Part 4

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Next morning i woke up with my head pounding and my phone alarm ringing really loud. I grabbed my phone and turned it off trying to figure out how in the hell my alarm got turned on in the first place. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and saw Michael sitting in a chair in front of my bed. He smiled "Good you're up i was getting lonely"

"Huh you were waiting on me to get up"

He nodded "Yea thats why i set your alarm for 7:00 by the way Michael Jackson may not be the best password for your phone"

I laughed a little making my head hurt more. He got up and grabbed a cup off the table and gave it to me "Drink this it's Lemon tea it helps with a hang over"

I drunk the tea a little and it's actually good. All of sudden i started to remember what i believe is a dream i had. I looked at Michael rubbing my head. He smiled "What"s wrong?"

"Umm i had a weird dream it's kinda embarrassing i was uhh"

He laughed "Let me guess you were on a date and you found a sexy stud like myself in your room and he kissed you taking you beyond cloud nine"

I slowly nodded how is he inside of my dreams "How did you know that"

He walked up to me and kissed me "That wasn't a dream baby i almost had you in that bed but you were to drunk"

My eyes got wide. Is he serious he's married "But you're married"

He shrugged "So that don't mean i can't want you"


"But nothing i'm only going to tell you this once Samantha i don't take no for an answer i get what i want and what i want is you and i'm gonna have you to myself and trust me when i say i can become a real asshole when i don't get my way and people disobey me okay"

I stared at him not knowing what to say to him. He smiled "I think we have an understanding i'll see you later for lunch" He kissed me on the cheek and walked out of my room. I finished drinking my lemon tea and grabbed my phone to call Chelsee she is the only person that will stop my mind from spinning right now. She answered "It's very early Sammy"

"I'm sorry i really need to talk to you"

"About what"

"I had a date last night and it went great but i found myself kissing my boss and before you ask no i wasn't on a dat with my boss"

She gasped "Sammy omg! Really you went on a date"

"Chelsee Ne'Kiyah Tanner that isn't the point the is that i kissed my boss just thinking it was a dream and it wasn't"

"Damn use my government name why don't cha and were you drunk when this happen"


"Well there you go if you were drunk you can pretend like nothing happened"

She acts like that will be easy because he's already talking about he wants me and cheating on his wife "I hope i can act like nothing happen"

"You can i know you Sammy look i gotta go and get in the shower i'll talk to you later and Samantha whatever you don't let that drunk kiss make you fall for your boss because you don't want to be on the bad end of that relationship okay?"

"Okay chels bye"

She hung up and i sat there thinking about what she said. She knows all to well about falling for the boss i remember when she worked at the thrifted store back in Alabama and she got with her boss and he ended up dicking her over when she broke up with him after her parents found out. I called my dad because i really miss him i didn't get to talk to him yesterday. "Good morning Sammy"

"Good morning daddy what are you up to?"

"Just laying next to your mom watching her sleep"

"Awww that's sweet daddy"

"Yea what are you up to princess?"

"Oh nothing daddy about to make myself some breakfast"

He groaned mixed with a giggle "Don't muss your hot breakfast's in the morning"

I giggled "You're not missing much daddy i'm making me some oat meal from a packet"

He laughed "taking the lazy way out huh"

"Yea pretty much daddy"

I heard my phone beep to let me know i had a incoming call. I looked at the caller i.d and it was matt "Daddy i have to call you back somebody is on the other line"

"Okay Sammy i love you"

"I love you too daddy bye"

He hung up and i switched calls "Hello"

"Good morning Samantha how are you feeling this morning"

"I'm good Matt just have a little hangover"

He laughed a little "Same here would you like to go out for breakfast with me"

"Umm i can't i'm sorry"

"It's okay would you like some company"


"Come open the door"

I raised my eyebrow "You're in the hallway"


I quickly hung up on him and got up and ran and opened the door and pulled Matt inside and made sure no one was around and saw him come in. I defiantly didn't want Michael to see him because the way he was talking earlier i wouldn't want to see what he capable of. Matt sat at the table "What happen last night when you came in"

I laughed thinking about Michael in here "Nothing really fell in bed a passed out"

"That's exactly what i did I must admit i had a great time with you last night at the Mj concert and the drinks after"

I smiled and went to the kitchen to make my oatmeal "Yea me too"

He stood up and followed me into the kitchen "We should do it again before your boss leaves town and takes you away"

I giggled and put my bowl in the microwave "Yea sure my boss actually is leaving bthe day after tomorrow for a new city"

"Guess that gives us today and tomorrow to hand out unless me and brutus follow you to the next town"

I fake giggled and got my oatmeal out and went and sat on the couch and turned on the tv "Well it be a little creepy and dangerous if you and your dog followed me so i guess we're gonna hav to just hand out here"

He sat next to me and put his arm aroud me and laughed "I can do that"

We sat there for about 3 hours watching the morning cartoons. I really like Matt's company he's funny and smart and he gets me i just can't stop thinking about Michael though and how something bad might happen if he finds out. And speaking of Michael i have to make him and his thing of a wife lunch. I got up and went to the kitchen and started cooking some italian sausage and mac n cheese from scratch. I finished and realized Matt was standing behind me. I turned around "You like what you smelling?"

