Part 9

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Hours later i'm laying in my bed feeling completely numb replaying the scene that happened between me and Michael this morning in my head over and over. How can i be so stupid to sleep with Matt and not think Michael wouldn't react the way he did. Tears started to fall and my phone started to ring. I turned over praying that it's not Matt i looked at my phone and smiled a little when i saw Chelee's name "Hello"

"Hey Sammy what are you doing?"

I sighed "Laying down a little depressed"

"Aww do you want to talk about it Sammy"

"No maybe when i feel better"

"Okay should i call you back"

"No i miss you"

She giggled "I miss you too Sammy"

"What are you doing Chels?"

"Getting my hair fixed for the next scene"

"I can't wait to see your movie"

"I can't wait either I'm gonna call you back in about ten minutes okay Sam"



She hung up and i put my phone back on the table and turned back over. After about 5 minutes of laying there i heard what it sound like my door being unlocked open and closed then felt somebody get in the bed with me. I already knew who it was but i didn't bother to turn around and say anything because i really don't want to see him right now. He put his arm around me and whispered in my ear "Baby i'm sorry i should have never put my hands on you like that"

I shrugged him off without saying anything i felt my tears coming and i just don't wanna cry anymore because the more i cry the more stupid i feel for letting this happen. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face him. I closed my eyes so i wouldn't have to look at him. He grabbed my chin and gently kissed me "Please look at me baby i'm sorry"

I shook my head "Please just leave alone"

He pushed my covers back and push me on my back "No i'm not gonna leave you alone until you forgive me"

He got between my legs and pulled my pajama pants off. I opened my eyes and looked at him "Michael stop please"

He smiled "There's those pretty eyes"

I almost found myself blushing until i was ambushed by his tongue swirling around on my clit and found my self moaning mixing it with a whine. I grabbed his hair trying to push him off but he grabbed my leg pulling me closer to his face and started sucking my clit. "Oh god Michael please"

I groaned and threw my head back biting my lip moaning loud. He stopped and came up and kissed me while undoing his pants and taking himself out. He broke the kiss "You still want me to stop"

I nodded and he smirked "Well i'm not baby"

With that he slowly slid himself inside of me with long deep thrust. I moan biting my lip ugh why does he have to do this to me. He started to pick up his pace up and grab my hands and held them above my head.

I squirmed a little "Shit Michael please"

He leaned down and whispered in my ear "Tell me you love me Samantha"

I moaned as he kept thrusting a little harder he licked my ear "Tell me baby tell me you love me"

I bit my lip "Michael i lo-i'm sorry"

I choked up and started crying all my guilt and stupidity invaded my mind. Michael stopped and just stared me watching me cry for a good 5 minutes before he pulled me up to sit up. "Samantha stop crying now"

I put my head in my hands and just sobbed. He pulled me into a tight hug "Shhh please don't cry Samantha i'm sorry"

I looked up at him wiping my face "You don't need to be sorry i brought this on myself if i wasn't being so stupid and didn't sleep with him i would have these bruises on my face and your hand print around my neck"

He kissed me "I shouldn't have acted that way i regretted putting my hands on you the moment i walk out that door And heard you crying i was just so angry please forgive me"

I smiled a little "As long as you forgive me"

"I forgive you baby and promise i will never put my hands on you like that again i love you Sammy"

I blushed at that i love you sammy. I smiled "I love you too Mikey"

He smiled and pushed me back down and guess you can imagine what happen......

*4 weeks later*

After leaving all that Matt drama in Alabama me and Michael basically spent every waking moment together except for when he had to go to his shows then fuck his wife after which annoys the hell out of me. We're now on the outskirts of paris France which i actually can't wait to go for two weeks tomorrow i got so much i wanna do. I'm sitting across from Michael smiling at him he looked up "What?"

I shook my head "Nothing just can't wait for paris it's the most romantic place in the world"

I smiled "Yea it is but we have a small problem"


"I have to spend most of the time with Tatiana"

I rolled my eyes "Of course you do she's your wife"

He giggled and leaned over and kissed me "Don't be like that Sammy i know the the thought of me being with her makes you sick"

I nodded "It really does i actually have to go puke excuse me"

He laughed as i got up and ran to the bathroom. He thinks i'm playing but i really gotta puke.......

Thanks for reading :)

Next part coming soon!!!

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