeth to the the point where i'm spaced out. Michael snapped his fingers "Samantha did you here me"

I shook my head "I'm sorry what"

"I was saying i hope you aren't busy tomorrow and for the next four months because i start touring tomorrow"

"Umm i get to go on tour with you"

He nodded "Yes girl that is what the ad is really for because i hate plane and hotel food and T.t can't cook you see i'm skinny for a reason"

I giggled "Hell yea i'll go"

"Okay then i'll see you tomorrow morning"

He got up and shook my head and walked me out to the car that drove me home. This is the start of a dream come true i never thought i would meet Michael and i never thought i go on any of his tours and i damn sure never thought i'd be cooking for him on a daily basis i can't wait to tell Chelsee about this....

Thanks for reading :)

Next part coming soon!

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