He nodded "Yea i actually do"

I smiled "Well after i make these two plates you can dig in"

He smiled like a kid on christmas morning. I giggled a little and turned around and made Michael and Tatiana's plate. I told Matt i'd be right back and grabbed the plates and went to Michael's room. I don't want him or Tatiana walking in and spotting Matt. I knocked on the door and Michael opened the door zipping up his pants sweating. He smiled at me "Oooh food i was just about to come and get that what made you bring it to me instead beautiful"

I blushed at him calling me beautiful i almost want to tell his pretty ass the truth that Matt is in my room but i'm not "Umm just wanted to be nice"

He bit his lip and was about to say something until Tatiana called for him "Mikey hurry up i'm not done giving the best b.j ever"

Ewww thats nasty. I handed Michael the plates "Well i'm going to let you get back to your blow job"

Michael laughed "I'll see you later"

I rolled my eyes and walked back into my room and locked the door and went and sat back next to Matt "If you hear any screaming coming from next door don't worry it's just my boss and his wife having sex"

He laughed "Okay can i ask you a question"


"Have you ever had sex?"

I coughed a little and embarrassedly laughed "Umm no i have never had sex i've been kinda waiting for the right guy you know"

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear "What if the right guy was sitting in front of you right now"

I'm a little lost for words now i don't know how to answer that. Before i know anything Matt's lips are coming towards mine and just before our lips touch we heard a loud thud "OH FUCK YES MICHAEL!"

I rolled my eyes "There they go this is going to be a while"

Matt laughed "How long is a while"

"Hours" And boy wasn't it hours. It literally got to the point where we turned up the tv and we still could hear them. This is ridiculous they aren't considerate of others.

Six fucking hours later they finally stop and me and Matt are just laying in my bed playing a game on my laptop. Matt looked at me "How do you put up with that i didn't think it would end"

I laughed "I can't deal with them i'm going to have to use my ipod for now on"

"More then just ipod you need ear muffs too"

We both laughed and there was a knock out the door and i literally jumped out of my skin. I hope that's not who i think it is. I got out the bed and went to the door and looked out the peephole and my heart sunk as i saw Michael standing there with his shirt off and in his black pants and his hair down with a little bit of curls covering his face. Damn he's sexy i stared at him biting my lip until i was snapped back into reality when Michael knocked on the door once again. I took a deep breath and slightly opened the door to where my head can peak out and he can't see in. I smiled "You need something"

"What i can't come into a room i payed for now"

I shrugged "Well it's a little dirty i have clothes everywhere"

"Within nine hours it's dirty you're still in the same shit you had on when you went to sleep"

I sigh boa can't he take a hint. I was about to say something until Matt open his mouth "Samantha who's that at the door?"

I groaned and Michael raised his eyebrow and smacked the door making it fly open smacking me in the face. I looked at him and he was huffing and puffing staring at Matt with eyes to kill. I rubbed my face "Thanks for smacking me in the face with the door Michael"

He looked at me and i quickly shut my mouth. He looked back at Matt "I think you should leave like now and do not return and forget her number"

Matt slowly got out of my bed and slowly walked towards the door keeping his eyes on Michael. Matt glanced at me "Bye Samantha"

I waved at him and he left. Michael slammed the door and turned to me and walked towards me. Backed up until my back was touching the wall and Michael's nose was literally touching mines. He bit his lip "I'm only going to let this slide once since i caught you off guard this morning with me wanting but so god let me see him around you again or catch you talking to him i swear you are going to wish i never hired you you understand"

I slowly nodded and he smiled and grabbed my face planting a deep passionate kiss on me making fireworks pop in my head. He broke the kiss "Since it's just only four come with me to see more of new york"

I smiled "Okay let me get ready"

"I'll be back in 15"

He kissed me on the cheek and left out of my room. As much as i want to be pissed at Michael for running Matt away like that i can't one he's my idol two he's just so sexy and i kinda like the way he's demanding one second and sweet as cherry pie the next...

Thanks for reading :)

Next part coming soon!!!

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